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Jen Dec 2018
Do you ever
Journey to
The Ever Glow?
It’s a mist
With just
To find
The path
Jen Jan 2019
He saw the glow of soft promise on his horizon
And road maps were only an excuse for getting lost
Her heart yet beats within his like a full blood moon
The memory of her whispers softly present in his ear

She mailed him a letter, scented with a clue,
A set of coordinates scribbled hastily
Upon a half torn page,
A compass, a key, and an address

Sweet forgiveness in her musky scent upon that sacred note.
The coordinates marked where they had fallen in love
The compass, a golden needle pointing always to her soul
A bejeweled silver key, the only one to her heart and dreams
And an address that pounded in his brain like a hammer!
With eyes seeing only her face, casting his doubts to the curb,
He rode the highways to the place they both called "Home"
As his heart made love with the ghost that haunted his soul

He arrived in the night to see no lights welcome him home
After many miles and thoughts, he knew it was her voice
That called him home to the place that holds their lost love
Her message was crystal clear, yet dead silence filled the air

Sitting on the front step where it was they first kissed
The cold winds of yesterdays swirled his memories
Howling thru his mind and echoing thru his heart
Turning the silver key in his trembling fingers
That hung now from a chain around his neck
Whispering, as a prayer, her name over and over again
They fall into questions that may never be answered

All this time he'd been speaking to a wraith unrequited
Words she sent him somehow from the other side
How could this be? That she could still be here
To send him her wish delivered as a silver key, compass
And the softly sung verses of her letter?

She kissed him one last time, as a lover brought back to life
Something he could relive as if it were only yesterday
The next morning he awoke on the porch they used to share
Reached for her note and it was no longer there
No compass nor key, only an empty chain around his neck
Everlasting memories
Bound by an undying love sent from above
By Poet's Creek & Jen

Please leave this world behind and get lost in this tale we've spun for you.  It's one of an everlasting love and haunting memories.  Thank you!
Jen Aug 2020
Breathing in and out—
Collapsed in soul gaps
Face brushed against
The edge of emptiness
In this dead lapse
Where the soul gasps
Breathing in and out—
No one can hear
Your cries
In the unknown
Expanse of just you
And yourself,
Breathing in and out—
In an expanse
Where the soul gasps,
Is it only you
There by yourself,
Or someone else?
Jen Aug 2018
With Color.

Them all
The magic
They emit
Each other.

Lemon butter,
Jade tide,
Pineapple Rush.

Blush Touch,
Pink-Peach Punch,
Lemonade Crush,
Cedar Peaks,
Cinnamon Coffee

Wine Soaked
Cherry Red.
Rosewood Sublime,
Key lime pie

Followed by-
Gray Mist
By Balloon Green,
A breath of Spring,
And Sunglow too.

It all runs
The colors of life: experienced in love, sadness, good times and bad...
Jen Jun 2020
Neon Ferris wheel flickers in the distance
Over the hollow waters that bind us
Sometimes only to blind us

Pitch black night swallows
What hides beneath
A smile's surface
Can't help it
Varicose covers
The reality
Of it all
Of it all

The ferry flies onward holding
Heavy passengers in its arms
In its arms so tight

Liquid amethyst
Stains a
Darkened sky
Cold as winter
Surrenders her heart
To it all
In surrender

Distant pillars paint
With bare fingers
In pictures past and
Some were never meant
To last
As they beckon
Call out
Cry loud

Sunset blasts moonbeams
In beautiful scenes
Underlying secrets meld
Into the sea

In the
End game
Colors mesh
With grays and
Waves crash
To touch open air

Faded carousels
For the last time

The lights go down
And everything dims
To quickly fade
To the next place and time
And the lights go away

The lights go away...
Jen Feb 2019
The setting Sun
There was only
Faint spark
To be
Jen Aug 2018
To disappear,
Passing through
Space and time.
Momentum moving
Perseids fly.

