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Rowan May 2018
What is it that you see
When you look at me?
Is it my hair
That's slightly long?
Is it my face
That is round and soft?
Is it my height
That is shorter than most?
Or is it my body
Which doesn't match up with my mind?
When you look at me
Is it a boy or girl that you see?
Rowan May 2018
I crave for your taste
You're sweet, strong, and flood my senses
Warming me from the inside out
When my lips touch you I shiver from delight
I know you are bad for me though
But you're so good that I don't care
You make me anxious more so than normal
As I think of the people judging me for having you
You make me restless as I pace the floors
Worried of when you'll leave me again
I can't stop shaking and moving
If I stop it feels as though I'd be doomed to die
Then later as you finally leave me
I crash, falling over myself from exhaustion
I love you, I need you
But you're not good for me
When this isn't about a person, but caffeine. I am sensitive to caffeine and this was to help my friend understand my thought process as I drank it and instantly regretted it.
Rowan May 2018
On that day the birds were chirping
Dogs were barking
Children were outside laughing
Parents were watching them laughing along with them
All oblivious to the one house
The house that has a blanket of silence bundling it
Wrapped so tight that it was suffocating
But if you listen carefully enough
You can hear someone whispering
Whispering three cursed words that would haunt everyone
"He is dead..."
He had been dead for three days
Three days had gone and pass
Days in which I carried on like nothing was wrong
Because to me nothing was wrong
The children still played
The birds still sang
The world still spun
Yet he wasn't here anymore
I wanted to scream and shout
"Stop! How can you all be fine, he is gone, nothing is fine!"
All the adventures we planned to go on
All the hobbies we said we'd do
All the promises he couldn't keep
The worst part of all this
Is that I am beginning to forget
Forgetting the adventures
The promises
How his face looks
How his voice sounded
How I will never actually get to see him again
Despite the fact that he was so happy
Despite the fact that the doctors said he was getting better
Despite the fact that he worked so hard
He still died, even on a sunny day in April
This is dedicated to my cousin who died on April 1 (I know, the irony) who was my best friend and the brother I never had.
Rowan May 2018
I want to know what a perfect day is
I want to know what the feeling of their lips on mine is
So I can say that I know how they taste
I want to go wander with them and get lost
So that we can find ourselves
I want to whisper sweet nothings into their ear
Until my throat runs dry
I want to laugh until my sides hurt with them
Making new memories for us both
I want to tell them how much I love them
Because I don't know how much time I have left
But most importantly I want to have a perfect day with them
So that before I die I can say
"I know of a perfect day, and all it took was one person staying with me."
One day I will experience the perfect day
Rowan Apr 2018
Love is portrayed as such a beautiful thing that many want
Not all get it, and those who do are "lucky"
People trip and tumble over one another
Clawing and reaching for this thing called "love"
Thinking it will help them
They don't understand that it comes with more than their told
It's not just cuddles on rainy days, and kisses that seem surreal
It's being up a 3 am wondering if you good enough for them
Watching them at their worst and not being able to do anything
It's holding them and telling them that
"It will all be okay..."
When you yourself don't even know if it will
Love isn't just all of the good things, it's the bad things too
I guess that's why people fall out of love
Yet despite all of that, some come back to love again
It just might be worth it all
The heartbreak, joy, fear, and surprise
It all might be worth it
If I can simply have you in my arms
Rowan Apr 2018
Sometimes I listen to sad music
And when I hear the melodies begin I feel the sensation flood over me
Washing away every other emotion or thought
My mind becomes blank, the only thing present are the song lyrics
Sometimes an emotion will break through the barrier the music makes
Sometimes the music pushes the intended emotion it was made from on me
I'll cry or scream or laugh or just exist
Music seems to do that to you
And I love it
So yeah, sometimes I listen to sad music
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