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Man is a spirit,
the flesh ends like cash,
vanishes like ashes,
what’s special is what’s in it so preserve it.
If you’re ashamed,
wish to be tamed,
only the tamed are named,
if you are not named you were never made.
True spirits don’t die,
‘because they don’t lie, only tears of joy they’ll cry.
Foul false spirits lie that’s why they die and always try.
Heaven sent soul rippers whispering the echoes of heavenly truth redeeming the time that has no recycle bin.
Time is infinity but for us it’s limited,
we use it whilst we still can to crush iniquity proving we can’t sin. Nothing overrated,
only aware of the life beyond the grave but some rush where angels fear to be.
A pit so deep they dig,
a pit too deep for them alone,
a pit they all invite you to be in, they sing.
Their sin is of death a sting,
a sting in the music strings...
Gangsters got few friends and more fiends.

Such is the nature of life.

It's rare for a gangster to find someone to confide in.

In the streets, no place for confidence.

Not a trace of the rare innocence.

''Innocence is nonsense, in the streets''

Alliances forged on territorial expedience.

Trust will give you a deadly experience

I survived one madly in all my existence

Only vagabonds and tyrants not saints

Make it here

You watch my back

I watch yours

Till comes time to shoot you in the back

Talk about family....

Your family is the one who takes the bullet for you.

Either dead or wounded alive trust such.

Owe nothing to none and walk without fear.

No justice from the police

Just another authorized gang of enemies

Who don't hesitate to shoot.

So we shoot before they do.

Get caught, if you lucky in prison you will rot.

If not, they will give the electric chair

Life is only fair

Only serves you what you deserve

Pull the trigger first or face the grim ripper first

Death is an invited guest

It's what we use to live

What we all shall use to leave

Live by the bullet

'Shall die by the bullet

Just staying alive today

Only to die someday

My life feeds on blood

My tears are wiped by death

My fears are calmed by death

At the end it will be my death

I won't miss the earth

But I will miss the streets

Guns and ammunition

My way of retribution

In the face of intimidation

Those who intrude can end up dead

In case you didn't know

We ain't rude just avoiding the death bed

It's an insatiable thirst for power

Will do anything to quench it.

If you shoot a man

Make sure he is dead

Or he will return

Saying he rose from the dead

Shoot him in the head

Between the eyes.

To seal his fate

Avoid the deadly surprise.

To be cont'd...
An old poem of mine. Thought I should share it here.
You can't fail without trying
And you can't soar without flying
You can speak without thinking
And You can't sleep with your eyes wide open.
You can talk while sleeping
And Sleep walk while talking
To the unseen
You can look without seeing
And You can't speak without a tongue
But you can communicate without a mouth
And you can't understand without knowledge
Though you can be wise before your old age
And can't lose if you chose not to
For you can't chose your family
But you can chose to be with the ones you love
You can be heard without a voice
And you can't be a god without a choice
For you can refuse to lose
And cease to accuse
It's your own decision
To live or die
To run of fly
To laugh or cry
To do or to try
I was inspired by coeur
I want you
I need you to thirst for me
Like water
Drink me to the last drop
I want you
To crave me like a cigarette
And turn me on
Till you smoke me up
To the stub
Leaving you
Feeling numb
And turn to me
Like a *****
At night
Or a pillow
You hold so tight
When cold and incomplete
Let me perfect you
Like a Yin to a Yang
For every chalice
Must have a blade
I'm your blade
You're my  chalice
Our Progenies
Will be rebellious
Cause we make
An imperfect
Bonnie and Clyde
But a perfect
Amber & Myk
Lust is a form of energy I'm still exploring. God ave me addictions, obsessions and thorns in my flesh. But all this was to make me what the world looks for. I are Invictus Elfuric
You're my addiction,
My obsession,
My incarceration
And my escape...

If loving you
Makes me insane
I never wanna be sane.

I was born imperfect
So  that you perfect me
And I was born weak
So that you conquer me.

I can't live without you
Yet all this while
I was living without you...

What sorcery is more powerful than your love
If  your love was a weapon
It would have been an atomic bomb
If it was an element
It would have been water...

I have addicted myself to your love
Powerful than a spell
Upon which I tripped and fell
in a pit so deep and dark.

You the love I crave
And you the warmth I need in my grave
With you I feel safe
For what is Love but you?
An angel saw
And it cried woe
Upon the tiny earth
For He cometh In his wrath
To take vengeance
On the Fallen...
In his high vain glory
Awestruck when He enthroned Adam king over all...
The words stung like a venomous arrow
Completing the thick brew of hate stirred with shame.
Fallen he was, devious still he was
To plot his loft plot plot on El's soft spot

The Divine has concluded the story
And I feel sorry
For everyone born will suffer only to be made tougher
Through fire and Ice
The true sons of God will rise
Like before the era of technology
An era we embrace with eulogy...

An angel saw
And it cried woe
Upon the tiny earth
For he cometh In his wrath.
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