Darkened night,
Sparkling clear
Through blackness,

Like our lives,
So fragile,
They too,
Jen Jul 2020
You don't need someone
To show you the way
You just need some strength
To find your own way
Worlds can collide
In this one
Nothing stands still
For anyone
So, find your own way
And maybe someday
You will be free
To find your love
Because worlds can collide
In this one
And nothing stands still
For anyone
Move closer to the truth
You seek
Closer to the heart
In everything
Follow your way
Closer to free
It's inside
Of you
A strength

And sometimes
It's so quiet
Awake in the dark
And sometimes
It's only the presence
Of something
So, find your own way
At last.
Jen Jan 2019
I want to hide,
Behind the warmth
Of your smile.

In a world,
That at times,
Made of ice,
Do you think
There's a chance,
We could
Light a fire
cold days, cold nights, warm words, and a fire ablaze...
Jen Jul 2018
Passing through thick and thin, only
To be brought back to a far-off cry.
Don’t worry, this shall pass with time.
It flies fast with life’s distractions nearby.

Taking flight on tattered wings—
How sweet, the angels sing in harmony.
Their songs we will never know, so pure.
Untarnished in their world untouched.

Disconnected, wires and airwaves on fire.
A teardrop now unknown to cold souls,
It is easy to succumb to the robotic routine,
Life’s expectations drill us to our cores, unseen.

The touch of a hand is becoming
A cumbersome and time-consuming task,
A soft kiss no longer holds much meaning
In this plastic, pornographic societal *******,
We live in.

One day, will true love be a myth as
Onlookers sit and view a big screen
Unable to comprehend what it means?
To hold someone close, hearts beating deep.  

Curtains close, black-sky-lined entertainment,
As they drive home to all the world’s last diamonds,
Embedded stones and gold of the earth,
Resources completely depleted.

Synthetic. Material. Superficial. Pasted. Plastered.
Artificial.  Numb. Cold. Materialistic.  Empty.  

Words whisper throughout the day,
As if a shield and armor bringing about
A spiritual message through a voyage
Speaking to a place that feels so real,
Untouched like a firefly let go from
A glass jar meant to climb high to heaven.
Jen Mar 2020
missed the fireworks
but got the show
of a lifetime
grand finale
rockets in flight
made flares
that made sparks
in a fire
on that cold night
Jen Apr 2020
A tsunami arrived
In the night
Broke the protective
Force field
Where seagulls took flight
It had so much power
All it wanted was
More and more
It rode across the beach
And took everything on shore
Shattered the fish bowl
And when the sun rose
The next morning
Nothing was left
Nothing was left
Just the wreckage
Jen May 2019
See, it’s just me and you
Here in this reality

I am her
And you are you

No one else intrudes
In this space

You said she’s fissile
What does that mean?
Like energy,
Exploding dynamically
Or slate or crystals,
Not letting you through.

You wanted to know
Where my mind would
Offered advice
Pretended you wanted
Mine too,
Only to find
That I’m her,
Split in two
But so are you,
I am her
And you are
I don’t see anyone
Just you,
Is that what you
Were aiming for?

(Thoughts inspired by an old friend...why can't I stop thinking of you...human nature)
Jen Jan 2019
I want
A love that feels
Of your touch,
No explanation needed
No words suffice
Because your heart
Folds within mine,
And flames
And warmth
Is felt
Deep down,
Its beat
You near
To a space
Without fear
Jen Nov 2020
Butterflies travel hundreds of miles,
Give new life
then die with the day

A short ride takes us and then erases us,
They converge on a painted tomb
Of frozen colors
Purpose and orange and purples,
Among others
All connected in the dusty wind.

All fades with fall to bring new life
In warmer weather.

Next to the butterfly,
Our lives seem so long.

Perhaps we are butterflies
To some...
Giants in the sky
Look down on us
In a drop of water
Floating by.

