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 May 2017 Jas
Chelsea Brooks
Hello father
it's me
the daughter you couldn't love
the one you never see

Hi dad, it's me
The one that looks just like you
The chocolate skin, the smile, lips and nose
The daughter you don't know
Hi "father", "dad"
it sounds foreign coming from my lips
because since the day I was pushed from my mother's hips
you have been a shadow, only appearing for brief moments and not when needed
you know that I am special
but do you know why?

did you know that as a little girl for you I used to cry?
When the boys felt me up in the halls of my middle school-- I wanted your advice
do I push them away or let their hands stay
When my heart was broken I wanted you there to tell me I was beautiful
that it would all get better
I wanted confirmation of my value
When I started college I wanted you there to help me move into my dorm room and give me all these rules that I'd agree to only until you left

I see the pain in your eyes and between the lines of the words you say
I see the see the pain of what your daddy didn't for you
the pain of how you've failed your children too

This is in't meant as a disrespect to you
but an admission of the truth
but daddy, I forgive you
For all you didn't do

But I am also disappointed
because the failure were acknowledged
and you said you wanted change
but your actions are still the same
and my efforts seem in vain

So I am throwing my hands up
Not sure it's a cause we are both fighting for

Goodbye dad
I hope one day you'll be
everything I always needed and more
 May 2017 Jas
Terry Jordan
Like an alien in a spotlight
With her magnifying glasses on
My mother as she worked, up all night
Did invisible weaving till dawn

I would watch her when I couldn’t sleep
Honing in on that hole in the suit
Intently, her concentration deep
Weaving tiny threads enlarged like jute

In other-worldly light she labored
I was afraid she’d lose her eyesight
Watching her focus never wavered
Her face all aglow in the lamplight

Invisible weaving, I inquired
How tediously she plied her craft
Worked for the money that she required
Made the warp and weft of fabric last

Reconstruction, undetectable
No more burn, or tear, or fabric blight
Weaving magic so incredible
Its wound now perfect by morning’s light

She taught me much that I’m still making
From her life that now I’m grieving
Sewing, crocheting and great baking
But never invisible weaving

The picture of her life that mattered
I now see how she toiled so finely
And that the wrinkles in the fabric
Of my own life splayed out so blindly

The vision of my eyes, bedazzled
Incandescent, her face in the beam
Unaware how her mind unraveled
As Depression stole her ev’ry dream

The threads of DNA defining
Who I’ve become I’m now believing
My mother’s hand in that designing
Of my own Invisible Weaving

In honor of my mother, Edla Sylvia Fitzpatrick, on this International Women's Day
I was working on this for a while, when I read the Pulitzer Prize winning poem, by C.K. Williams, entitled Invisible Mending.  Same subject, but his metaphor was of forgiveness & redemption, while mine is a little fuzzy, about my connection to my mother...and NOT the winner of a Pulitzer Prize.
 Apr 2017 Jas
Hannuh Jacey
We all spend time hurting ourselves.
We just differ on how we let it show.
It's unfair that physical pain equals emotional.
But, it also feels the best.
Life is one big analysis of reflecting on why it's not so bad.
In order to not give up on all we have, Maybe letting go is the only way.
Maybe caring for oneself is the way to sway
everyone's opinions.
Which are **** anyway.
April 25th, 2017
 Apr 2017 Jas
Anderson M
Ego when bruised
Walks with a limp
Its eyes watery
Shamefaced, gait wobbly
It can easily be knocked of
It’s feet, as its legs suddenly
Appear spindly, malnourished
I guess starved of necessary fiber
And nutrition. I wonder if it’s got a spine
No wonder all it does is whine
When splashed with hot water.
Methinks, for one’s step not to falter
One ought to on the altar
Of one’s well-being slaughter
In cold blood the monstrosity that’s the ego.
 Apr 2017 Jas
Druzzayne Rika
All the eyes
Turn over here
There is something
Entertaining and Interesting that
Needs you to pay notice
To it  , so
Invest some energy here
On something that will
Not dissapoint.
Thank you every one to pay attention over here
 Apr 2017 Jas
Xavier Quinn
Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system. [Katherine] is not available. At the tone, please record your message. When you are finished recording, you may hang up, or press "1" for more options. [Beep]

Katherine, please, pick up the phone. I'm sorry that I keep calling, I know you probably don't wanna talk to me, but please answer. I can't just sit on the sidelines anymore. I haven't seen you smile in weeks, and some days, I don't even see you. I can't approach you without you turning and walking away quickly. You're isolating yourself, and I'm really worried. Please, answer my calls, please talk to-

Are you still there? To end your message, press "1." To continue recording, press "2." To hear more- [Beep]
At the tone, please continue your message. [Beep]

Everyone's talking about it. I've seen posts on the internet, heard people gossiping about it, even the teachers have brought you up. It has felt wrong not having you around, not seeing you doodling in your notebook during class, or walking down the nature paths admiring the trees. Everyone else doesn't seem to feel the same way I do. They know, but they don't seem to care. Maybe that's what made you think that nobody cared.
God, I miss you so-

You will be disconnected in thirty seconds. [Beep]

The funeral was today. I was one of the few from our school who actually came. I tried to give your family my condolences, and I started to choke when your mother began to cry. God, the whole thing was hard; hearing family members tell stories, seeing you lay there motionless. I was happy they put you in a long sleeved dress. I didn't want everyone to see that part of you; not that it matters much, because everyone knows that is how you died.
Everyone left an hour ago. I've been sitting by your tombstone watching the sun fall into the ground. I keep hoping that you are somehow hearing these messages, that you'll call me back any minute. I'm not sure how the cell service is six feet underground, but I'm still hoping. I'll always be hoping. People will be moving on, but all I can do is choke on my words and I yell into a dead girls voice mail.
I'm sorry, Katherine. I'm so so-

You will now be disconnected. Goodbye. [Beep Beep Beep]


I'm sorry. This number is disconnected, or no longer in service. Goodbye. [Beep Beep Beep]
Hello, everyone. I am new to this site, and I have thought this up recently, and decided to share it. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy.
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