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Khaab Dec 2020
It's getting difficult day by day
To cope up with this species
Even though I am one of them
I still don't want to be the one
I feel like being the dust or a blue whale...
Rather than being a human.

The reality is lost under the masks
Masks that cover evil smiles
Smiles that can break you...
into millions and millions of  pieces.
The good ones have become rare like vaquitas.
Khaab Dec 2020
It's not bright like other days
Stormy afternoons are strange but tranquil
It feels like I have landed in some other century
I feel pain goes away
The music hits different
As I sit in dark...writing
There is something about them...I never undersand
I feel nostalgic...and I kinda love feeling that way
I miss someone really bad...I don't know it's whom?
But my heart gets overwhelmed, and it's not empty anymore.

Stormy afternoons are dark but most beautiful!
The storm and the roaring wind turns me brand new!
But I am left wishing for it to return...
as the maddening sun comes out.
Stormy afternoons are the best times that happen to me... in the whole year. I feel complete...peaceful. I feel good. The most pleasant afternoons of all.
Khaab Dec 2020
"Tomorrow is another day...."
She said, as she kept her head on her pillow.
And just like every night...she cried herself to sleep.
The day was sunny but it rained at night.

Well is it really okay to not be okay?
Then why do they call it 'another drama'
When she tries to say,"....I---eh---I am not fi--fine..."
They say it's a genration gap...and these teens act this way!
But if they see this...then why not then...
when she sits alone in her room all the time
when she cries on tired afternoons
when her anxiety takes over...where are they!?

Her best friend...a person she believed the most
Betrayed her...and she is broken from then
She disgusts over the world...can't trust anyone
sometimes lonely...its all blue and grey.

It's good to feel deeply
But for her it has become a curse
As she still battles with her pain everyday.
I want her to go on...and not give up....she will surely reach somewhere.
All the best dear♥
Khaab Dec 2020
It was another day...and my room pushed me out!
I had nowhere to go
So I decided to visit the park
where we went for morning walks
My hands were in my pocket
And music had taken over...
The wind was welcoming...
As it bowed and blowed...making me feel like a Queen.
I couldn't stop smiling under my mask
As I saw the park was all broken...they were reconstructing it!
I didn't were so disgusting
that not only the hearts...but also the paths
You passed by...were being made stronger and better.
I realised it was not my loss.
Khaab Nov 2020
This world is full of some people
who hide away from the truth like cowards
Do not have the guts to accept the reality.

She fell in the clutches of food disorder
because she wanted to be like the flawless instagram model.
He did not cry after the break up
because this world is in love with bad boys.
The mother did not complain about the backache
because this world believes in supermoms.
He didn't open up about liking his neighbour
because his love interest was not according to this world.

Unrealistic expectations are kept
from a person made of blood and flesh.
As they consider themselves to be in an application
where they can add filters and photoshop all the flaws.
But this a flawed one!
Here people are full of imperfections
they laugh at wrong times
they wear same socks for many days
they are not pretty all the time
they are not strong all the time
and they do not smile all the time.
They cry...suffer from anxiety...
they fall...but get up!
Get up everyday to fight their battle.
So please...let us breathe
Let us embrace all our flaws...
because that's how we will fall in love with ourselves.
Nothing needs to be's's okay....The ones who love you will always be there, no matter what.
  Nov 2020 Khaab
Learning from childhood
What I see
That men have emotions
But they are not set to free

From father to elder brother
Why do we expect maturity
Don't it see like gender inequality
We always talk about women prosperity
But why can't men show their inner reality

It's just a matter of soul
wrapped within a body casserole
Emotions are not under our control
Show what you feel
So that you can heal

Boy's can't cry is a common fallacy
That we learn in every chronology
Man can cry is not a joke
We just have to see it an Inevitable block

Yes, boy you can cry
Give it a try
Don't be shy
And Please show what's inside an intellectual guy
It's make you strong when you cry not weak. So cry to heal yourself my friend
Khaab Nov 2020
The church bells toll twelve
And it's time for me to sleep...but do I?
As soon as I lay my head on my pillow...
My mind sits in the Past express
And moves from one station to the other
Suprisingly... the train travels back...instead of going ahead.
I reach stations that were left behind
Stations...I never wanted to reach.

There's this Pain...that lives beneath my heart
And it eats it up like a termite...every night
I can't define it...I don't know
This sinking feeling is normal
As I lost my peace years ago...
But it meets me secretly on stormy afternoons
And I feel overwhelmed...

But after all this...I still wonder
When will I sleep?
Sleep with dreams in my eyes
And Pain gone away.
My overthinking kills me.
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