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in my boat with a knife
floating on a silent, blue sea
what a serene beauty
bewitched by the cursed one
my boat is drowning
the moment's grace to draw the knife

climbing up high to touch the clouds
gray mountains are challenging me
my leg slipped, i'm falling down
the moment's grace to draw the knife

for me blue is a shade of gray
happiness is an illusion
always ending up in the same old cage
where death keeps a hold on my thoughts
an inner turmoil that is never at peace
poetry i write,
from every dying fragment of me
in search of closure,
I kneel on the ground
and pray to the god of sky
and ask him to take back gray
give me my blue sky
In search of solace,
I met a lot of travelers
With stories of unrequited love and
Hope for love in their eyes

The drought ended after 50 days
For to be back at my door in 5 days
A friendship built on love bond
The bond broke, I’ve nowhere to run
I turned into a ghost, never slept through the night
Cried all day long, a never ending torture
Without getting sight with tears in my eyes
sacrificed on the name of joke
became laughing stock of the group
my friends reflection in the mirror
appears rather dull than bright

rust entered in the open wounds
scars that cover my whole body
friend is a word to use with care
growing ivy does not make them rose
my dead silent heart
and covered in magoa
longing for something beautiful
that can lethe my pain
and set me free

a savior is all I seek
who can cast the right spell
who can revive a soul dead
who can fulfill promises
who can stop the rain red
betwixt the chaos and happiness
i'm feeling something
in the tranquil nature of wind,
in the tranquil sounds of birds
in the tranquil calmness of the pond
i see a reflection of mine
and hope for the eternal peace
to put out the fire
to challenge the eldritch figure
who has destroyed my home

i've been vexed by my haunting dreams
i've been vexed by the actions i take
each step i take feels like dying
each breathe feels like perishing
each thought feels like confined
time to quell this nearer or beyond the horizon
clouds of uncertainty surrounds this question
all i know is a place in my mind
where tranquility takes over my soul
i’m still at the same place
sitting by the same old lamp
where we penned
a tale, a poem, a song for the ages
while listening to same old music

in void of your voice
and the letters you used to fly
from your place
i’m wishing on every star
for a force to come by and tell me
is it over now or is it an illusion?

my mind is my graveyard
a death place of my happiness
that keeps stabbing daggers
by bringing back memories

i looked up your name
not once, twice or thrice
but thousands of time with my each cry
i see you’re doing good
by locking me in a cage
and throwing away in the sea with the key
leaving me to drown and die
in a dream
one full moon ago
i met a gardener
who lifted my curse
he took all my memories
and planted them as seeds
he then asked, “which to get rid of?”
i took a deep breathe
my hands started to shake
and heart beating like crazy
then i replied,
“stories i painted with my blood as ink”
“ash from their  stick to my skin”
after that,
all my memories grew out as different flowers
each with different, different meanings
he pulled out those memories
“who were ******* my blood and
burning my skin”
then i heard my sister’s yelling
and opened my eyes
only to realize
it was just another dream
that will never come true
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