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7d · 114
I'm trying to fill your gaps with the lengths of me,
inhale your essence in form of hyperventilating.
Handling a ****** that i'll purposely procrastinate
I wont commiserate , it's more so a proclamation.

Guide your hands to the utmost high.
Religion can be a lie but we will pray tonight,
atone for sins, all while committing them,
a sip from our fountains before we begin.

Holy water. Instinctual desire.
Theres no hell in this fire created in our friction.
We've taken a fiction into reality.
We can lack diction in our expression tonight.
I'll read more into the thrusting of hips
and the curling of toes and lips
and the feeling of finger tips
to verify what your physical reactions
and floods already tell me.
I confess at your feet, i'm on my knees
begging for saving.
I'm praying on a rosary thats choking me.
No tithing but offering daily communion;
you have my body for free.
We worship in my house. Eucharist.
Natural inebriation, no tantalus.
and when your ready to spill your secrets,
call out my name through your bliss
while you grip my sheets in your fists.
You didn't know heaven could be visited
but we just did.
Inevitable Jul 2024
I'm busy finding myself and getting aquatinted. Feel like my past body is on the pavement.
It always had to be me who saved me.
Now it's a different picture being painted.

Put me on a t shirt; that death was inevitable. Prolonged for too long because
I was told I wasn't capable.
I dug a grave and now I stand on top of it.
This life has always been some twisted monopoly. So I framed a death for new possibilities.
New ID, new area code.
A brand new home where no one knows me.