Lights flickering in and out-
Fast as light.
Listening to:
Jen Jul 2020
If I put my hand
On the fogged glass
Will it erase words
So crass
Will it uncover
Where there once
Was a strange menagerie
Over the lake's horizon
In a fuscia-water coloured vision
Waking in the early morning
To this realness
Come to life
Had to escape it
And face what
Has passed
Leave it all behind
If I place my sight
In the right place
These fears might slip away
But my dear
Our world is-
A gray-washed haze
My hand releases
From the mirror's grasp
My eyes see through
To what it was at last
Jen Apr 2020
Force field up
for protection
fragile insides hide
beneath the surface
to find strength in
a spirit underlying

sacred places empty
of all confessions
doors locked still
counting blessings

rockets fall
try to destroy us
worlds collide
no one immune

darkness only
rises to
await a greater
from above

Used to be quiet
head low for
some storms
rolled in
learned to
be a fighter
A subconscious creation.  Easter blessings <3

Music playing:
Jen Nov 2021
He wondered what it would be like
To be water,
Flowing through the rocks and reefs,
Nothing could bind him,
Nothing to harm him underneath, within,
the soul weeps.

There was once a civil war,
And he was a soldier
Barely hanging on to life,
Kept going through the smoke-fire-pain
Love lost, lost his love in the rain.

Dropped to his knees and asked God why,
He would take away the one thing he was living for.

His dear love was the only reason he'd
Awaken each day and dream each night-
Picturing how happy they would be
Kept him moving still.

God looked down on the man and said,
"None of us get to choose when or how,
or what we lose."

The soldier placed one foot in front of the other
On solid ground
And found the strength to stand,
Until one day he'd rest his head
In a place where angels sing
And see his true love's face
And feel her in his embrace.

Now all that's left on this earth
Tells just a piece of their story,
Found one day buried deep
In the ground,
A wedding ring engraved with the words,
"Forever Love..."
Jen Mar 2019
All I have to give you are these words.

I can’t take anymore
Maybe I’m better
Off alone in this life
You offered glimpses
Of a love I’ve never
Known, and all
I can do is miss
What we might
Never have. I,
Cried myself to sleep
In an endless river
Dissolved my thoughts
As I painted a picture,
With the words
You spilled.
My hopes soared
High on cloud nine
I thought that
We would
Be falling asleep
In each other’s arms
One night.
I thought that
We could live like
Our daydreams.
I thought that maybe
Our daydreams
Would one day,
Come true.

In the end,
All I have
To give
Are these words
For you
Jen Jan 2019
Where you are,
I can hear
Them whisper
From somewhere
That barely
Touches the
Lines between
This world,
And mine.
Make your own,
And separate it.
If you lose it,
Find your way,
Back to it.
Back to a place
That barely
The lines between
This world,
And yours.
Jen Nov 2018
No one really knows,
Where we go.
No matter how strong,
And reinforced 
We try to be;
There is 
A force we can't control:

Let's not 
Think so much.

Our nature
Eludes true 
Jen Dec 2018
We could be,
Frozen over,
A Phoenix  
Lights a fire
This snow;
And, I know
This isn’t
Don’t we
All see,
It differently?

Nothing is real unless it’s in front our faces, in this physical space?

We all live
Fantasy (Of the mind),

Jen Mar 2019
If this is freedom
Why do so many
Wear chains
If this is liberation
Why do so many
Find early graves
If this is the dream
Everyone wants to live
Please wake me up.
It’s better than
A nightmare
At least,
Hardly a lullaby,
A freak show
On Parade in "paradise?"
What happened to...
This is abstract and open to poetic form.
Jen Dec 2018
Two words
Written on
A sign,

These words
Mean nothing,
Or do they
Speak of something?

Why did someone
Write them there?

In black marker
In the middle of
A Roundabout.

Two words:
“Free Rent.”

That doesn’t exist.
Jen May 2019
Feeling in-between
The seasons
Winter and spring
With the melt,
Your heart
Sings, frozen embers
Fade to cinders,
Please remember...
"I can't."
It's still winter,
"No, it's not."
Spring has been here too,
Not inside this
As soon as
It starts to
The freeze
Comes back
To welcome
After the fall.

