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Kristica Feb 2015
you are still fine
and i'm still pretending to be.
how many more days do i have to wait until i'm not lying when i say i'm okay?
  Feb 2015 Kristica
Only For You
I miss you
Kristica Feb 2015
on our first date,
we planted a seed.
everytime we talked about how much i liked you,
i watered it.
everytime we talked about how much you liked me,
you gave it your sunshine.
you were always so happy--
you were glowing and gave light to anyone who needed it. i miss that.
everytime we were together we made sure that the soil was fresh enough.
it wasn't that often but it was still enough.
a few times i was at our plant and i guess you were too. i would start checking to make sure we, i mean the plant, were okay and you came over but really only to look.
by the end of it i was the only one that got my hands ***** and i was okay with that because i know we, i mean it, became a hassle.
you kept looking and looking. i didn't mind-- didn't think much of it really. but then one day my phone rang and i looked out my window and saw us, i mean the tree, i mean our tree, and i saw you there with an axe. i knew it couldn't be good. you chopped our relationship right off, i mean that plant. i tried running out and watering it with my tears but i think i just overwatered it. it didn't help there wasn't anymore happiness in our relationship, i mean sunshine for it.

sometimes i'll think about how we, i mean how it, used to grow so well. but it was our, i mean its, time to go… i guess.

now what used to be a beautiful relationship, i mean tree, is six feet under. and i'm really hoping to make a permanent visit soon.
i should have known better.

who the **** gardens in the winter?
Kristica Feb 2015
you used to pick me up when i fell,
but now i am laying on this cold concrete floor and i hear someone snickering in the background and i know i haven't heard your laugh in awhile but i know i could never forget that laugh of yours.
i can't stop rambling.
Kristica Feb 2015
tell me honest,
does the pain ever truly go away?
please don't say no.
Kristica Feb 2015
i'm beginning to make myself accept this.
i'm sure you would be happy to hear that,
but i know you don't listen to me anymore.

why of course i'm still bitter!
you don't just feel nothing after feeling so much.
you don't just stop caring after caring so much.

you just don't do that.

*come to think of it,,
you can't just lose something that was never yours.
then why am i still so hurt?

probably because i was dumb enough to believe your lies.
  Feb 2015 Kristica
circus clown
the sun in me must be heavy
because waking up is getting harder
i am practicing for the real thing
if we're being honest, i don't
want to see my 17th birthday
because since somewhere after
my 13th one, i have been restrained,
arms behind my back, while he
sucker-punched me in the jaw
i have spent the last 4 years
spitting blood and teeth onto the cement
and saying "thank you, thank you,
this is all i could ever want."
help me.
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