Im back to my old dream
since living in a false reality.
Heavily medicated had my foundation cloudy.
I'm out and I'm free from
the chains of my mentality.
Here comes the sun and the summer.
Pink cloud mornings bring on the thunder.
No rain can drown me out.
I prayed for a storm in the face of a drought.
I will scream in the name of resistance and
demand the change that persists. This is it.
Its inevitable.
Wrote 7/6/24  @ItsInevitable229
Jun 2024 · 66
Letter to The Inevitable
Inevitable Jun 2024
Born again.
It ain't no euphemism.
Dealing with this anger and depression
it's like I got the **** youth again
and I don't have any friends.
The people that call me don't read my pen
and they don't repent
but it doesn't make them any less heaven sent.
I've been learning and failing
for as long as I can remember.
The lessons I've learned has been simple tinder
for this fire in my soul and ain't no dent in my bumper that can muffle this thunder,
cause you're going to hear what I have to say
even if I cant find the words to muster.
My smile glistening with blood in my teeth
from all the rocks that I swallowed
when I ain't have nothing to eat.
I refused to claim defeat.
You couldn't walk in my shoes
cause I had bare feet.
Blisters that made them bleed
and it never stopped me.
I was beaten black and blue
but I kept silent to appease you.
What you said you'd do if I told,
wasn't what happened when the truth unfolded. Instead I was scolded.
Lost wandering in this world and
always cold shouldered. Considering it all,
I kept the chip of mine.
Walked the line and called on the divine.
Then I woke up one day and decided not to live past 9 cause when I called up to God,
I got the busy toned line.
I woke up and there was no one home to find me.
The message was blinding.
No one was going to save me besides me
so I got to the soul finding.
I woke up again and I was 25.
My old life was behind and I had a chance to shine.
No direction to go in,
just went where the river was flowing.
Without even knowing
I was living and growing.
The old memories were like a dream
but theres one I've been constantly chasing.
I refuse to forget
when my memories constantly erasing.
It's been hard to face dealing with a body that always felt out of place.
Defending my energy with a can of mace
and suddenly it's only me left to embrace.
So I do, until I turn blue.
Transcending time and space trying to find you.
Wrote 6/11/24   @ItsInevitable229
Inevitable May 2024
I could ask for a call and still not get it.
That only makes me regret it.
In the off times I prepare myself to be vulnerable
and then not get the chance,
I just stay to myself and
keep everyone closed out.
My problems, I've addressed on my own
because every time I picked up the phone,
they feared the emotions were waves
that would take me in the under tow.
but little did they know, I'll always float.
and I know thats not much of living
but its been the cards I was given.
I don't fight it anymore
and I choose to adore the shore
that I can never quite reach.
I watch the beings that I'll never quite be.
Wrote 5/17/25  @ItsInevitable229
May 2024 · 104
Inevitable May 2024
In my world,
I live in that movie.
I go to the shops
begging someone to speak to me.
All I find is mannequins
and blood *******
flesh eating
In the outside world,
it's just my dog and I
and keeping those monsters
hands and nails from gripping onto us,
keeps us locked in a waste land.
Ive been looking for a cure,
a vaccine even,
but all I come up with is words
no one is listening to anyways.
A real cure would be a heart or conscious
but thats not something
that can be gifted or bought.
So I stand with those who
have known nothing but being fought,
I speak for those who only have racing thoughts,
for those who live in fear
and those who consistently miss a meal
cause those monsters are no sponsors
and they'd rather see you bleed
before they feed you.
Wrote 5/5/24   @ItsInevitable229
May 2024 · 74
Inevitable May 2024
Expectations have a way of breaking your heart.
They highlight the grey line between
thought and the actual know.
You never know anything unless its explicitly said
but in my life, even the spoken words
hold no weight anymore.
There is no trust in the mere words that are spoken to me because without action, they mean nothing. Same as an apology;
would rather skip the sorry and see/be the proof.
I have not always been right.
To be honest, i've been more wrong.
Life has a way of humbling you and
showing you exactly what you need
and most of the time, it's just you.
And even in myself, I've had to learn to
not have expectations because after 26 years,
I'm still learning what I'm capable of and
who I am.
Wrote 4/30/24   @ItsInevitable229
Mar 2024 · 63
Inevitable Mar 2024
I believe in some things
like happiness, true love, peace
but its always been just out of reach.
I've run into snakes and leech after leech
but its nothing thats ever defeated me.
I've been lost at sea,
in holes too deep to see,
not been able to breathe
but these blessings I receive daily
has been the energy that gives belief of a maybe.
I'm a presence you don't realize until I leave.
I believe in my reprieve. I repent.
I'm heaven sent
to a society in which I do not blend,
I transcend.
Touch lives and survive.
I don't say whats not meant.
I believe in something bigger than me
and I believe in destiny.
I don't not fear the inevitable.
It's what makes me,
it's what breaks me
and it's what will take me.
I'm here left standing when I was created to fall.
It's nothing more than what it's meant to be.
This world was made for me.
The disasters perpetually creating prophecy.
Despite the darkness that I called home,
I still believe in a light that will brighten my nights,
I believe in a creator that makes more than a fight.
Wrote 3/18/24   @ItsInevitable229
Mar 2024 · 68
Inevitable Mar 2024
I wish someone would ask me if I was okay.
It would be nice if anyone worried about me at all.
Truth is, they could ask but I most likely would claim fine when in reality I'm dying inside.

I communicate well enough.
Thats also why I wonder if anyone cares at all.
In those moments where I'm drowning
and I finally ask for help? No one answers.

I can only rely on myself.
I'm the only one making sure I'm okay
and I'm not right now.
Quite frankly I have no idea what to do
so I decided to write to you.

These days have got me praying to any god
knowing that whatever wave pulls me under,
I always have that split second in between them that I gasp for air and somehow manage to survive that way.. but thats not living is it?

I think about how I must've been really ****** in my past life. It's the only way I can cope with never being able to stand up and breathe for longer than a second. It has got to stop at some point right?
Wrote 3/8/24   @ItsInevitable229
Feb 2024 · 80
For The Love Of A Poet
Inevitable Feb 2024
I'll never forget how good she was with words.
How her tongue cut sharp and spit and
dripped with poetic justice.
I read her lines and watched her lips
while mine were blurred and she slipped my grip.