, And you'll never know her heart break.
Jen Jan 2019
The shame
Lies in more
Than the eyes
Where does
The truth hide
When everything
Was a lie...
Say, we're human
Make mistakes
We all do
So many miles,
So many trials,
No one the same
We're all part
Of a different
Jen Aug 2018
A sky
With Constellations,
That's where
I found

Do you really believe
There is
Truth to this?

Pointing up
Above, to

Falling to
The ground
Soft with
Little flowers,
You place one
In your own
Hair and

Me next?
No thanks.

You want to
Kiss here
All these
People around?

Lost and found,
We wait
Until we
Are above ground
On a Ferris Wheel
As it spins
Then stops
With time.

My Gemini.
Jen Jun 2019
You never
Read it,
Couldn't believe
Said you'd never
Even read it.
Another said
He didn't know
How to react
To another
Artist type,
I'd get quiet,
Sun shining,
Lost in my
Couldn't get it,
Didn't understand
Does anyone
Get it.
Jen Jul 2018
Crossing over,
To the opposite
Of the Spectrum.


Like ghosts-
In the mind.
(Visiting only for a short time)

Built a bridge,
For you
To climb

Laying bricks,
So high-
To collapse,

A voice,
Following behind,
Never to
From within.

Through them.

Just Ghosts...
Jen Jul 2018
So small,
How men
Will always
Mislead you.
You dress up
For work
For yourself,
Then he 
Calls you
Into his office.
His eyes on
Your chest,
Face red
And hungry.
You direct
His gaze back
To the project.
men. little men.
In suits,
Little Power Sticks. 
Did the 
Real men go?
The ones
That smile
And like to talk,
Will meet you
And fall
In love with 
Your smile,
And not
As if 
A Cheap Commodity.

Suit, Office, Food, ***, Repeat.

Won't fall 
Little men
Don't care
For conversation,
All they
Want is
To **** 
You dry. 
Little men,
take girls.
A real man,
Finds a woman.
Jen Nov 2018
I’ve come to know
That this much is true…
I am a living ghost,
Weighted by
Invisible rusty, chains
And cursed as if
Crossing over
To another life;
Walking through
The city near the old hospital;
Crossing the street,
Something feels
So, familiar here.
As if a portal,
Only I can see;
But, to where?
It draws me near.
Moving forward, falling back, moving forward, falling back;
A pendulum swings between both eyes,
Small glimpses of heaven
Brought to life in this one;
I chose to separate from it;
Yet, it will always
Be there waiting
If I make the choice
To give my entirety to
The spiritual side.

I am human and flawed though.
I am scarred a sinner.
I am holding heaven while creating Winter.
This poem came to me tonight a couple hours after waking from a dream. I took a nap and usually I'm not a napper but was exhausted from not sleeping much the night before and was drenched in rain from my walk home today, took a shower, turned the space heater on, had mashed potatoes and meatballs, and then passed out to a meditation video playing only to awaken with one of my furry friends laying on me (Raven cat).  This poem just came to me like most do.  It is difficult to explain, but relates to some spiritual experiences I've had and the "tug and pull" involved with becoming closer to the light and then falling back to human and material world.  The hospital I mention is one I would walk past on my way to and from work over the summer, and every time I would get the most haunting feeling as if I had been there in another life.
Jen Dec 2018
Where do you
Want to go tonight?
    The Great Expanse,
Laid out in the distance.

Dream on, and sleep
As a man
  In a spaceship
Slips into space—

Open cavern door,
And he lives, freely.
  In the abyss, gravity exists.
Mask in place.

Where do you want
To go tonight?

Moves about
His suit.

He takes a drive,
Into the night.
Yellow stripes
Trail behind.

Isn’t the
A mind-blowing
Jen Oct 2018
It’s not clear to see-
So, let’s finally go there,
You and me.

In this present time,
Is this finally happening?

