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Khaab Nov 2020
An unconventional fear takes over my heart
As I think about growing old...
They say nothing is more powerful than the death
All the discomposure drifts away.
And it's as calm as a
quill felling from above.

But the fact that
A day when my voice won't echo in my room
A day when my books and diaries would be abandoned
A day when me and my family won't be together
A day when I won't exist...
scares me.

I begin to knit myself in the wool of promises
Promises of a life...valuable
But then...I see people around me
Whether old or young, who met death like lost friends
And there again...I am left in a dilemma.

Is there a promise for tomorrow?
I wrote this when me and my sister had a conversation about us getting scared me...So I feel like cherishing every moment with every loved one...I also got inspired by Emily Dickinson's 'Because I could not stop for death....'
Khaab Nov 2020
She was running here and there
as if lost in a maze...couldn't find home
She was crying brutally...eyes red and swollen lips.
As if a child...who got separated
from his mother, on a crowded street.
Her inabilities were pulling her down
in a dark well...
falling deep in a dark well...where her failiures echoed.
There were wounds that she had not filled
and now they had bleeded on others.
She was trembling and crumbling inside
as she looked here and there...
for some light...
finding her lost pieces.
It hurts when you can't be yourself.
Khaab Nov 2020
The snow storm had struck the world outside
And there she was sitting the dark
With a body full of bruises
Her arm was fractured
And her knees went weak
That she couldn't even stand.
The eye was all if punched brutally
Some wounds were deep...and they were still bleeding
It was hard to it hurt really bad.

But then a gentle touch was felt
A touch full of a loved one
The love was so warm...that it sat their like a bonfire
And it lightened up the whole place!
So much love...that it could heal every wound
So much love...that it melt her frozen heart.

And in the end...
The fire of love healed her
And she rose again like a phoenix.
Sometimes my soul is just the way I explained in the beginning. It hurts really bad inside and I feel a lot of anxiety. But my sister is the one who is always there for me...she provides me the strength and helps me stand strong. I feel really good to have her.
Khaab Nov 2020
My ears are in love with the music
As Pa! drives through the curvy paths.
And my soul is in love with these mountains
As I pass through the conifers.
I play hide and seek with the sun
As it peaks in through the green windows.
The cool welcoming air kisses my face
As it secretly enters through the window,
The paths are under the shade of woods
I feel like leaving my car...and walk the days away.
My eyes meet with strangers...
And my heart wonders what their stories are...
I wrote this last month. This is how I exactly felt as we drove through the forest. It was such an experience that made me forget all my tensions. It was all divine and through this poem I tried put my experience in words...I hope you enjoyed reading it♥
Khaab Nov 2020
Thinking about the farmers -The Meal Gods
They are the ones born with fertility in their hands
But, that day I saw them protesting
Some were even older than my grandfather
I remember the sun...was just like the authorities
It got hotter and burned them.
Their voices were cracking down
As they sat their shouting for their rights
The eyes that use to shine on the harvest...had fired up
They say," It's obvious for us to die...."
I ask why!!?
The great men of our society, providing us food
How are they supposed to cry or die?
The hardworking days and sleepless nights of a farmer
are we taste our mother's food.
A farmer grows a his own daughter
-with love and care.
And believe's not easy for a father to see his daughter die.
It's funny how we started from' Save Tigers'
And reached ' Save Farmers'.
They are supposed to hug each other after every harvest
But they end up hugging the ropes tied to their ceiling
Leaving their families to starve
And their kids...They end up  hating their own lands
for swallowing up their fathers.
These protests are not a battle of a farmer against a wrong decision. It's the battle of this whole nation.The media is busy covering the drug issues of people who didn't even sacrifice their luxury. We work for hours...but a farmer works for acres. A farm is more than land and is a family's heritage and future.
Khaab Nov 2020
Some people are used to goodbyes
And I am one of them...
Believe me! I know it really well.

But some of them did not even say a goodbye
They just banged the door while leaving
And messed up my home.
By breaking all those moments in frames...
Painting my red door black...
And smashing the radio...
Now I have these walls
Really long blue walls...around my home
Allowing noone to enter.
You treat them really well...but they end up breaking your's upto to you how you keep yourself safe.

                                                     Take care❤
Khaab Oct 2020
Life is a journey
In which we lose and find ourselves.
We lose ourselves in people who don't even deserve
And sometimes find ourselves in a smile
while looking in the mirror.
We act to be happy in front of people
Who don't even care if we are happy or not!
But slowly we don't care as we begin to love ourselves...
We create many entangled memories
that walk with us on this path till the end.
The best part are the lessons and experiences
On every turn we learn...just learn.
On some days it's like a path of needles
On some days it's like jumping from one cloud to other.
And in this way it goes on.

But remember: Life's never a waste.
For me it's a journey...a adventure....and a teacher. I feel loving myself and the people who deserve is the solution to make my life  a memorable one.
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