I cant stand our imperfection.
Shes a perfectly perfect person
perpetually portraying pain...
or maybe thats mine in the reflection of her eyes.
Our love was filled with nights up trying, lying awake, inevitably dying.
but who am I to fake cause all those nights I called fate were more like lessons we make and take and we thought otherwise but I bet most could relate.
We weren't a mistake, leaving each other was the only one we made.
Feb 2024 · 79
Reborn Pt. 2
Inevitable Feb 2024
I watch the water extend as far as I can see.
The air there is like a puff of albuterol;
I can finally breathe.
I watch myself from above and take in the view
only thing missing is you.
Every day is now a mission.
more so than before.
I think the only difference now is that im no longer "surviving"; I am prospering.
I found my voice.
I obtained the strength to make a choice and did
I hold onto a lot of things
but I have started to unpack.
I have been driftwood moved and swayed in the water taken with whichever current came first
gripping, reaching, screaming for that life line
and I pulled myself ashore.
I am new. I am blue. I am the light that guides me.
I am woman. I am fearless.
I am love and I am you.
I can see the tide shifting and know theres something coming but I will not be pulled.
I will not be used. I am the voice of the broken;  
we are the muse.
Wrote 2/11/24   @ItsInevitable229
Feb 2024 · 223
Inevitable Feb 2024
I didn't know you until she spoke your name.
Now I could never see you without knowing.
I used to think what pretty flowers
but now I'll always know.
I call you out by name.
Wrote 2/7/24     @ItsInevitable229
Feb 2024 · 89
Inevitable Feb 2024
My delusions are the poetic illusion of destiny
and the art of never knowing for sure
until its manifested.
I will brave through the anxieties and
out of my comfort zone in an attempt to
free myself from the shackles that have held me
in place for 25 years.
My face has been illusive, painted smile or silence to mask the screams yet
i've made it.
The smile on me is real now and my eyes gleam with happiness and I have never felt more free.
Wrote 2/4/24  @ItsInevitable229
Jan 2024 · 61
Inevitable Jan 2024
Somethings changing.
I feel it in my stomach.
My lunch upheaves;
I have no idea whats coming.
The wind is shifting,
I'm changing with the seasons,
the foundation of this house is bending
and this chapter of my life is ending.
I lift my roots and jump into the wind.
Which ever way it takes me, I aim to win.
Dreamscapes are tragic,
being swallowed by a flood.
Its in my mind, i'm dying
but this is the most peaceful way to go.
Baptize the chastised
we are on our way to roads of gold.
Enlighten me, we are the all knowing
but who fuels the information that
my intuition is told?
Im praying to every god but especially to you.
I'm chanting sweet somethings
right up to the moon.
If the water keeps rising and I float at the top,
I'll keep elevating, I'll keep learning,
these things don't stop.
She is my heaven. She is my savior.
The prophecy is unfolding and
I swear I can save her
from those who throw lashings before throwing you in a tomb, you wont have to rise again if I can figure out what to do.
To save you from illness that took Prophet Mohammad. I will swim through dark waters, and climb the highest mountains to stop it.
Theres only two ways this could end
and one way is to begin.
Wrote 1/22/24   @ItsInevitable229
Jan 2024 · 71
Universal Language
Inevitable Jan 2024
I've always spoken in similes
even before I knew the word.
Id speak and yell for help
but no one understood therefore
I wasn't heard or felt.

So I explained things like my pain or my loneliness or how the rain makes me feel.
I explained colors as tastes and my pain as a constant dull ache, one where my hearts feels like its manually beating and how being alone was like a room with no windows or light accompanied by an elephant that loved to sit right on my chest.
I explained rain like the feeling of hearing a babies first laugh. It's the freeness and freshness that feels like a blessing.
Or so I say.

I explain love more often and most haven't had that true one to grasp what It means,
so I tell them descriptively..
Love is the vastness and brightness of the night sky in Alaska. It's the real meaning of being rich. It's safety and peace. Love is sitting at the table with always something to eat. Love is a northern breeze, ever so changing but always evident.
Love is a dream.

