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 Jul 2019 Joyfulgurl
Be someone's sunshine
and happy place
on their numb days.
 Jul 2019 Joyfulgurl
I know you can hear me
I saw you in my dreams...
When you lived on the terrestrial plane
I think we both spoke different languages.
Both about love,
Just about different ways of loving...
................Just so you know..............
I love you so......
Even if before you turned to fine dust
You never really
Got to see and feel
The depth of my


    l  o  v  e    

  y      o      u     

In the language you spoke.
a message to my dad.He passed away two years ago, and he has visited me in my dreams.
 Jul 2019 Joyfulgurl
I lie here with you.
On my mind.
Your touch.
Your hold.
Your grasp.
Being in your arms.
Is all I crave.
The touch of comfort.
You always gave.
 Mar 2019 Joyfulgurl
 Mar 2019 Joyfulgurl
When they sing about peace and love
Or the beauty of the stars up above
There I see you

When I read about the blue sky
Oh, how could I
not think about you

When I look at the beautiful moon
I know I won't be seeing you soon
But oh, there are you

So when they say to forget
I say the world just won't let
And inside me, still you
 Mar 2019 Joyfulgurl
You miss a meal,
Then it turns to two,
A day passes,
And no one notices you.

Craving nutrition,
There goes a week,
Those many hours,
Longing for something to eat.

Using the same excuse,
"I'm not hungry, I just ate,"
The numbers keep dropping,
Was sixty-three, now fifty-eight.

You can't go back,
People are noticing you,
They say you should eat, and you say,
"You have something better to do."

It's harder than you think,
Just leave me alone!
Stop telling me to eat and drink!
If I need you, I can find my phone.
This poem is about an eating disorder, it’s dangerous and those that have it can be greatly effected. Not only them, but those around them as well.
 Jan 2019 Joyfulgurl
Going back
 Jan 2019 Joyfulgurl
You were you
Just you
Just you to talk to
Just you to share with
Just you to trust
To care
To be there

Now you are two
It's lovely it is
But to get to just you
Means checking in on the clock
Like a job or an appointment
Or to go through other you
To get to you
It's like your not there

To clock out is a relief
No pestering from work
Social media
Friends ... best friends

I love the both yous
But I miss you as you
The adventure
The fun
The closeness and sharing
The trust the support
Knowing you were there
Knowing you do still care.
 Sep 2018 Joyfulgurl
Ashly Kocher
A ton of bricks
Laying on my chest
Weighing down my shoulders
I need to decompress
How does one do that
When it keep piling on
Getting heavier
I just want them gone
So it goes through my writing
I relieve the pressure
Making them crack
Piece by piece
The bricks break apart
Giving me relief
Happiness in my heart
Many of us feel this way
Uncontrollable feelings, unbearable breaths
Talk it through and the weight will get lighter
Making it easier to breath
You are a warrior
A fighter...
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