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Dec 2010 · 618
355: Made For Love
Bring together two people
Connected through all time
Destinied to one day meet
To come together as one

Separate lives full of pain
Both have faced heartache
Been broken and forgotten
Cast out by those from before

An accident brings them together
In the same place at the same time
A polite word spoken with shyness
And a smile given, they leave apart

He wonders what she is doing tonight
Wishing he had shared his number
She thinks of him in her dreams
Wondering where he comes from

Once again they meet, by chance
This time he asks her for dinner
Years on they still remember
How they were made for love

copyright Chris Smith 23rd December 2010
Dec 2010 · 1.8k
Zombie Snowmen
See them coming, creeping after you
Closer, closer they are coming still
You try to run, cold ice grips your shoe
Zombie snowman will strip your will

Coal mouths show their deadly fangs
Carrot noses will always smell you out
Twigs are where their arms now hangs
You are too scared to scream or shout

Cold is their soul, they never stop
Feed on you until they have their fill
Wearing strange looking hats on top
Zombie snowmen will strip your will

But I can stop them, I can do them harm
I have a weapon, now them I will face
Ready for them, blow torch under my arm
Prepared to battle them for the human race

They keep coming, more than before
I am cornered on top of this hill
I try to fight, but there are many more
Zombie snowmen will strip your will

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Dec 2010 · 1.2k
352: Knocking At The Door
My mind breaks down, screaming
The pain increases, always hurting
Wish it wasn't real, only dreaming
All my thoughts seem to be deserting

Hands held to my head, no escape
It's pounding, just building inside
Hear me shout out across the landscape
I can never escape even if I tried

Knocking at the door, knocking more
Thumping, taking me to the floor
Knocking at the door, head so sore
Save me from this migraine, I implore

copyright Chris Smith 16th December 2010

For all those who suffer the curse of a migraine.
Dec 2010 · 1.7k
351: Depths Of Indecision
Falling into depths of indecision
Where once there was redemption

Feeling this moment come to freeze
As I am falling, falling to my knees

Life continues to mock, laugh at me
Taking away hope, left feeling empty

The past comes creeping, crawling
Causing dark words that are scrawling

So age comes running, giving his test
This aching body, I fear I detest

Relapsing into an unknown thought
Stripping me of all I was taught

Doubt comes with nothing to save
Taking me one step closer to the grave

Where once there was redemption
I keep falling into depths of indecision

copyright Chris Smith 16th December 2010
Dec 2010 · 6.0k
350: South Korea
Seoul is a beautiful city
Often alive in ancient simplicity
Ulsan, Gangwon and other places
Take you to a land, nature traces
Hyeonchung-il, remembering that day

Kindred souls passed on their way
Over the sea is this special land
Reaching out to take you by the hand
Even though this ocean is far apart
All this land will greet you with its' heart
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Dec 2010 · 734
349: Vampire Lover
Coming of the children of the night
Sing songs and hidden from sight
Wolves that are running free
Hiding where we do not see

He will be there in the dark
Waiting to leave his mark
She has come, so willing
He is not here for any killing

He just wants to taste her life
Bite with fangs like a knife
Drink from her, she feels no pain
Blood flows from the vein

He will never hurt her
He will never desert her
He wants her to be immortal
Wishes her to love him eternal

She believes this vampire, he exists
But now vanished into the mists
He must be gone before sun light
But will be her vampire lover comes the night

copyright Chris Smith 2008
Dec 2010 · 730
348: Unheard Voices
I sometimes open my eyes
And look into the darkness
Never knowing what is there

The shapes of grim reflections
Take form as I continue to watch
Unseen nightmares are looking back

All those tears that are shed in secret
From all those too afraid to speak
Shivering in the corner in the dark

All that pain in those forbidden places
Hitting me with an empathic force
I see sad eyes looking towards me

Visions that are trying to reach out
Now being expressed by these words
Of all those voices no one wants to hear

Why am I crying from what isn't there?
Is it because, somewhere it really happens?
Happening to those we feel in our heads

If only I could reach out to outstretched hands
And hold them to me, to protect and keep them safe
But the coming of dawn takes the dark away

copyright Chris Smith December 8th 2010
Please God, give me one more day.
Before you have to take me away.
So I can do things one last time.
While I am still in my prime.

