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  Apr 2021 D
i’ve always paid it forward

smiles and mercy
forgiveness and understanding

but making you feel crazy
for loving me
the way he made me feel
for loving him

that’s a debt you have
no business paying
the debt’s been paid

love me,
and i promise to let you
  Apr 2021 D
Solange Loe-Sack-Sioe
What really matters in your life is YOU.
Your inner child.
Your dignity.
Your conscience
So give yourself a chance
Be good to yourself.
Everything will fall in place
You are worthy.

Shell ✨🐚
You can’t give what you yourself don’t have!!
  Apr 2021 D
Eshwara Prasad
The tired twig broke.
A lone Leaf went into a free fall.
It softly landed on the ant hole.
A bustling empire descended into permanent darkness.
  Apr 2021 D
Ya know...

If that most famous pair of star-crossed lovers had only possessed cell phones,

Things might have gone much differently.

  Apr 2021 D
Melody Mann
Sun-kissed moments dancing across memory lane,
Wind bearing whispers of dreams past,
A lifelong promise broken upon a summer love,
Seasonal were the conditions of his infatuation,
Temporary was the forever she had mistaken,
Young remedies await.
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