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The wind blows like God is walking by
The trees reach so high in the sky
As He gently runs His fingers through them

The green grass lays so fast and springs up again
Like His foot print was there then gone

The feeling He sent came and went
Along with the wind's movement
I want it to come back and never leave

The birds in the trees sing a Hallelujah melody
Full of praise and worship

God’s glory surrounding His love abounding
As the wind is gently howling
In one slow motion moment

God would invest without rest
This gift so freely given
A jack of all trades and a master of none
That is what people called him
Always tinkering with a smile on his face
Helping others seemed to be his place
So when the last chance came to say goodbye
Many people wondered why
Had such a man as this
Who touched all walks of life
Have to die

As busy as he was he always had the time
To stop and talk with the town drunk
On the corner where he stood
Often about a wonderful boyhood
Then in his pocket he would reach
Without a judging eye
Give the man some money
Shake his hand and say until next time
So when the last chance came to say goodbye
Many people wondered why
Had such a man as this
Who touched all walks of life
Have to die

Always willing to share his skill
If you had the ear to learn
Teaching how to do a thing or two
He would give that value
With anyone who would listen
He would make it his business
To share his knowledge as if he was a chieftain
So when the last chance came to say goodbye
Many people wondered why
Had such a man as this
Who touched all walks of life
Have to die

A husband and a father
His wife and children miss him the most
He was a hero to them
Through his children his story will never end
Have you ever waited to hear the voice of God
Knowing you have tried everything you can
When all strength is gone, no will power to stand
Pleading your case for things to change
You know that what is wrong lives inside your being
Spun out of control praying to stop feeling
Caught up in a loss of self-control
That sinful pleasure starts playing its role
Leading you deeper as you follow
A flesh made shell that is hollow
Down the path of life that is a slippery *****
To the point where you feel you have only one hope
Realizing the line between life and death is there to provoke
You to wait to hear the voice of God
the epidemic of trolling
is spreading fast
at another poetry site
some writers are in this cast

administrators have got
a massive job ahead
weeding out those who've
coughed on its bread

the purging process
is all for the good
as this disease can't stay*
in the neighborhood

a temporary closure
notice was posted to-day
to let members know
of the trolls awful play

when the cleansing op
has been finalized
the gates of the forum
*shall be fully sterilized
She drapes her beauty
over a gossamer sleeve

breathes music box melody

through the spindles of dreams

elopes with the stars

and whispers
lavish possibilities

through a cauldron of clouds

she, the whimsy,
midnight Blues fantasy

seeped in gin
drizzled over
my sins

she is madness
and meaning

commingled in
I was inspired by John Destalo's style in "Scavenger" and Patty and Gideon's homage to the Blues and the beautifully soft phrase "cauldron of clouds" in Shamamama's "Sleepless."  The phrase bewitched me.
This fragile heart
sometimes bursts into
the tiniest shards
                  of infinity
clear as crystal light
yet empty
as an ocean, waterless
to be filled and filled
over and over
as I would fill you
to the brim
overflowing with
enough life
and love to heal
a thousand
                aching moons
 Aug 2020 Terry Richardson
The day came
I watched my shadow walk away
It was his time to go
Time to find his own way
along the road
I don’t know if I should cry
or try to smile
I know he’ll make it on his own
now that my shadow’s grown
And I know that he’ll be fine
He’ll be alright and so will I
as my shadow turns to wave goodbye.
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