One day to hold my child.
One day to just run wild.
One day to feel the rain on my face.
One day to be in my lovers' embrace.

One day to sing a favourite song.
One day so I can still be strong.
One day to be with a friend.
One day for my garden to tend.

One day to play one more game.
One day to still say my name.
One day to reflect back on my life.
One day to hold my beautiful wife.

One day so I can strum my guitar.
One day where my dreams go far.
One day and everything stays true.
One day to be able to thank you.

So please God, just give me one more day.
Before you have to take me away.
So I can at last let it be.
And for someone to forever remember me.
This was written on 1st December 2001, on reaction to the death of George Harrison on November 29th 2001. This is my tribute to him.
On the 12th day of Christmas
My troubles gave to me........

12 unpaid bills
11 ringing cash tills
10 packets of batteries
09 invites to parties
08 year olds a screaming
07 unwanted toys redeeming
06 packets of dog biscuits
05 unwanted parking tickets
04 overdrawn credit cards
03 strange looking leotards
02 forgotten to buy turkeys
And a garage for those car keys
Special season wishes ; )
Nov 2010 · 744
345: Ode To Vincent Price
He was the man who would terrify me.

I would be lost in the madness of his eyes.

I would enjoy how he would scare me.

He would creep up on me by surprise.

Hearing his voice gave me a chill.

His horror would make me shiver.

Watching him was always a thrill.

Waiting for the lines he would deliver.

Now he has been taken away.

His movies are timeless forever.

I always loved what he would say.

His wickedness seemed so clever.

I will always watch you, our Vincent.

You were always the master my friend.

I for one thought you were magnificent.

I will continue to watch you until the very end.
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Nov 2010 · 637
344: Breathe The Rain
If you breathe the rain
You can smell my tears
When you live the pain
Then you feel my fears

Please close the door
Keeping the World out
Push my mouth to the floor
So I can no longer shout

The window is smashed
Someone had to throw a stone
My spirit has been dashed
It has left me all alone

I know I make no sense
My mind is in a different place
All of this bitter pretence
Has disappeared without a trace

All work with no chance to play
Leaves you going a little bit insane
Clouds are here because the Sun went away
So all you can do now is breathe the rain
copyright Chris Smith 2010 (somewhere in a room in my mind)
I drown in a sea of sorrow
Dragging me down to follow
Never finding the words to speak
A cold crystal tear on my cheek

And the sea continues to flow
As it takes away my very soul
On the distant show of the land
He refuses to offer a helping hand

And I can hear him laughing at me
A laughter that leaves me now empty

I suffer the pains of knowing rejection
Never being one to be picked for sellection
I feel myself going under from the waves
Another unnamed victim in unmarked graves

And they watch as I float on the ebb tide of life
Trying to keep my head above the current of strife
They fail to throw me a life line to hold on to
Leaving me floating with not knowing what to do

And they are laughing at my own misery
They continue laughing for everyone to see

And when I had been long forgotten to the past
I came back to take my revenge at long last
For all of those who thought I had fallen from grace
I came back, and on them, I etched my own face

Like the phoenix of old, I arose from the ashes and was reborn
I proved that I could return, when they thought me gone
For every man and woman that had been cast aside
They joined the rebellion gathered at my side

To fight, with words, and take back that which was once ours
We battled to win, counting the days and the hours
For a better world, we were heard, they listened to our voices
For all of time, we took our options and took our choices

But still in the distance, I hear the laughter coming back tomorrow
I hear the laughter, that will drown us in a sea of sorrow

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Nov 2010 · 1.2k
342: Proud Diana
She watches from high above

For that son she does love

A princess on a Heavenly cloud

For her young prince she is proud

He has proposed to his lady sweet

The woman that makes his heart beat

In Heaven his mother will now sing

For he gave his love a special ring

With Heavenly wings, she jumps for joy

You can hear her say, "that's my boy"

