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1.5k · Sep 2018
Passion and Profession
Jones Ayuwo Sep 2018
As I sat by the window sill
Decked in grey garb
Listening  to adumbrations
And other grey garbage,
My eyes were drawn beyond the room,
Out across an odd sea of serrated roofs
Till I saw,
On a sandy patch of land
Ten boys and a ball.

I sat between my passion and my profession,
Peering out the window of my profession.
I watched engrossed, my passion
Bib around my neck,
Boots upon their feet.

“LD/HCR/.... “
The court clerk cried.

I profess passion for another profession,
I’m not a professional at my passion,
But I can profess my profession passionately!
And so I rise...
“May it please this honourable court...”

And it was ******.
884 · Sep 2018
Big Head
Jones Ayuwo Sep 2018
“Lool, maybe I could come whisk you away”
He quipped

Be serious! I’d love to
A date, on a date with you,
Nothing too serious, of course.
Maybe lunch, dinner and discourse.
I’d love to watch you laugh over a meal!


Well, if you’re serious we could fix
Something. I think I like you and it’d be nice
To meet. Let’s do something, Maybe ice cream?
Rufus and bees? Or a movie?


“Lool, big head”
... Enter.

“Hehe” – he goes.
473 · Dec 2018
Twelfth Day Of Christmas
Jones Ayuwo Dec 2018
On the twelfth day of Christmas I gave to my true love
Twelve drummers, eleven pipers,
Ten ladies, nine lords, eight maids,
Seven swans, six geese and five,
Five golden rings!
Four calling birds,
Three French hen,
Two turtle doves
And a partridge,
A partridge in a pear tree!

And my true love?
My true love gave me nothing in return.

— The End —