A poets language is universal. Their writings are pure emotion which anyone could relate.
I continue to articulate what I need to convey in a way that we all know and I write so it's on display.
Wrote 11/17/24    @ItsInevitable229
Jan 2024 · 60
Inevitable Jan 2024
This flood of rain water is enough for a baptism.
Blessed in the presence.
Its drowns out the thoughts and I hope it washes away the sins.
I repent.
I yell my wrong doings over the thunders rumbles and ask for forgiveness in my choices.
Theres no escaping this house as the rivers overflow.
I step foot in, the waters to my knees and I kneel in the presence of potential death.
The current pushes and pulls me.
I count to three.. three times before I completely submerge. one.. two.. three...
Im free.
Wrote 1/9/24   @ItsInevitable229
Inevitable Jan 2024
Im realizing here isnt home if we aren't.
As my plans alter, I feel unsteady,
unsure, not ready.
So i'll go back? Just pass through each known place like a ghost wandering through halls that were once mine but hold no warmth anymore.
I think it's needed now.
I'll cut off my extremities so I don't have to hold your hand when I walk that circle, chasing just the chance at remnants that we were there at all.

Im chasing a feeling.
I go to say that nothing good came from that place but that would hold no truth cause you were proof.
A poet. An east side story.
A broadway play that spoke no names.
Brilliance that didn't belong in this place.
Im still on the pursuit of happiness.
I know i'm still living in the past
but that because thats where I find it.
Wrote 1/5/24  @ItsInevitable229
Jan 2024 · 92
Low Battery
Inevitable Jan 2024
I am a battery.
A public port of sorts.
Travelers plug themselves up to charge for their adventure and just as quickly as they came,
they return to the streets
while my energy is left depleted.

Until next time traveler,
if I should stay complacent.
What would you do next time?
If I wasn't where I was previously seated?
There's a satisfaction in always uplifting those weary minds but theres no battery back
to refill mine.
Ive been on borrowed time and I see now that you're consistently wasting it.
It's time to unplug.
Wrote 1/3/24   @ItsInevitable229
Jan 2024 · 75
The Pursuit Of Happiness
Inevitable Jan 2024
Im traveling this road alone,
have no place to call to home
and am lonely to the bone.
I'll set out on my journey,
looking for my happy,
traveling across country
on my pursuit of happiness.

My dog in the passenger street,
will serve as my only friend,
nothing but open road to occupy us.
I'll pull over at every worth sight
and snap a few pictures
so ill remember.
Which ever place feels like a hug,
I will lay my head for good.
If my hands end up digging in sour dirt,
ill return myself to it.
Im on my pursuit of happiness.
Wrote 1/2/24   @ItsInevitable229
Jan 2024 · 79
A Feeling
Inevitable Jan 2024
Sparks through every nerve ending.
A drop in my stomach.
My heart crawls up my throat for air
and I'm choking up.
My eyes tear ever so slightly.
I start to throw up.
If anything, I'll settle for this.
Wrote 12/31/23   @ItsInevitable229
Dec 2023 · 92
Inevitable Dec 2023
I love myself.
I do.
I don't talk much. Too scared to blink.
Too much anticipation to know what you think
and if its about me.
Theres an art in not knowing. A method of sorts.
Theres an interest in strangers who could
easily tear us apart.
Right now i'm uncertain.
See, you ooze divine. A beauty to a borderline but I have been led by shine twice before
directly into a nose dive.
I lived to tell the tale but I promise you
i'm much more careful.
Your shine is more than a shine though.
It's a glow
and I really want to know you.
Whats a being like you wanting anything
to do with me?
I know all that I could be but
there's no way that way you see.
I am more than my words, I can give you
the world if only you'd let me.
The anxiety is sitting in my stomach as each hour passes that i'm waiting for your response
and I realize I'm long gone.

Ive fallen in likeness and your likeness is me.
Wrote 12/15/23  @ItsInevitable229
Dec 2023 · 78
Night Sky Diaries Pt. 1
Inevitable Dec 2023
My dreams are laced through Orions belt.
My anger in the spear gripped by his hand
and never leaving it.

