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 May 2021 FC Azaele
Ashlyn Rimsky
She thinks dandellions are beautiful,
Contagious bursts of sunshine on the neighbors lawn,
Waiting to be wished upon.
Breaths of wind planted
By the mouths of hopeful children.
 May 2021 FC Azaele
pineapple light sparks
flowing life reflecting on
opals deviation
lunar queen goes for a rest
amber king dethrones her
Syllable Count: 31 ~ lines 5/7/5/7/7
 May 2021 FC Azaele
Three a. m.  I  went outside.
Full moon lighting night
Wind blowing in the new spring leaves
Dancing along wood's edge.
Unknown blessing in my path.
Alone with God,
Yet feeling the presence of another.
The night sounds warning of impending loss
The leaving of my father
As he traveled to eternal.
The wind was his gentle touch as he left the earth
Gently brushing my hair.
'Thanks, daddy, for the visit.'
Talk to me like rosemary and oil,
Like the sour with the sweet,
The heat of the noodle stew,
The first sip of a red wine,
The juicy steak with thyme
And shiitake
Look at me with eyes as gravy
And talk to me like honey
That drips like melting ice,
Like fennel and onions,
And biscuits with peaches
Talk to me like umami risotto,
With leeks
Like viola lemonade
And cinnamon cherry pie
With lime
Sip me like your creamy earl grey
And talk to me like toast and egg,
Like bergamot marmalade
Talk to me this way
 May 2021 FC Azaele
 May 2021 FC Azaele
People have eyes but do not see,
Ears but they do not hear,
Hearts but they do not comprehend,
And I'm just a voice in the wind.
And I'm just a noise to them.
Temperamental Times 1
Haiku by Serenus

All the leaves turn brown
When Summer trips and Falls down
Spring screams, Winter frowns

Temperamental Times 2
Haiku by Serenus

Spring and Summer brawl
The death of them both brings Fall
Winter revives all

Temperamental Times 3
Haiku by Serenus

Oh what a ******
It is the end of Summer
Soon Winter’s slumber

Temperamental Times 4
Haiku by Serenus

Middle of the road
A war between Hot and Cold
Spring and Fall takes hold

Temperamental Times 5
Haiku by Serenus

Heat, Wind, Rain, Earth, Ice
The elements of real change
The origins of life

Temperamental Times 6
Haiku by Serenus

Rain washes the pain
While wind stirs the soul within
And time brings sunshine
Just having a little fun with the seasons...will add to this series, tell me what u think
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