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63/U.S    William Shakespeare quote Life is as tedious as a TWICE -TOLD TALE Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man
Farheen zehra
21/India    Just a beginner.
15/F/Wonderland    Read what I write, and behold my words paint my worlds before you. All poems are mine, unless otherwise stated. ©all rights reserved
Edmund black
39/M/NJ    Not Everything I Write Is About Me , However I Only Write For Myself....... Remember Jesus Is The Way And The Light.
Elizabeth Zenk
19/F/Getting There    I mostly wrote poems when I was 13.
Logun Alexander Johnson
18/M/Nowhere and everywhere.    Loved and in love.
Emeka Mokeme
M/Nigeria    A Naturopathic Physician,Poet, Researcher,Lecturer,Human rights activist,Crisis Councillor, Humanitarian, Author of A Guide to Health(Natural Medicine), Whisperings from within:Poems by Emeka Mokeme,Personal Glimpses,and a Poetry Therapist.
Paul Butters
UK    I love creative writing, especially poetry. "O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed." GM Hopkins. Perfection is Relative.
Germany    21 year old student with an unconditional love for words and poetry. Feel free to scroll through my work and discover the passion of poetry …
دema flutter
22/F    I don't know what to do with those words, so here they are. :)
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
I am sorry about the lack of punctuation
Keith Wilson
Windermere UK    Retired Gardener. Been published in many books. But find this site truly amazing. Thank you all..
A Simillacrum

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