My hopes spill from the dippers.
Whats left is stale and pooled into the pocket,
though I still visit, nights like these, just for a sip.

The bigger picture, Mrs Ursa Major takes
my heart and puts into form.
Feared but revered.
A large teddy bear.

My flaws are plaster on the face of the Moon.
My fears side? It's on the dark side
that no body will see soon.

Why so, Sirius?
Who controls when which constellation is faded?
Who knows how long that I've waited for just a glimpse of an elation, to blink
and have my star gone and left devastated?
Wrote 12/13/23  @ItsInevitable229
Dec 2023 · 104
Bella Noche (ANNABEL LEE)
Inevitable Dec 2023
Slick hands and locked lips let my love slip into the sea away from me and into her lovers beam.
Desperately wading through waters in
depths you cannot see.
She lived with no other thought than to love
and be loved by me.
My Bella Noche.

We loved with a love that was more than a love
The kind that cracks spines of novels,
folds the pages with annotations
over our favorite parts
But our love was not as long.
And if as long, a tragedy.
The Shakespearean kind.
Although dark, beautiful. Bella Noche.

Neither the angels in Heaven above nor the demons down under the sea can ever dissever my soul from the soul of the
Bella Noche, my dream.
Passion lit with the brightest flame,
smoldering over all these wasted years.
I look to the stars and there you are
My Bella Noche, my dear.

The moon never beams without
bringing me dreams
Always fleeting, forever gleaming,
smile beaming through her voice,
every picture I record,
You live there forever more,
my Bella Noche, my Lenore.
Wrote 12/11/23  @ItsInevitable  
Quotes from Edgar Allan Poe "ANNABEL LEE" 1849
Dec 2023 · 73
Falling In Like
Inevitable Dec 2023
Falling in like is walking on sea glass.
Its the beauty of the walk
but also the risk.
Tossing pieces ahead of us and seeing what fits while avoiding and not always missing the
sharp edges and ... bleeding.
Falling in like is showing up at their door naked and unannounced before your first date.
Falling in like is holding up every wall while they unknowingly play Jenga with them.
It's trying to pick up the pieces but also having the idea of just leaving them there...
but still picking them up.
Falling in like is a relapse
and i'm losing all my chips.
Wrote 12/10/23  @ItsInevitable229
Inevitable Nov 2023
The muddy water courses through our veins.
Exhaust fumes fill the air with each exhale you let out and I grew to love that smell,
even more so now.
Tearing up the yard and making sparks through the night, the roar of an engine echoing through the daylight, always knowing where
you were going...
We walked and rode miles upon hours, swam in the muckiest of waters and
counted stars more nights than not.
The **** smoke floating through the car and the sunroof open with music louder than the thoughts we were always running from,
and boy, lord knows we were always
running from something
If the police couldn't stop us, bullets couldn't hit us, not a fight we couldn't win,
who would ever tell us to live differently?
If there was ever a time I lived,
it was the hours I spent with you.
Sitting in silence, backing up even the most wrong choices but thats what brothers do.
Every move I take and breath I breathe will forever be in the name of you.
Wrote 11/29/23  @ItsInevitable229
Nov 2023 · 94
Inevitable Nov 2023
My hairs coming out in single extensions
but they're not that;
they were once rooted in my head.
This happens every year bringing a new fear of what could be and what isn't.
I've said goodbye too many times this year and losing my hair is just
another one to whisper.
They say hair holds value, whether its comfort, memories, or any sense of spirituality
and part of me is dying
but I think thats okay.
Ive been nothing but a phoenix all my life,
rising from ashes,
spreading my wings to fall again
but I always got back up
more of a warrior than the last time.
I run my hand through my hair and sprinkle the shed across the grass much like the ashes
I continue to rise from.
I know the truth is within me even if
it's hard to stomach.
The pit in it will soon sprout and root in my intestines and grow something new.
Im laying this year to rest with both my best friends and the yearning for what I cant have.
Wrote 11/29/23  @ItsInevitable229
Nov 2023 · 175
Falling Back Into Me
Inevitable Nov 2023
The pitter patter of birds feet in the
fallen leaves and trees sounds like
the rhythm of a rain falling at ease.
I used to beg for a drizzle just for some peace,
but now I come and go as I please
into this forest of what I used to call my dream.
Wrote 11/16/23   @ItsInevitable229
Oct 2023 · 78
Stone Faced
Inevitable Oct 2023
Tigers eyes under sapphire skies and
obsidian nights with howlite moon to guide.
We are divinely protected.
Wrote 1/4/23; Revised 10/17/23  @ItsInevitable229
Oct 2023 · 99
Dreams And Nightmares
Inevitable Oct 2023
If you asked me 5 years ago what I wanted in life, I'd tell you it's exactly what I have now.

