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Jan 2018 · 721
Dare to Understand
Izzi Jan 2018
I am her. She is me.
Look into my eyes, the soul that stands,
is unrecognizable.
The shift of Oshun causes my femininity to create chaos,
causes my femininity to sky rocket into
the space that many can not reach.
INFINITE love surrounds this entity so be careful where you step.
My presence will change you.
Sep 2017 · 182
Thinking of him.
Izzi Sep 2017
           I can still feel the lingering of your lips on my skin.
Sep 2017 · 171
Izzi Sep 2017
You provoke the writer in me,
    to slay the land of poetry,
         and grasp the rope of inspiration.

Human nature wants me to hate you for it.
But the spirit wants me to thank you for it.

Our souls intertwined right?
Or maybe it is just my imagination.
Sep 2017 · 181
Izzi Sep 2017
Every time I ******* see you
my heart
       falls to the pit of my stomach,
as if your hands are encircling my being,
        creating a chemical reaction,   
       causing my emotions to explode.

Can you please explain to me why just the mere picture of you rocks the inside of my thoughts evoking a literal halt within my vibrational reality?

       Is that even love?

Is love supposed to be a never ending cycle of well…you?

You is constant.

At some point when does insanity begin to replace love?
Sep 2017 · 391
The Root Chakra
Izzi Sep 2017
Even though we are slowly drifting from each other, I am so grateful to have had the chance to be engulfed in your buoyancy.

I never thought that being surrounded by you, would be the goal I never got to achieve.

The wave of you drowns me, forcing your way into my lungs, poisoning my soul.

Every day my mind travels back to where bliss was engraved into our hearts.

I also never imagined that the mere thought of you would allow inspiration to spark the expression within my words.

As here I am,
                and there you aren’t.

I guess its time to let you go.
Aug 2017 · 154
Izzi Aug 2017
        I know that I am in a constant battle between you
and well…no one.
Your face dances gracefully  back and fourth between the basking of the past and
                           the fantasies of the future.
I guess I am still wondering why you don't see me,
    and how you don't feel the yearning of my spirit.
       One day you are going to lose this gravitational pull between our
And when that day comes
            it will be ripped from your core, leaving you breathless.
You will always search for me,
              and you will never find me.
Jul 2017 · 155
Izzi Jul 2017
The pill renegades the veins
Deluding the reality of time
Sinister waves like puppet strings to the soul
Youth crawls between the cracks of sanity
The stroking of the lights stuns the senses
Thunder clouds of sweat heating the air
The remedies of the tablet sedate the conscious
Shallow scars blur into oblivion
Grinding of the teeth gears the ludicrous thoughts
The need for *** grows and grows
Heart beats and thrill unite
Until you alleviate into nothing
Jul 2017 · 169
For the horny.
Izzi Jul 2017
Breathe into my lustful thoughts and ill show you my submissive being
Embrace my skin like rose petals, nourish me with your tongue
I want to expose my ****** spirit to yours and intertwine our heat.
I crave.
I crave you.
I just really ******* crave something that will feed the hunger that lives inside me.
Something that will rise my eagerness to a level of no return.
I want to experience the unthinkable.
Allow your hands to be gentle when you grab onto my desires.
Dance through the fire that flickers between my brain cells.
Please make pleasure ride along my senses, cause a scream to rise in my throat.  
I want it.
I want it so badly that the destination between my thighs cries out for it.
Satisfy me.
Izzi Jul 2017
Everytime I close my eyes
I see yours
Traveling down my being with
your lip tugged between your teeth.
The desire you placed in me
was more than nothing,
it was something,
I always craved for
but never had a chance to truly embrace.
And now that I have experienced that untouchable something,
My heart will always yern
for it.
What it feels like to love the unlovable
May 2017 · 193
I am
Izzi May 2017
I am the sunflower
that stands just a little taller than the rest.
          My energy can not be compared.
                                 Embrace me.
Sep 2016 · 424
Izzi Sep 2016
Nature is my home
It sends me into a
Universe of energy

I like to smoke trees
And forget about all my enemies
Feeling the life
Of nature
Just trying to be me

I want to give my soul
To the sound of the wind
I want to breath in
The entirety of the earth

The melody of the birds
Sends my heart into the
Land of happiness

I love it

I love it

Inspiration glides between my brain cells
As the riot of ideas harmonize
And give me hell

But I write
I write
I write

Oh **** do I write

From the fever of the sun
To the calmness of the moon
Nature is my home
Jun 2016 · 171
Izzi Jun 2016
I miss you.
I think about you
With every single
Breath I take.
I wish I could touch you.
I wish I could see you.
I wish you loved like you said you did.
I wish every tear that I shed
Didn't have your name on it.
I wish That time could go faster
Or maybe

I miss you.
I miss your laugh.
I miss your moans.
I miss having my best friend.

I wish I could be goofy with you again.
I wish I could stay up all night with you again.
I wish I could listen to you snore again.
I wish God didn't give you away.

I love you still.
I'm in love with you still.
I need you here.
I want you here.

