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You could spend a millennium
searching for home
Or you could just look around at the faces that embrace you. Home is where you are free to plant your heart.

It took time for me to realize
Compassion will set us free

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
 May 2014 Hayleigh
infinite mind
like a whisper
i hear it calling me
inviting me
it waits for me

another single soul
out there in oblivion

one day we will meet
one day we will fall in love
 May 2014 Hayleigh
The bullet flew so quickly from the pistol it felt like the blood in my veins stopped for a moment
As if quantum physics were just a mere myth
Of random laws and physicists
Each individual cell and atom in my body stopped and rushed to abyss

Thump, thump.

As the bullet reached the end of your skull, I swore I died instead of you
But instead of dying and leaving the realm of the living I enter bliss and happiness

Flowers scattered over bright green grass for miles,
Soft and whispering wind rushed past my freckled skin
The trees swayed with the wind
It brought an epitome of perfection, only your carcass brought death and decay

Snapping back to reality, your eyes rolled back, and your jaw opened wide
I wanted to tear it open, to give you a somewhat permanent evil smile
Your body hit the ground so hard, the sound vibrated across my body, giving my heart the ability to beat normally again
You looked so peaceful for a mere moment
I swore I could have kissed you even though I despise your very being

Your skin quickly went colorless, and you laid there so still
I burst into panicked laughter, and covered my filthy mouth
It was definitely rude to laugh at someone's death

My stomach growls, and my hands shake with satisfaction
I've finally done it. I killed my insecurities

After a short moment of freedom and what seemed to be like genuine tears of joy...
Your eyes roll back to normal, and they focus me closely
Rising from the ground, you flick your hair back as if the wind blew it out of place
You fix your shirt, as if the blood stains weren't there

"It's so silly to think you could get rid of me so easily," you say.

I'm never going to feel alive ever again
 May 2014 Hayleigh
K Balachandran
She is a character perfect
for my work of science fiction,
chosen after much research
on unreliability of reality
as one knows does exist,
it's even more true of her.
In a hurry I concluded,
"What a  luck, I chose to write her
as the character of possibility!
                              then, how quickly
                              the class I expected of her
                              went totally to seed.
                              are we opposites?
Or, is this reality not shared by both of us?
what can one say about a situation when,
my own creation fights against my writ,
No, I am not in the same league as Luigi Pirandello
this is the result when commonsense is delineated
by a hallucinating mind, caught in love net.Zilch.
Luigi Pirandello--author of absurdist metatheatrical play 'Six characters in search of an author"(Italian)
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Sharina Saad
On angel  wings
I sit and sing
I close my eyes
I started to think
How wonderful I feel
Flying  so far..
Feeling so high,
How beautiful I feel
even when i close my eyes
I still see the angel wings
I hold them tight...
as we slide and swing..
How I wish ...
To have lost my wings...
So...Forever  I will be
On angel wings...
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Fiona Crouch
Falling deeper into this pit of despair
Clawing, fighting a way out
Why does it seem so hard?
Plagued with pity and self-doubt!

Dark, scared and lonely is my life
Seemingly endless days of pain
Who will help me?
Strident cries for release in vain!

Daylight beckons on the far horizon
Just a flicker of life giving light
Come to rescue me?
From this my life’s plight!

So onward and upward steadily
Clutching at eternal hope
Is it my time?
Please, someone, help me to cope!
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Paula Lee
I'm the only person I know
who can destroy everyone
I come into contact with

So don't love me!

With my best intentions
I manage to bring pain
to my friends and come
between them

Don't love me!

With tears of pain
and of sorrow I beg you

Don't love me!

I am unlovable

Don't love me!
 May 2014 Hayleigh
'Thats true self harm' she said
proud and self announced
like she could comprehend the universe
and that it left her no challenges

that in her 50 years, she had learnt all people
all feelings
all possibilities
and could now group us all like colours in a jar

i left, because it hurt
to think that after everything i go through to explain
the simpleness of 'some people'
discounts all the effort

there is no wrong and right way to hurt yourself
there is only a future
which we endeavour to make hurt less
went to a friends house, only to hear a woman talking about what she thought constituted 'real' self harm, and what was attention seeking. ****** me off
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Do the trees still stand
In the pouring rain
Does the west wind sigh over grass and plain?

Do the rivers run
And the owls call
Do the mountains judge as they sit so tall?

Can the men still see
Do the women cry
When the blues and greens dance across the sky?

Will we ever know
How we all exist
In a world as vast and beautiful as this
its late man
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