I woke up one day and had nothing but everything I ever dreamed and hoped for at the same time.

I realized that no matter what I had in the material, it meant nothing if I had no one to share it with. There was no one there to see me come out the other side of this fight so it felt like I never did.  

Now I am left with a graveyard of friends and lovers that I had lost along the way.
Those that I still lay flowers at and those that I speak of through clenched teeth.
Their names just taste a little bitter
and maybe I am too.
Bitter that you didn't see the vision or believe that id make anything more of my broken pieces
when I always carried yours through storms and watered your every thought
and god, I really tried to bring you with me.

I have all this land.
A foundation.
Built around tombstones of the past.
No one within 200 miles
but ghosts
and I struggle to say "I'm home".
Wrote 10/8/23  @ItsInevitable229
Oct 2023 · 149
Inevitable Oct 2023
I want to call you.
or text you.
Im buying a house and I want to know
what you think.
I want you to like it in case
you ever come home.
It's going to have a yard.
and a garden.
A library.
and a night sky suitable for you.
Wrote 10/4/23  @ItsInevitable29
Oct 2023 · 78
RIP - Romance In Poetry
Inevitable Oct 2023
Im the death of a poet.
The muse that puts ink down on paper and the absence of love that dried the pen.
Im forever in the footnotes, the dedications, and after thought of every written word.
I'll take you to the point of ecstasy and push you right off the edge. It's inevitable.
Wrote 3/22/23  @ItsInevitable229
Sep 2023 · 93
A Lifetime Without You
Inevitable Sep 2023
It's been 10 days since you walked this place.
I tell you the colors are a lot less vibrant now.
I tell you the burnt rubber sent clouds to
the exosphere just to reach you.
I tell you that we are all still waiting to wake up
and I tell you that I love you forevermore.
I can feel your arms around me in my weakest moments... like when the rain fell and
didn't wash this away.
Ever since your lungs took your last breath,
i've been desperately trying to breathe
life into your name.
We are beating on our chest just to
keep our hearts beating.
My eyes have been swollen shut yet I still knew the sun continued to rise and fall.
That hurts most of all.
Wrote 9/20/23  @ItsInevitable229
Sep 2023 · 75
I Need 6ft Indefinitely
Inevitable Sep 2023
What art my heart torn apart makes when it bleeds over the edges and onto the hands of people who just wanted to touch me.
Greedy fingers and hungry eyes.
I've been devoured visually by souls
who did not care that I bled blue;
they didn't care that I breathe for you.
Long nails raking down my skin, desperately trying to hold onto the truth
that I am an end goal,
but that they are not ready.
They do not Inform me that behind the conversations of a future,
that they would remain dreams,
Broken ones
and that forever is indeed a time
and it is not as long as I thought it would be.
So please, keep your hands off me.
Wrote 5/17/23; Revised 9/9/23  @ItsInevitable229
Sep 2023 · 99
Smoke Break
Inevitable Sep 2023
I'm smoking too much, not feeling enough.
Tossing back pills, still giving a ****.
They say so strong so tough,
while i'm praying to the sky above and
using this faith as a crutch.
I'm dripping in blood and
theres no one to trust.
Shoved them all out and turned to dust.
From ashes I continue to rise.
So I wish on bright lines
that i'll fall for the last time.
Wrote 9/1/23  @ItsInevitable229
Sep 2023 · 78
Inevitable Sep 2023
The smell of a campfire is stuck to the humid air.
I inhale smoke just as thick as the smell
and when I close my eyes,
you're sitting right there with me.
We're around a campfire with good company, smiling faces and dinner on the coals.
I can smell the roast.
If only I was cycling through memories instead of dreams i'd be a bit less bitter.
oh.. what we could've done with more time.
My eyes are closed and i'm sitting in front of the home I dreamed we would build
and its burning
and i'm going down with it.
Wrote 7/28/22; Revised 9/1/23  @ItsInevitable229
Sep 2023 · 78
Inevitable Sep 2023
Two twenty nine times trampled tangled and left stranded.
Once a vision of guidance but now the angels are silent.
Karma has punished me so much its alarming.
Deja vu is a stranger and only visited with you.
I'm stuck in a hue of grey that i'm color blind to.
There is no in between yet there we were.
Love living in the dark.
A glimpse at the hand that once touched me and nothing more to show for what we had but these words.
Wrote 4/23/23; Revises 9/1/23 @ItsInevitable229
Aug 2023 · 324
If You Were The Moon
Inevitable Aug 2023
If you were the moon, I think you'd still pull the tide.