On that royal wedding you can pray

She will be there in spirit that day

copyright Chris Smith 2010

For a special Princess, an Angel in Heaven
Nov 2010 · 539
341: Free
I saw beauty in the world today

Heaven came to me to stay

I saw colours of every flower

I saw the majestic Oak tower

People greeted me with a smile

They chatted for a while

The sky shone a beautiful blue

The grass beneath my feet felt so true

The world laughed along with me

I am now feeling free
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Nov 2010 · 805
340: Kissing Your Picture
I am away from you my sweet

Awaiting that time we will meet

The distance is keeping me away

From that love, where I want to stay

My mind can feel the tears she is crying

I wish she could see this love undying

My hearts just keeps hurting me so

As these days pass by too slow

Sometimes I fear we are drifting apart

And that is what breaks my heart

I have a photograph of your face

One my fingers continue to trace

This is what keeps our love still pure

To be able to kiss your picture

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Nov 2010 · 4.3k
339: Devil Angel
You can pretend to be good
But I want you to be bad
When you pretend like you should
We make love so hard

Your body moves with me
Innocent no more, it's taken away
My hands explore your body
Because we know we want it this way

Devil Angel, I give it to you
Having you all through the night
So much pleasure in what you do
Devil Angel, you feel so right

Open your wings and let me in
I want you to grip me tight
Welcome to these moments of sin
I want to feel your bite

You scream and you sigh
I can feel the sensation as you flow
Inside your soul, I feel you fly
Having you now, because I need you so

Devil Angel, I give it to you
Having you all through the night
So much pleasure in what you do
Devil Angel, you feel so right
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Nov 2010 · 667
338: If Only
If only it never rained
It would be a happier place

If only the Sun still shined
Putting a smile on your face

If only I cold hold you
To make this moment real

If only I could have one kiss
Letting my emotions feel
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Nov 2010 · 1.0k
337: The Artist
She sketches the outline

Them darkens the pencils

Adding traces of fine shade

Time passes and her skill shows

As the picture begins to form

To stand out for the viewer to see

Each drawing is with loving care

They are like children to her

Nutured and made with love

Fairies dance with radiant colour

You can almost feel their smiles

The art glows as if it is alive

There is magic on that paper

That comes alive when you look

The perfection of a true artist
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Nov 2010 · 707
336: Throwing It All Away
He used to touch her soul
Now he sits there all alone
Too proud to find a way
To say how he really feels

In his younger days he smiled
But the years wiped it from him
Changed the light into the dark
Now he is waiting for nothing

He pushed her away from his side
She would have given him the world
If only he had opened up a little bit
He let the past destroy their future

That was so many years long gone
He is an old man now, twisted and bitter
Empty inside, his emotions have long flown
Staring at the wall as if it's a picture show

He has thrown it all away, there is nothing left
Sitting in his chair, finding another grey hair
Never wonders about what she is doing now
He finally closes his eyes and the lights go out
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Nov 2010 · 1.0k
335: Love Deserter
She used to hear her heart call
But she allowed herself to fall
She will never return back to then
Never allow herself to love her men

She is a love deserter, love deserter
She won't allow anyone to hurt her

She only sees her emotions fade
Not getting close is the price she paid
Never listens to those romantic words said
Takes only her desire then leaves the bed

She is a love deserter, love deserter
She won't allow anyone to hurt her

She is the one in control of her lust
Leaving you crawling in the dust
She has lost her passion to love
Crushes your heart with an iron glove

She is a love deserter, love deserter
She won't allow anyone to hurt her

To feel for someone, it's been too long
All that she had, it's now all gone
Secretly there will be only one man she needs
But he rejected her, it's why her heart bleeds

