She’s me
I’m her
Beautiful girl, what am I going to do with you?
Told she’s beautiful
Told she’s unique and something special about her
But the beautiful girl doesn’t even believe it
As she shakes her head in disbelief, how dare they lie to her like that?
She’s me
I’m her
I look in the mirror
She looks in the mirror
And all she sees is her flaws
She sees the features that she doesn’t dare to love
Beautiful girl, what am I going to do with you?
You don’t love yourself
Biting her nails, picking at her skin
Tears rolling down her cheeks
Picking at her stomach, as she repeats in her head that she’s too fat
Beautiful girl, why don’t you love yourself?
Self, why don’t you love yourself?
Who hurt you?
Who poisoned your mind into thinking you’re the worst?
Who told you that you weren't worth it, who damaged your self image?
Was it him? Was it her, was it them, or was it you?
Beautiful girl, what am I going to do with you?