It seems as though it will be a decent day
That is until I bumped into someone
It's not a big deal
He didn't get mad or shout
But my heart begins to race like a runner that is trying to win
And a little voice whispers in my head
"faster, faster faster..."
I speed up my pace a bit
I just need to get to math, then I can sit
But it feels as though people are staring at me
Am I not passing?
Can they see who I'm not?
"Faster, Faster, Faster..."
The voice grows
I put my head down and try to avoid making eye contact
But I snap it back up to make sure I don't run into anyone
Up, down, up, down, up, down
Just stay down
The voice screams in my head
My heart feels like it's trying to jump out of my chest
My chest is tightening
I can't breathe
I can't focus
What is happening to me?
Why can't I stop?
I need to stop
To stop
Just stop