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 Jul 2018 NoFucksGiven
I listened to the rain
Whisper back all
The secrets I've ever told it

I saw it cry in streams
And fall into puddles
As I have

I've felt the rain become
As cold as I once let myself be
And as harsh as I could have been

I probably should have spent
More time reflecting on myself, been more like rain.

Been more see through,
helped others grow more. I don't know maybe life would have been more colorful
 Feb 2018 NoFucksGiven
 Feb 2018 NoFucksGiven
You dropped me like a platter,
I was only bound to shatter.

But instead i broke in half,
I lost the half that made me full,
Now my life is half empty,
And Im a slave to time,
The days have lost their meaning,
I dont serve half a purpose,
I just wait for the next day to come,
And the then for the one after,
My life’s been torn in two,
Time and Space dont work together,
Because though time passes,
There is nothing waiting to happen,
Only another hour to pass,
Until the final hour strikes,
And i pass with it.
 Nov 2016 NoFucksGiven
 Nov 2016 NoFucksGiven
Twisted was her mouth
when it kissed him for the last time
no longer was it the kiss
That made her shake
But that they would not ever kiss
That she would never kiss again
I am twisted like the flesh of my brain
Any problem?
Yup, not a poem, just a simple quote I made.
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