I know you I mean nothing to you But
I hope I do one day.
I hope you see me one day.
I hope you love me one day.
I hope you fall in love with me one day.
One day.
Nov 2015 · 383
Fuck You
Izzi Nov 2015
******* for leaving me
******* for hurting me
******* for lying to me
******* for all the smiles
******* for all the laughs
******* for making me cry
Every single night
Your nothing
You never will be nothing
I hope you burn in hell
I hope the flesh crumbles from your bones
******* for making my heart melt
******* for making me love you so much
That every time I think of you
I die a little inside
Your a demon
And I hope you suffer a pain that is
Nov 2015 · 244
Beautiful Horror
Izzi Nov 2015
**** it, not again
She’s bleeding
She’s screaming
I can’t stop
It feels too good
Her insides are warm,
Wet from the
She screams again
Her horror sounds beautiful
Making it harder
To stop
Her fingernails dig
Into the flesh
On my
I moved my hands
Around her neck
Her eyes becomes
Her face becomes

I smile as the
Beautiful Horror
Mask the innocence
Of her face

I watched
Over take her

Death ripped through
The Silence
As I laughed looking down
On her

I've killed the one
I once loved
And I didn't even
Know her name

Beautiful Horror
Uplifted my veins
On to the next
Once again
Jun 2015 · 338
Izzi Jun 2015
You left me and you didn't even look back
I begged
I cried
I screamed
For you
Only for you
I guess it wasn't good enough
I guess I wasn't good enough
You brought everything back
The shame
The sorrow
The pain
Now I'm here
Alone and Free
Free from the past
Free from from you
Free at last
Thank you
For leaving me and never looking back
Apr 2015 · 273
What is your love?
Izzi Apr 2015
My love is too beautiful
My love is too worthy
My love is too peaceful
My love is too free
My love is too gentle
My love is too tender
My love is too sweet
My love is too natural
My love is too poetic
My love is too honest
My love is too musical
My love is too magical
My love is too pure
To be thrown back in my face
Izzi Dec 2014
The light of my life isn't a light
Not the sun
Not a lamp
The light of my life is different
Just different
My lights silhouette can not be distinguished
The mystery of it's feature lies in the hands of God
The feeling of it's hand is unknown to my skin
The flavor of it's lips unknown to my tongue
The insense of it's being is unknown to my senses
The rythem of it's heart is unknown to my audition
My light is not a light
A man
Who bestows the light in my life
Who destroys the darkness with his laughter
Who detaches the sadness with his words
Who strips the melancholy with his smile
My light does not glow
He shines
More than the sun
More than a lamp
He shines brighter than anything on earth
He Is The Beautiful Light Of My Life
Dec 2014 · 298
Izzi Dec 2014
It's amazing how much I really love you
Every sound you make is majestic
Every breath you  breathe brings chills of delight
Every word you speak brings me to life
You move my spirit
I am emotionally attached to your being
You gave me back my soul
And carefully established it into gold
You gave me back my individuality
You brought me the one gift I thought had departed from my heart
You made me see who I really am
You made me realize what true happiness is
You gave me that
Oct 2014 · 403
Izzi Oct 2014
I ******* hate myself
I hate knowing that I will never be loved
No man would ever look at me like a rare object
That when you touch it breaks
I'm never going to the bride
Or the wife
Or the mother
I'm a home wrecker
Heart breaker
Spirit taker
I am nothing
Sep 2014 · 270
Izzi Sep 2014
On this night I think
Think about you, me, the world around us
Think about life without you
How lost I feel when I am not with you
Your voice smooth as velvet
My name sounds majestic when,
It slides off your tongue
My love for you is bigger than me
Bigger than us
Bigger than life
I ask the Lord,  why him?
I hate you, then I love you
I cry, then I laugh
I moan, then I whisper
I want you
I want your love
I want your heart
To have and to hold,
To cherish
You are a gift not a charity
You are loved not abandoned
You are powerful not fluctuant
You are honorable not a disgrace
You are mine
All mine
I am yours
All yours

Jun 2014 · 973
Izzi Jun 2014
Today I walk in shame

            As my heart is filled with pain

                                Life will never be the same
Izzi Jun 2014
I’ve known words:
I’ve known words passionate as lovers captivated in each other’s eyes and more soothing than the wind whispering sweet nothings into your hair.
My words have grown beautiful and impassioned.
I wrote “Hear me now!” filled with anger and determination.
I’ve wrote “Altered” embraced with chance and adventure.
I’ve wrote “Dark” brimming with love and revival.
I’ve wrote “After” clutched with deception and pain.
I’ve written words:
Powerful, heart clenching words.
My soul has grown mighty like my words.
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
A Lovers Dance
Izzi Jun 2014
Inspired by: Duke Ellington "Solitude"

The lights low
Music slow
My palm rests itself on the small of her back
My shoulder holding the weight of her head
The rhythm of "Solitude" moving the souls of our feet
With every step builds our wall of love
Taking away
All the pain we thought was here to stay

God is certainly on my side
As her eyes begin to hide
A ghosted smile upon her lips
Bring her closer, grab her hips

Tonight I fall in love
With a beauty that can only be sent from above
I take away her fear
Take away her shame
Take away her pain

Tonight we lock our hands
As we end our Lovers Dance
This is dedicated to Jake Muir for giving me hope

— The End —