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Kristica Feb 2015
you act like something that comes out of an ***.

always use a ******;
you would be a horrible father.

i can't believe you can say such cruel things to someone that you once loved.

but honestly what does a ******* know about feelings?
hahaha hey *******.

  Feb 2015 Kristica
they say I'm
a joke
and I wish you would've
stuck around
to hear the punchline.

Copyright ©  2015 Alyssa Packard
All Rights Reserved
I'm too lonesome for any words to handle
Kristica Feb 2015
we're living to die;
why not get it over with?
:) be happy.
Kristica Feb 2015
one time,
when you were dropping me off,
i had put my music in.
i know this was "big"--
you constantly reminded me.
but it made me smile
how you'd continue to let me.
i put on this one song
and i think you actually liked it.
you asked me if i listened to
the lyrics
or the sound.
i didn't really know.
i said both a little.
you told me it was about the lyrics.
i agreed
and said i liked when the artist
kept a metaphor the whole way through.
i don't know that you really listened
but you nodded your head.
so let's pretend for a moment
that you truly did agree with me.

listen to me.
my poems are my lyrics.
so connect with them.
i am an artist.
please just try to understand
for once.
i've put my thoughts in these metaphors
hoping you could grasp it.
please at least attempt to.

i am sorry.
i remember the details, too.
Kristica Feb 2015
let's take a walk.
a walk back to history.
yes i'm aware that's in the past and clearly the past means nothing to you but at one point it did so please at least pretend to be attentive.

well we can start with
the day we met.
oh did you think that was something i could forget?
don't try telling me you don't know what i'm talking about-- we're both well aware of your memory.

kennywood park.
somehow both of our groups met up and we got to talking. only small chit chat. we ended up riding the phantom together. i pretended to be forced into it but not gonna lie i liked you. you made me feel something.
at the time that ****** me off. having a feeling made me mad. keep in mind i was a ******* then.
you liked me too. i knew it and that made me even more upset. i was a ***** to its truest definition. you liked me at my absolute worst.
at one point i was so awful that i finally pushed you away. honestly, i was upset that you stopped trying but i was in even more shock that you tried in the first place-- i mean, look at me. (i know you can't bare to anymore so i'm sorry.)
after my ***** phase, you were long gone and i pretended not to notice but here i am still telling you about it.
i hit rock bottom. i was in the middle of the ocean and i was touching some sort of ground and let me tell you it was deep but i guess mentally i had a choice in it all. i didn't mean to choose depression but i guess i must have. by the way i am an awful swimmer and i knew that diving in but maybe i wasn't hoping to come out alive.

so anyways, yes i was sad all of the time and no i could never figure out an answer of why. i tried to blame it on my friend dying and sometimes the way other people treated me but let's be honest here, i deserved all of that and truly i was just ****** up. still am though. but in that darkness of it all sometimes i got to see this little bit of light. i started to realize that you were often there when this light was on.
this one night we were at a fire together and it's funny because something else sparked between us and we had our own fire. ours lit up my dark room and **** it was nice to see again.
we kept talking and talking and more led to more and then we got into some deep **** but i wasn't scared of the deep end anymore because i knew i could trust you.
oh my. when you asked me on our first date i couldn't even handle it anymore. even my darkest corners were radiating with happiness. i had absolutely no temptation to go back down under.
and thank you. thank you thank you thank you. seeing above the water was so nice. i finally got a taste for life instead of salt water. and i was addicted. completely obsessed. i know you noticed it because you knew it wasn't a game anymore and maybe that's where i started to lose you.
i actually have no ******* clue where i lost you i'm just kind of on this guess and check process. and it's really ******* hard. i guess i'm good at math but only when it's equations and **** that makes sense but honestly i've used every reference sheet i've been given to try and figure this one out and i can't ******* get it. it's been bothering me. i can't stop scratching at my skin and pulling out my hair. i don't even mean to. i don't start to pick up on what i'm doing until an hour later and it starts to burn. but that's fine i can manage that. what i'm asking for you is some sort of clue. i need an answer jake and i don't know how much longer i can take until i go back under. i know i can't rely on you as my floatation device but i've found some stand-in replacements for the time being. i'll be okay. please just give me your solution. i am officially begging you i need this. i know you don't care about me anymore but i know you once did so please help me out just one last time.
i know you aren't who you were anymore because time changes us all but come on help a ******* girl out. i used to be your favorite girl in the world. doesn't that mean anything to you anymore? i guess not.
i can feel these floaties beginning to lose air and honestly i don't know how much i care. i think i'm starting to go back under. i'm pretty sure i told you i can't swim well. i'm sure you remember. maybe you're beginning to form a selective memory to try to forget everything behind us. i know. i'm trying too but this is definitely a scenario of easier said than done.
my goodness i forgot how much i liked the taste of salt water and i really do enjoy this darkness. i guess this is goodbye..

*side note: you loved me through a lot, jake. and thank you. you've changed me as a person and i can say i have no regrets. but you loved me through my worst and to my best. but then you started going downhill. you're changing and that's all okay i understand. but you loved me at rock bottom and now that you're just in a little bump you expect me to leave? i pushed you away at one point and then you came back and look at what blossomed between us. i don't know where to go. i know i can love you through this but i'm not sure if you actually want me to. you're so much stronger than me and mentally you could deal with all of my havoc but my biggest weakness is how i think of myself so i don't know how much longer i can stick around. i'm sorry. please give me something to work with.
i'm not kidding anymore jake. i really think i just need an explanation and i'll be okay. i know you too well to think that you have nothing to say to me. so say it! tell me what you're thinking. i don't care if it's in person or not. even a text will do this justice at this point. ****, write me a letter and send it to me through a chain of people. please. because this message of silence is a hell of a lot more painful than what any of your words could do to me. please jake please.
  Feb 2015 Kristica
lightning sparked my brain
to life
when you touched me
and it was then you realized
you were afraid
of thunderstorms.

Copyright ©  2015 Alyssa Packard
All Rights Reserved
  Feb 2015 Kristica
Mommy always said
I had expensive taste
I guess that's why
your champagne skin
left me drunk
with the empty bottle dangling from my limp fingers.
I must ask,
do you think of me still?
Cover your lips with
before you answer;
sugarcoat it as best you can.
tiring days later
and I have yet to master
being able to say your name
under a relaxed jaw.
I wonder if this will get
any easier
to accept; until then,
to those intoxicating bubbles
soaking up
in your bones' winter quilt.
I'll leave you a glass on the table.

Copyright ©  2015 Alyssa Packard
All Rights Reserved
Basically poured my emotions onto the paper the night I wrote this. Any comments and/or advice is of course welcome, I love hearing from you guys .**
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