It started as
Something imaginary…

You constantly
Aroused me with
Your intelligence.
Sapiosexual Sublime,
Suggestions and
Stimulating Conversations.

So, hidden in the
Painted Aspen trees
Imprinted on these
Sheets, only present
In Sweetly Torturing Dreams,
When you sneak up quietly,
Behind me,
And let’s just pretend
It’s innocent,
And let’s just barely
Our bodies naked
Like lumbered pines,
Your hands warm,
Caressing my thighs,
From behind
Hidden vines
And unspoken
Needing No Words,
Just motion.

You play with my hair,
Like you said you would,
And in return I
Run my fingers
Through yours,
And just stare assured.

We combine our
Bodies and Minds.
Let’s go there
In real life.
Slow and cognizant,
Connecting underneath
A Blanket drenched
With what started
As “Hello,”
It now reverberates
Out an open window,
Disturbing the neighbors
Listening to “Kerala” by Bonobo (Music is inspiring)

Inspiration: A combination of real life and imagination
Jen Apr 2020
A new dawn is mourning now
Time to wake        all is motionless
A cloak covers the sheep in the meadow
The fox in the hollow
The bear in its cave

It’s the end of today
The curtains close over the stage
No one ever sees the other side
When the applause fades

Sparks are felt
Belief found in not giving up
It’s just the beginning, or is it not
Tomorrow on the horizon
Waiting for sun rays

Just a few more seconds
Left to go
Don’t lose hold
Hang on

See you somewhere
After the world
Goes cold

Halos line the stretch
And light greets dark
Where sunsets
Are no more
Than once the same
Listening to:
Jen Mar 2020
want that happy ending.
a sweet hand to hold
as we grow old together,
one day when I'm 83,
want to turn a worn page
in our book,
paper curling and cover
imperfectly tattered
from all the life
we lived in our story
I'm a hopeless romantic.  Any time I see a sweet older couple, I question if that kind of love has become lost for those of us that are from the younger generations.  I picture finding someone kind who brings a positive and uplifting energy full of transparency.  Does that exist anymore?
Jen Sep 2020
Take it now
And fold it over
Toss it in the water
This is healing
Growing in an
Ever expanding
If you look out
To the ocean
What do you see?
Maybe you
Can go there
Once more
Finally (Feel free)
The moment
Your toes touched
The sand on the shore
Maybe you
Can heal
Some more
Folding over
In emotion
Left it there
For a little while
It's ever expanding
I remember
That time...
I can reach
And touch it
Once more
Jen Dec 2018
If I followed
That path
Where would she lead?

The Aspen leaves
Cover this

The forest

Fall slow
To the ground,
Forest Found.

Covered Canopy,
Incapsulated Wound,
Time heals.
Jen Feb 2019
Valentine's Day
Petals Fall
Into soul's
Your heart
Goes amiss
Skips a beat
What day
Is it...?
I lost track of time...seriously...forgot about Valentine's Day, haha. To me, it is just another commercialized holiday.  A poem formed in my mind anyway, so why not jot it down. <3
Jen Jul 2018
Across an ocean deep,
Heart in box,
You keep.
Sometimes words haunt you, intruding during your day.  This little poem crept into my mind and wouldn't leave until I wrote it down.
Jen Nov 2021
I hear you...

Voice in the dark
Heart of my heart.
Settle in this fold.
Out of the cold,
One day we'll be old.
Comforting warmth,
Out of the rain,
Listening to it again.
Your arms surround
All of me in your hold.
Something tells me,
You'd never
Heart of my heart.
Settle in this fold.
Never to grow cold.
Jen Oct 2018
Thump, thump, thump;
Can you hear
The Heart Sound?
It’s real,
Yet metaphorical.
Can you hear,
Your Heart Sound?
Thump, thump, thump;
Louder now,
Quiet down,
All Around,
Delicate Walls.
Can you hear,
Its Song?
Jen Mar 2020
New Beginnings,
Two people meeting
Like it's the first time,
No negative comments
Or put downs
Just understanding
And loving words
I'm staying strong right
Now, by faith in God-
Yes, I will always believe
That everything
Will be okay.
No matter what
I'll see you in Heaven one day.
If we could start over fresh, would it change things? <3
Jen Oct 2018
To live here,
In the mind;
If it helps to
Ease your situation;
By all means,
Venture to
The place
Of unabated
Just know that
I won’t be there;
Waiting, for you.
Sealed the box,
Shut it tight;
Just know,
I’ll be out of sight.
Have no fears,
Have no cares,
Never cried a tear,
Merely moved
To the next
A world of
Of endless curiosity.