The ones that start tsunamis.

If you were the moon, i think you'd still light up my nights.

Only with the help of the sun.

If you were the moon, you would have loved for you with desire.

The kind that keeps the fire lit.

But if you were the moon, i think it would burn.

The sun that you chase and will never meet,
still rises in the east and puts you to rest.
Wrote 1/14/22; Revised 8/30/23  @ItsInevitable229
Aug 2023 · 115
Trust The Untrustable
Inevitable Aug 2023
The tree portrays trust to tangle in the winds gusts.

Allow your mind to envelope my words in ways the leaves move freely.

Entwine with my body, silent secrets, sweet something's, and shadow my sheer sorrow.
Wrote 2/1/22  @ItsInevitable229
Aug 2023 · 370
For The Love Of A Leo
Inevitable Aug 2023
These wax wings stood no chance against your rays; I was warned, I know, but what's more tempting than safety

or perceived safety.

Like Icarus I fell from the sky into the waters and met a cancer; now i'm drowning cause I can't swim.

i'd rather be star gazing
but that's what got me here in the first place.
Wrote 1/14/22  @ItsInevitable229
Aug 2023 · 82
The Beauty In Rain
Inevitable Aug 2023
you: a fragile flower. soft to touch and blooms when no ones looking.
me: a gentle spring rain. soft to touch and comes when you need it most.
a nourishment for the soul,
being that this is all metaphorical.

my heart: a cumulonimbus,
so full and heavy with love spilling out the sides and wetting pavement.
you're the flower that rose from the concrete,
a foundation not suitable for the exceptional
so i will water you, flower, and smell the aroma each time like its the first;
mixed with fresh rain,
I could bottle the scent.
Wrote 11/17/22 @ItsInevitable229
Aug 2023 · 121
Pink Cloud Summer
Inevitable Aug 2023
You led me up the mountains to touch clouds; pulled me through the cracks of ice and said
we would find green together.
You described the images so clearly
I could just start to imagine it myself.
The cold nights spent together were most warm because you were beside me,
but summers almost over now and
i've shed all i've had but my skin.
I held everything together with my own hands; realized i've always had one free to hold theirs
and that I never really had much anyways.
Wrote 3/22/23; Revised 8/28/23 @ItsInevitable
Aug 2023 · 68
Dear No One
Inevitable Aug 2023
I put the ball point to my paper again.
Page tore when met with tear soaked blotches.
The work flows best when in distress.
I couldnt tell you what ive done all these years, but I know they were tortured and wasted.
I haven't heard my voice in days
but I finally picked up the pen.
Even if its the same variety of words telling the same story i've told before
I'll be back in my notes; it's inevitable.
Im seeing the pattern and it hurts but
its predictable and for some reason that feels better.
Even if no one was listening or reading, at least I said something.
Wrote 8/21/2023 @ItsInevitable229
Jan 2022 · 615
Inevitable Jan 2022
Orion taunts me these nights,
stretched across the sky but never making it to battle.