She is a love deserter, love deserter
She won't allow anyone to hurt her

She used to hear her heart call
But she allowed herself to fall
She is a love deserter, love deserter
She won't allow anyone to hurt her
lyrics copyright Chris Smith 2010
Nov 2010 · 991
334: Demon Nick
He is hiding in your hedgerows
In a secret place within the shadows
Creeping out to make his chaotic fun
So fast, that you never see him run

How many times have you got a flat tyre
Or your ******* bin suddenly catches fire
Your light bulb, for no reason, blows
Even when you wake up with a sore nose

Those keys that are no longer there
The reason why you have messed up hair
Those prankish knocks on your door
That strange stain that is now on your floor

The reason your dog barks late in the night
Or the washing machine boils your clothes tight
That drawing pin that gets into your bed
The voices you keep hearing in your head

It is him, now playing his games
Even why your dinner goes up in flames
You never see him, he never misses a trick
He has a name, they call him Demon Nick
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Nov 2010 · 881
333: I Said, You Said
I said
It is going to be a beautiful day

You said
But the clouds will be turning grey

I said
All around us, I feel the peace

You said
Wars will never cease

I said
I feel the love in my heart

You said
The mind is ripped apart

I said
We can be happy being together

You said
The sorrow just goes on forever

I said
I know that I can be free

You said
Good or bad, you are still me
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Nov 2010 · 604
332: I Am There
When the dark shadows fall
No one heeds when you call

I am there

When your heart seems broken
No one hears the words spoken

I am there

When you have tears to dry
No one listens to you cry
I am there

When you are hurt and feel alone
No voices on the other end of a phone
I am there

I am there to hold you to me
I am there for you to see
I am there to touch your heart
I am there from the very start
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 843
331: The Pit
Falling deep into that pit
That swallows you up
Leaving you in the dark
Feeling alone and cold

Afraid to try and escape
Afraid to try and dig
Feeling nothing is out there
Only the flames in the sky

You eventually try to escape
But each side that you attempt
Caves in and you fall back again
Deeper down in the depths  of sorrow

Then someone lends you a hand
Do you take it? you dare to trust?
You try but they let go and you fall
Screaming into the depression

You think you will suffer down here
Ready to give up on what used to be
Foolishly you believe there is no one
So you feel you are forever trapped

Suddenly a thousand hands are there
The words of wisdom lighting up the dark
The reality of true people that really care
You never listened, but you listen now

And pulled...up to safety
To the smiles of those who looked for you
Who found you with their words of reality
They rescued you from out of that pit
copyright Chris Smith 2010 November 1st
Oct 2010 · 832
330: Head And The Heart
To write from the heart is difficult
Expressing the emotions you feel
Telling of the love that blesses
And keeps you going strong

Of the love that tore you apart
And ripped out your very soul
Leaving you on the ground, bleeding
That is another kind of love, it hurts

Of the happiness that you feel
For the friends, you love to make smile
Making them laugh with a word or two
Sharing the merriment deep inside

Of the anger that grips, that enrages you
Sharing the fury that blows like the wind
Building up, roaring like a hurricane
Because this rage, in words, is released

That is the heart talking, in so many ways
So much to share, to express to the world
Some may hide from the reflection of your words
But you need to speak, to let that heart beat free

Now the head, it takes over, giving out reason
Sometimes it shows logic in so many ways
Afraid to see beyond those emotions shared
When imagination is shown in so many ways

The head and the heart fight with confliction
Never agreeing on what the other thinks
Yes, we are all guilty of going with the head
When we should feel what is in our heart
copyright Chris smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 835
Nearly There
Nearly there
To reach out
And touch you

Nearly there
To kiss your lips
And hold you close

Nearly there
So I can say
That I love you

Nearly there
It won't be long
I am coming home
copyright Chris Smith
Oct 2010 · 3.1k
328: Wolf In Sheeps Clothing
It hides, hoping not to be seen
Preys on the innocent life
No one can tell it has been
It cuts into you like a knife

Secrets are kept from you
What others fear to tell
You want to hear what is true
Because you have been to Hell

They make friends into enemies
Because no one likes to say
Finding out, the soul empties
The coldness never goes away

