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They find ways to argue
                                      with their inside voice
                                                                              so that when anyone asks

They can say I was just being dramatic.

                                                                                    I pretend to not listen
                                          Keep my headphones on
Ignore my own inside voice

                                                                                And pretend its all okay.
too caught up with
to be writing poetry.

its all
circulation notes, immunology test
trigonometry with the tangents and roots
the middle ages, why Christians were jerks
3D printing rocket ships and bridges from sticks
the fifty-paged reading assignments
and, pourquoi est-ce que je n'ai pas tiempo?

but wait, its all wrong
falling behind, failing with 85s
of course it wasn't B *******,
and it was Franks all along
structures don't meet the load capacity over mass ratio,
and the hypothenuse - opposite - adjacent ratios tangle,
like how spanish is now undifferentiated from french
and theres still fifty pages of reading

and still assignments due 11:59
get it right on time
before and after Christ
the rise and fall of Rome
the fall of your sanity, rather
and heck, just ******* lie!
say that enzymes denature and B cells die
and the reason you cry is for your innate defenses
and pathogens and
not because its too much
its too much
its too much

who has time for poetry?
****, who cares about poetry?
me? hah, don't care about nothin',
just that I'm still fifty ******* pages behind.
school has been stressful as ****. I feel like theres constantly projects and tests and I've been going to sleep near midnight every night and I haven't had free time in forever.
I just feel tired, honestly.
I'm a spectator, maybe even an occasional commenter,
But my borders limit me.
The bubble, it magnifies everything,
And shifts waves so that I see all in a different light.

It's truly beautiful,
But you have to understand how my world view and experience is different from yours.
An ant to you can be a world to me.
Often, its too much,
But you think I'm just being dramatic.

Its isolating, to be trapped within it.
I can't quite reach out to others,
So I'm always just at the border.

I graze my fingers over the surface.
Just past it, normalcy.
I'm so close
Yet so
Your greatest poem.
Its okay if its not perfect yet,
You have time to make edits.

Don't mind the typos and awkward bits,
The "flaws" of it all is what makes it you.

It is to be dedicated to you and you only.
**** what others want,
This isn't about them.

This poem is constantly evolving.
It doesn't have to make sense,
As long as its truly yours.
I'm stale, spoiled, way past my due date
And yet I'm still here, in the back of the fridge.

I know the cold is meant to keep me around for longer,
But the prolonging was meaningless when my demise was inevitable.

I'm without purpose, without notice
I'm not quite sure why I'm here really.

I wasn't supposed to be around this long.
Just pour me down the sink already,
Theres no chance I'm getting better now.
I am the apple that fell off the family tree.
They say I don't fall far,
and its true.
Its impossible to completely rid of my roots.
But I still have the power to do what those stiff branches were too stubborn and fixed to:

Grow from their flaws and generational hurt.
Plant the seed of healing which will grow with the generations to come into a new tree with deeper roots and riper fruit.

It hurts to detach myself from my history,
But it would hurt more to put my children through the same pain.
Nothing works,
I took all they gave.

And they took all I had.
My sense of self.

All to get "better."

It seems that nothing works.
I'm just the same as before.
Or - I can't remember before,
I don't think I was there for that,
I was off where my own thoughts couldn't hurt me
(Maybe it got so bad because I wasn't there. I let go of my body and let It take the steering wheel and steer me towards my death.)

All I know is that right now, I feel like

You were supposed to fix it.
What happened?
Why does nothing work?
All that I'm doing is losing its significance, and as I continuously fail at basic human interaction and my motivation to do anything that makes me noteable, I fear that I am too losing significance.
Just slowly slipping into the numbing, pulsing pain.
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