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Extraño los olores del verano
Antes de su fin temprano

El champú impregnando mi carro
Camino a la iglesia, vamos,

No sonrías todo el rato
No será muy largo

Veo asomar tu sonrisa
Sí, tienes razón, chiquita

Si, hay algo,
O, ¿me habré equivocado?

Pero se detuvo, sin embargo
(Como nosotros), el verano
this is a translation of my poem "summer smells"
i clothe my words
in spanish dresses
to build bridges
some can't cross
i love love love being bilingual
Person so far removed, you sing
And when do I beg for your breath?
I've remained absent, as we wished
But still you write "begging for breath"

Do I knock it out of you, like you do me?
Is it not enough that I've hidden from you?
What more could I have done, but run away?
It seems you did the same, to your writing

You write "did you open the book"
Without knowing that I did
You strip me of my gender
You write "person", not woman

You don't know me at all
You wrote my name in your songs
You don't know me
And you trace your own scars

You only know yourself
But perhaps you don't even know him
The mirror you look through is so dim
And my heart broke for you the way it did

And it broke with yours on that night
I thought we did it in tandem
You and I together
We blew out that light

When did you stop thinking what we did was right?
Was it all just my decision?
How could you yield so much?

It makes me question if you even cared
But I know you cared
And shame on you for believing I didn't care too

That night was the hardest thing I had to do
And you sit and spew your venomous words
As if it was something easy for me to choose

Stop disregarding my toil
Give me back my gender
Give me my name,


And you've climbed and surpassed me
And you write that you are indifferent
To changing me

And I can't tell if that's caring sufficiently
Or not caring enough

Our wildfire blazed for two long years and I'm glad for them
But I think we were just deluded,
Like you think my belief in God is:
Just a delusion

I thought I did the right thing
I think I did the right thing
Stop blaming me for trying to make you me

Because believe you me,
I wanted to make me you too

You never noticed that, though
You saw me for the church which you despised
And that's all you could see in my eyes on that fateful night

But I am not the church
I am not you

I am me,

This is a poem written about myself from the perspective of someone else in an exercise to build empathy.
A thrown flat stone skipped
across the snowcapped reflection
breaking the mirror glass surface;

rippling the glaring still waters
the way a trailing piano note
slowly decays to a sobering hush

A gentle puff of silence
segued into a fading
whisper's echo

06 April 2018
To the lover I've never met
I can't imagine
how beautiful you are

Because to put you
within the limits of my mind
would be to dishonour you

Yet I imagine you
as glorious as the sun
as graceful as the skies by day
as precious as the air I breathe
as peaceful as streams of living water

Dear darling
If only you knew
How I yearn to behold your light
to see the warmth of your countenance
to see the only curve I'd ever need
which is your smile

To look upon you
and say
You are beautiful
Just the way you are

Yet I can't imagine
How beautiful you really are;
I can only dream so much
and I, not wanting to do you disservice.

For the lover I've never met:
when we do meet
we shall share in the warmth
of an embrace

And I shall realise
such a beauty I have yet
to behold.
Another love poem
A hot and humid night in an abandoned rink
And three words were all I could ever think

"I like you"

A talk and a walk back to a blacked out car
And our lips loomed loosely, not that far

I kissed you
get a bachelor's degree
maintaining relationships
making new friends
eating healthy
pursuing music
sleeping enough
adventuring with your new friends
keeping your cool
not hating yourself
maintaining a blog
writing poetry
writing music
investing in community
going home for the weekend
gaining experience as a tutor
not dying

it's wild
but you
can do it

just find the balance
just need a breather is all
lover of love's long lost history
you are so intrinsically dear to me
and i know you can hear the beat
when our hands go blistering

i love the neapolitan but not naples
listen to how the city sings like the others
but she buys time and barely bothers
to remove her appropriating staples

she is a reflection
of a reflection
of a reflection
of a reflection

but you, my dear neapolitans,

how holistically human you happen to be
and what a human thing to do
to braid oneself with a few
ventricles of other hearts unseen

you are not special insofar as you are human
and the home you make mistakes you
for a permanent resident, assumes you
are a planted person whose sole purpose is bloomin

but you are dynamic, not static
you do not live in someone's attic
you move around, the ground beneath you
isn't bequeathed to staying beneath you,


keep moving and loving and all of the aboving
because our love isn't something
that can be taken away by a location change
or how 21,000 hearts are arranged
this is just a love letter to the people in my hometown. i hope you enjoy
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