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  Jul 2014 Ariana
Jack R Fehlmann
My mood again a steady constant
still low, always low but constant
so I seek the solutions, search for normal
I approach and offer myself over
to those, the better minds, the doctors
they are wise and educated and have magic
in the form of pills that I consume
reporting back the basics, this didn't work
that isn't helping so they raise and lower doses
prescribing cures in pills and always asking questions
writing this and that factual results down
they see errors in my mind and I feel restless
again and again changing their minds
as I consume and return the effectiveness or lack therein
all I ;want is the sky that felt light and tasted fragrant
yet so goes my search for my cure as each is different
seeking that fabled equalibrium, that balance
aiming for the land of sunshine and
the state known once as happiness
again, always where life is
and emotions can be steady,  ups and downs
continuously changing in workable highs and lows
but alas, I am unable, and I continue only to try
the new, the stronger the most documented cure alls
of more pill to be taken with water day or night
forever dosing, hoping and trying to find my life
chasing that notion of what it is to feel alright

Jack Fehlmann
Ariana Jul 2014
From age five, he knew the world wasn't the nicest place to be at times. The man he referred to as 'Daddy' made sure he was aware of that. The nonexistent hugs and loving words; he'd never felt or heard before. At age ten, Daddy finally decided to show affection towards his lost little son. But it wasn't the good kind. He'd be beaten untill he was black and blue every other night. Age fifteen was when things got worse. He met his frenemy who stuck to him like glue; Depression. He became tormented by thoughts he never would've expected to have. Age twenty, he was so afraid of the world that he chose not to even live in it anymore.

Ariana Jul 2014
You watched me stumble until I
had no choice but to fall.
You made me feel as if I
were worth nothing at all.
The broken promises you made
were the cuts that never healed.
I always tried my hardest
to keep my feelings concealed.
I don't know why I let you cause me pain.
I now realize that this was all in vain.

Ariana Jul 2014
I don't know how much more of this I can take. I thought family was supposed to love you and show you they care. You've done none of that for me. Not you, or you, and definitely not you. You've all been treating me like **** and that really makes me wonder. It makes me wonder why the **** am I even here? It makes me wonder why you won't just ditch me in the middle of nowhere. Of course I'd feel alone. But it couldn't be any worse than how alone I feel with you guys. Stop hurting me. Please, I didn't ask for it.

Ariana Jul 2014
She fell in love with the boy who smoked
cigarettes for a living, the boy who helped
her find her true self. He fell in love with the
girl who stole her mums beer to feel free, the
girl who wanted to feel at ease. They fell in
love with the way they made each other
feel, the way they mended each other. They
fell in love with who they became, the way
love was given, and finally gained.


— The End —