The constellation mocks me these nights.
I wish Orion would fall from the sky and **** me.

What a beautiful tragedy that in ways he already has.
Jan 2022 · 135
Bad trip
Inevitable Jan 2022
Drugs are enticing and exciting.
She did it for the thrill, they were so inviting.

Pill after pill, needle after needle,
As she lit another j, she became more feeble.

She kept her door locked along with her lips.
She wouldn't tell anyone how reality would slip.

Theres no need to worry she did it all the time.
She had no cares in the world and snorted another line.

This time wasn't like the rest, she was soon to know, like the older addicts, she was the next to go.

No one was aware how her mental would dip.
She wasn't aware this was her last ******* trip.
Wrote 9/12/14  @ItsInevitable229
Jan 2022 · 283
For the love of a Leo
Inevitable Jan 2022
These wax wings stood no chance against your rays,
I was warned, I know, but what's more tempting than safety

or perceived safety.

Like Icarus I fell from the sky into the waters and met a cancer,
now i'm drowning cause I can't swim.

id rather be a star gazing
but that's what got me here in the first place.
Jan 2022 · 286
Inevitable Jan 2022
Ive got these women deleting the apps we met on because they think i'm the one.

I'm not satisfied.

How could I be when i'm cosmically meant for you?
Dec 2021 · 197
Hello poetry
Inevitable Dec 2021
this app needs serious bug issues fixed with logging in and in the write screen. the single and double star options to edit your text don't work properly and there's still avid writers on this app, lets get it together. what can we do to help?
Sep 2021 · 115
You broke me
Inevitable Sep 2021
you took every little light that flickered inside me and smothered them until they were no more.

Then you told me how much you wished I was the old me,

but You killed her.
Feb 2021 · 1.2k
spilled secrets //TW
Inevitable Feb 2021
To the few people i've given away my secrets to:

The moments I spilled my truth to you, the fragile flame I call hope had finally emerged from the deepest cracks I call me, and cried for help.

I don’t do it for attention.

Okay maybe i do it for “attention” but when you call help “attention” it makes it feel wrong.

I remember when I realized she was telling on us.

i know when I walk late at night and the quieted light I call life, inside me, flickers weakly and posts my 2, 3, 4am walks for anyone to see
she is screaming for help

I realized one day those walks were filled with hope of an inevitable demise. These sidewalks have no place for any being at hours when demons creep but i'm so comfortable under the moonlight with my demons in tow. ******* help me

One of the most dangerous signs for me is when you think im fine
spoiler alert i dont think ill ever be fine but

You see me in public. You see me smile. You see me reach out and make plans.

This my dear friends is my goodbye

Just to make your last memory sweet because it’s all you ever wanted for me
But so unattainable.. Until now
Feb 2021 · 276
If you were the moon
Inevitable Feb 2021
If you were the moon, i think you'd still pull the tide.

Actually, I feel like you'd push and pull, **** around and create a tsunami.

If you were the moon, i think you'd still light up my nights.

Actually, I feel like you'd come crashing through my sky as a meteor.

If you were the moon, i think you'd still reflect the suns rays.

Actually, i feel like you'd have to admit it hurt; the rays.

But if you were the moon, i think you would burn.

Actually you'd have to admit you're the sun that
still rises in the east to put me to rest.
The relationship between "star" and "moon".
Feb 2021 · 371
I don't have a type
Inevitable Feb 2021
I say I don't have a type
but you fit mine so perfectly.
dark and twisty.
a little too familiar.
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