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 Apr 2023 Khaab
Caleb Kyme
My love
 Apr 2023 Khaab
Caleb Kyme
Do you still think lowly of me
My love
Do the heavens lie to you about me
Am I not capable of making you happy
Am I not supposed to see you smile

Can you hold me please
For the world is against us and the in between
Can you please come close
Let your light chase my demons away

Could I chase away the fear in you
Hold me tight for it will be okay
They won't bite princess
For you are a goddess

Kiss me
Stick with me
**** him
And don't let anyone define who you love.
My love.
 Dec 2022 Khaab
Caleb Kyme
 Dec 2022 Khaab
Caleb Kyme
My friends are ghosts
One small mistake and he's gone
One small mistake and another comforts
Got no heart to forgive
But haunt me in my dreams
One I love but can't fight over
Another I hate but is with me anyway
Lucid dreams every day
Apart insomnia every night
In my head they ache me
But at least I got friends, right?
Always with me in my bed
Hey halcie
Don't go
Not you too
What you want Hadassah
Come keep me company
And give me some love
At least I got friends,  right?
 Dec 2022 Khaab
Caleb Kyme
Done with exams
Done with tests
Degree accorded
Headwear in the air
But why do I struggle to be happy
I just did it daddy

Gown all day
Hood in the wrong position
Party rest of the day
Sunday stuffed with meat
Aunties are glad for me
I just did it mummy

Lecturers glad am finally gone
Chancellor with his vice
Certificate colorful
Time to commit a felony
But why do I struggle to be happy
For me and my achievement
Probably no one will understand. I don't either...
 Nov 2022 Khaab
haunt me my heart
of october

forged remains of the
days spent in disguise

breathing, always breathing
settled in ruins

caught in the arms of
the morning thought

swirling in strokes of
the painted nights

how far has sun
come to rule?

for mine is the
house of summer

where she haunts
me still

old photographs melt
into the moonlight

to never stay in

for mine is the colour
of her design

drawn on the edge
of my despair

castle of decay melting
into the melancholy

a glance in memory
but unfamiliar

silent tears prying
into the wilderness

how far has sun
come to rule

how long has it been?

 Nov 2022 Khaab
Caleb Kyme
 Nov 2022 Khaab
Caleb Kyme
Hey Neptune
Why you so blue
Don't go outside
You might get a flu

Hey Neptune
You so cold
Not your fault that love don't come to you
Don't cry you changing your hue

Come closer Neptune
No need to get lonely
Mama's smiling at you
Believe me, she's proud of you

You are beautiful Neptune
Don't cry, the atmosphere's pretty coz of you
Take my guitar, play those tunes
For love has left you

Don't be sad
I'm here for you
I know it feels safer away from you
But let me be with you either way
I will write until there is nothing left of me until everything is poured out and given. Until it’s over: these hands &   their warmth.
Until someone else comes to let us know what their world has been too
Until my writing is of no need in a world of peace
in a world of beauty
in a world of compassion
Until we have conquered no one’s land except that of our own mind and laid eyes on the cruelty and ailments just as much as on the kindness and cures inside us

Make the decision to see all and pick to nurture only what will bring peace on earth.
 Sep 2022 Khaab
 Sep 2022 Khaab
Poetry is the weeping eye
it is the weeping shoulder
the weeping eye of the shoulder
it is the weeping hand
the weeping eye of the hand
it is the weeping soul
the weeping eye of the heel.
Oh, you friends,
poetry is not a tear
it is the weeping itself
the weeping of an uninvented eye
the tear of the eye
of the one who must be beautiful
of the one who must be happy.

by Nichita Stanescu, translated by Thomas Carlson and Vasile Poenaru
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