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FreeMind Nov 2019
I spent years of my life waiting for someone that would  
love me
care for me
respect me...

But no one did.

That is when I learned the power of

November 26, 2019
  Nov 2019 FreeMind
If there was a court for lovers
You would get death sentence
For breaking my heart
  Nov 2019 FreeMind
Seasons do not compete with one another;
neither does the night’s magical brilliance of the moon rival with the gorgeous majestic sunrise.
The persistent, melodious rains do not clash with the rainbow’s splendor.
Nor the dreamy perfumed clouds race with the joyful, pleasant winds.
Beautiful things happen in the right perfect time.
-Revisiting Desiderata

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." - Ecclesiastes 3:1
FreeMind Nov 2019
You didn't go away when I begged you to leave me alone
You stayed and ****** up all my dynamism
You got me hooked on your abuse
And when I needed you most you abandoned me, got up and
Me the **** alone
Buried under layers of self-pity and guilt for pushing you away

By : FreeMind
November 8, 2019 (cuz nov 7 was too hard to write)
FreeMind Oct 2019
In a room full of people, I meet your gaze and wonder:
Do they all feel the tension rise in the room?
Can they smell the fire burning inside me?
Will they silence the voices murmuring in my head?

No one notices.
No one knows.

Intensity is a form of distraction you use to send my mind into microgravity where you can ****** my clarity away from me and pull me towards you like a magnet as you have become the center of gravity but my thoughts have already vanished into outer space and the only thing I have left is my feelings that push me towards You

They notice.
They know.

Judgement is a subjective way of knowing, but they know, when they see your clear blue eyes, your sharp jaw, your muscular frame. They see what they want to see, they always have. And I can't judge them. Hypocrisy is the enemy of Truth, and I too have once saw God in You

You see me, stripped of my armor.
I see You, but my tears make you so blurry...

For years, I tried my best to forget you. To replace you. With food. With exercise. And if there was a patch, I swear to God I would wear it. But right now. I want to forget about the pain. Because I miss You.

October 25, 2019
(first draft got deleted.. :( )
FreeMind Oct 2019
I spent far too long worrying about my past mistakes
That I forgot to live in the present

I worried about what others thought of me
That I forgot to think my own thoughts

I worried about the calories in the meals I had
That I forgot to enjoy the food I love most

I worried that you wouldn't like me back
That I forgot to cherish the fun we had

I worried that I wasn't smart enough
That I forgot to appreciate the resources I had to learn

I worried,
I stressed,
I was upset,
I was unhappy.

But to focus on the worst is to dream a nightmare by choice
And I simply don't have enough sand in the hourglass for such silliness, I am no longer a girl You can kick around and dismiss as you please.

I am a gemini, I shall explain myself to no one
I am a witch, I shall protect myself with my own power
I am a woman, and I will enjoy every single moment of my life

Because life has no meaning if you let it pass right by you

By : FreeMind
October 25, 2019
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