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FunSlower Jan 2022
I finally found my voice.

Listen for the rise and fall

Of waves across two oceans.

Venture into life’s unknowns.

Explore unique implosions.

He finally made a choice.

Open new horizons; fall.

Now realise you’re chosen.

Explosive! I’ll always recall

Your eyes before their closing.
FunSlower Nov 2021
Do you hear it?

A soft waver in the bravest voice.
The rarest quaver leaving you no choice.

Do you feel it?
A decade lost through the darkest door.
A half score, while there’s room for more.

Do you know it?
A life without love.
A love without life.
A never ending night for eyes drained of light.

Do you see it?
Their grin in your own.
The tears all alone.
Do you still hear their laughter
Alive in the air? To most, never known.
Leave your mind
Open wide to me.
Softened wishes.
Tears for all to see.
FunSlower Nov 2021
He never held onto anything so carefully.
A connection not known before.

Trembling fingertips summoned twilight.
Glowing eyes enticed heartfelt cries.

Howling winds wouldn’t sway wild wings.
A flight together neither could ignore.

A world within, unveiled at night.
A world without the loom of lies.

Two souls shone their brightest in unison.
Two bodies quivered with joy.
Two minds made a shared memory.

There’s no need to change the story.
A myriad of magic inviting the moonlight.
She never held onto anything so carefully.
FunSlower Nov 2021
Awoken by the sound of the softest strings
Shrouded in my endless nightmare.
You held me close and helped me close
My mind to all that’s not fair.
You took my hand and kissed my face
And showed me the way back
To a place I’d long forgotten;
Away from all that’s rotten.

Can I tell you something, dearest damsel?
Clearly and sincerely.
I’ve never felt so cared for.
I’ve never felt so loved.
I’d never had the best time
On the worst day of my life.
Until you showed me stripes and stars all day.
Secret artwork; know you’re the real work of art.
Now I’ll never forget how you took my hand
And showed me yours is the warmest heart.
Holding on so tightly.
A day out just for two.
Look at her, so spritely.
Only she can see you.
FunSlower Oct 2021
My old man used to laugh at me
As I lifted the lid to check
For spiders in the kettle.
I was always a nervous wreck.

I told him, “one day when I was eighteen
A huntsman flowed into my coffee”.
And I could never let it happen again.
It’s enough to put you off.

See, he couldn’t understand my fears.
He thought my story was a joke.
Until one day when I was twenty-five,
He learned I’m quite an honest bloke.

We woke at dawn for an early start
Before a day out on the sea.
I lifted the lid of his kettle that morning
And showed him a spider destined for his tea.
FunSlower Oct 2021
Five seconds of illumination
Is all the time I need
To pace the halls inside new walls.
I’ve found my place indeed.
You spring to life in dreams.

Four months of new sensations,
Planting pretty seeds.
Like a basket in the bulrush,
You nest in my mind’s reeds.

Three minutes of tantalisation
Danced a year in my eyes to the nth degree.
And now somehow you’ve found a home in me.

Two weeks with a shared sixth sense,
As patience made way for our wishful wings.

One life to live & learn. I love the way she sings.
Halfway to Halifax,
Over hills of gloom.
Pools under cataracts,
Encasing two in bloom.
FunSlower Oct 2021
By the time hard candy
Flashes in front of soft eyes,
Two hazel halos have
hallucinated to sweet infinity.

Reciprocated intimacy, repeatedly
Fitting and splitting our favourite trinity.

Brace to brave another winter with me.
Only this time let’s do it better.

Just in time to chase our fate.

Replace that precious cycle.
Like skewed binary,
Where one and one make zero.
Embrace the perfect circle of us.
Everything and nothing all at once.
Always have been, always will be; my hero.
How did we do it?
Only you knew it.
My life is your love.
Elate me. Pursue it.
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