How does it feel,
Jen Mar 2020
We held hands and wasted time,
Wish we knew each other as kids.
It might have been more innocent,
Walking on clouds together
Lighter than feathers
(High) above solid ground
In any weather,  thought we'd stay together

You ran ahead on a forest path,
One day in my memories.
I chased you on rocky trails
As you took flight,
You were there waiting for me,
Opened your hands,
Revealed a heart shaped rock,
Symbol of our love.

Mody & Jenny
Live here forever.
Jen May 2019
It’s easy for us to get “caught up” on our lives
When in the darkness others have no choice
But to sacrifice

Don’t idealize, it’s all compromise, what if we
All stood up together to shut it down, what if
What if those of us, the millions of us that
Stay silent shut it down, is there a way?

How could it happen, it could in time, it could
It’s the underworld where children are treated
Like animals, we live our lives, we do, we don’t
Think about them, but what if there was a way

What evil lives in the hearts of men, what evil
Corruption and greed run rampant in this life
They will find their fate one day in the end

Some are just small children, sold like animals
Treated worse, groomed, trained, and used
Until they die, misery turned to tears,
Their innocence taken, objectified  
And here we are worrying about trivial things
In our lives while they are helpless and alone
The hidden sacrifice
Came across some reading material on human trafficking and then this poem emerged. I wanted to cry after reading about it...especially the parts of how children as young as toddlers are being treated, ugh.
Jen Aug 2018
Happy Game,
Of hide-and-seek.

Tall statues
By grass...
Will you
Come and find

Where are you hiding?

I'm here.
Where are you?

I enjoyed our
As we
Tried to
Find each other.

You asked,
Did I see you?

Yes, but not
Until you found
Jen Jul 2018
When you know it,
It’s hard to let go.

Reaching out-
Through the distance,
To hold your hand.

Saying “Yes”
In an instant,
Although it’s not easy
To Understand.

Not having to question-
Your intentions.

Holding On,
With You.
Jen Dec 2018
Hold on,
It’s never easy,
Take this thread,
It’s all you have

No matter
What you’re
Struggling with,
Hold on.

A chain of soft fabric string,
Dangles from a branch
In the wind, swirling buoyed,
It’s barely afloat by tendrils
That split, so thin.

Hold on,
Don’t let go,
To be taken
By the wind.
It's extremely windy here today, and I'm reminded of the human condition and depression that so many people live with.  Personally,  I struggle with PTSD from some events in my life so far.  I've found that it has been a struggle during the holiday season this year to be cheerful.  This poem is meant as a message of hope for those battling the silent killer, depression.  There is always hope and a reason to live.  Much love!
Jen Jul 2018
The Unknown.

Do you want
To run
With them

A pack
With moonlight.

Calling you
To join
The hunt.

In the night-
It’s a forest
Full of
Dirt paths
Dew Soaked

Getting Lost,
And it’s okay,
Here in
The underbrush.

“I can’t forget you.”
“I don’t want you to.”
Living here and now.

A Paved jungle

Free lance

You open your eyes,
To discover
Reality lies.

The sun
Your eyes.
Jen May 2019
You are human, so let yourself be
You are flawed, we all are,
So let yourself fall,
And then get
Back up,
Dust off your knees,
No one is perfect,
This is something
Sometimes not easy
To see.
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