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LaDawn Oct 2018
Hi! So here's a small little story to make up for my absences.

So At the age of 7 I was living with my, and he's and amazing dad, but alcohol is a thing in his life. In fact sometimes it seems like it the only thing her truly cares about.
When I was 7 I had a dog, He was a pit bull, and this was when the whole 'blame the owner not the breed thing was happening', Anyways he was my best friend. I'm sure most of us where weird children, but i still was pretty out of the norm, and he was the only one i could really call a best friend.
My step mom had found a stray dog one dad after work. It was storming and cold...Ironic right?
She decided to let the stray dog in, he was sweet nice and our dog was okay with him. My dad just happen to have too many beers that night. He didn't think about it when our dog was smelling the stray so he spanked the dog with a wooden spoon and then he put our dog in my room. That was normal the dog in my room, I was told to go to bed for yelling at him.

The next morning I did what I've always done, I got ready for school, which consisted of getting dressed, making breakfast, etc, and hugging and kissing my dog goodbye until i came home at 2:35 pm, That morning I didn't make it to school. I never got to leave the house except for when my step mom, and dad had to carry me to the car on the way to the hospital, with a ****** rag on my face. That rag had held my face together, My dog had mauled me, and when I woke after hours of surgery, I found that he was out down. MY dad couldn't forgive himself, and he couldn't forgive the dog so he made the decision to put our best friend down...
I'm not petrified of dogs, I'm just wary. I know my limits and I know how to read everything including animals a lot better than I did.
Warning if you have problem with alcohol, or pit bulls and that whole situation...This is not for you.
Oct 2018 · 276
LaDawn Oct 2018
Hey guys! If there are any of you out there. I just wanted to say I sorry. I know I've been MIA for awhile but im working on coming back! Just have a lot with school, also my computer is being weird I have to get it checked out, but ill be back as soon as I can. Have fun and know you are amazing!
Sep 2018 · 220
Duality Part 1-Poetry
LaDawn Sep 2018
From the age of 5 you put us in school, a place that you tell us is comforting and open, yet you want to advance our mental intelligence. Formulas, problem solving, this or that, and life expectations are drilled into our head from the age of 5. How can a 5 year old be expected to live up to those inhuman expectations if they can barely write there name. A 5 year old shouldn't have to or feel the pressure to memorize what formula will help them best in life. These expectations are inhuman, you should never have to feel pressured to be better. You should do things because you want to not because your pressured to.
This is poem #2 hope you enjoy!
Sep 2018 · 283
Broken & Bruised- Poetry
LaDawn Sep 2018
Your hand print lingers.
My body, My temple, and your punching bag.
For here I lay- Damaged goods- Sweaty and shaken from where you have touched.
My heart aches in it's cage,
While you sleep blissfully- I'll tell myself tell myself 'Its okay, "" He loves me, right?"
I'll stay quiet so that the neighbors wont get to asking.
My heart aches, my lungs wheeze and my brain hates.
But my soul is branded, even after all these years,by you who sleeps.
Broken and Bruised it lingers here.
- LaDawn Arts
Here is my first poem, please give me feed back on all of them later on, and don't be afraid to speak up, or to protect yourself from all dangers!

— The End —