Why did they not tell you from the start
And keep what they knew to themselves
It would have stopped a knife to the heart
It would have released hidden jars from the shelves

The wolf would have been outted long ago
Then this shiver would not run down my spine
I feel like I was the last one to know
If only someone had given me the sign

So let us put an end to wars that never should be
Let that wolf in sheeps clothing be exposed
Join as we were before, a friend and ally
Let this knowledge you share be imposed

The truth needs to be heard, to be shared
Because the rest of us will listen, will hark
Let the ****** be seen, let it be scared
Shine light on that kept in the dark
copyright Chris Smith

The truth is out there, as a friend said.
Oct 2010 · 5.3k
327: Sky Lantern
I'm going to light a sky lantern
And send it up in the night sky
And watch as it burns so bright
Floating above, just like a star
It will be my memory of you
A friend I have come to love
A man I respect completely
For now and forever, a brother
A comrade in words and poetry
My bright star in the night sky
Oct 2010 · 1.0k
326: Something Changed
Something changed
Something new
It happened
Very strangely
Almost unnoticed
Almost unseen
But now
It's here
It's called
Sweetest Love
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 596
325: This Cross
I will always love you
I will always forgive you
All that you have done
All this suffering I face

For this I do for all my people
For this to share in my faith
This cross from whence I hang
This cross is what I will bear
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 744
324: The Script Of Life
When we are born, our life begins
This is the opening pages of our birth
And these chapters grow through our youth

We write these pages with our very actions
We still learn, so our story continues on
Building as we learn of love, hate and other emotions

But no matter what we try to do, try to alter
We can never go back to those times gone before
We can never change that which is already written

Like wise, we can never find a way to read ahead
It is impossible to glance at our last page
To see exactly what Destiny has planned for us

You see, certain things are still yet to happen
Because this script of life is yet unfinished
Each passing second writes new words to read

Your last breath will become your final sentence
When, at last, your book can now be closed
And that is when your script shall be no more
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 1.3k
323: Hush Little Baby
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Daddy is gonna shoot you in the head
Don't you worry, I promise it won't hurt
Daddy is depressed, so the doctor said

Hush little baby, because life ain't fair
Mummy ran away with Daddys best friend
Oh little darling, there's so much blood in your hair
Don't you worry now, Daddy will join you in the end
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 723
322: Questions
Do you feel that weight?

So heavy on your shoulders,

Dragging you so far down.

The day always seems colder.

Is there anyone who cares?

When life is failing you,

Leaving you left so alone.

Never knowing what you're going through.

Are you too scared?

To ask help from a friend,

Afraid to try and take their hand.

Act fine, when it's all pretend.

When was the last time?

You were comforted, felt wanted,

That you had that warm embrace.

Before this moment of being haunted.

So are you fed up asking questions?

When no answers are coming your way,

As depression is in the same room.

And depression refuses to go away.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 1.1k
321: In Your Sleep I Came
I saw my lover there
I visited her, in her sleep
Gave her a kiss, softly
On her forehead and she knew
For she smiled in her sweet rest

I saw my friend there
As his nightmares came
I pulled the blankets around him
And whispered words of hope
Then he was at ease as they went away

I saw my child there
Crying in the sleep she faced
I wiped her tears away for her
And said I loved her and was there
She cuddled her teddybear and was at peace

I saw everyone there
Restless as dreams avoided them
So I wrote this poem for them to read
I hoped the words would show I care
And at last, give them beautiful dreams
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 1.2k
320: Rocking Dragon
When you see a rocking Dragon
You know it is a sad 'un
Crying away with diamond tears
That lasts for a hundred years

The heart is pure and golden
From times long forgotten an oldern
You are lucky if you witness this
A rocking Dragon you will never miss

There will always be a twist
They say a rocking Dragon doesn't exist
And like the purity of the rain
You can feel that it is in pain

Reach out with your hand now open
You feel it, yes, it will happen
Touch it, comfort the sad 'un
Console this wonderful rocking Dragon
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 614
319: Please
Can you change the World?
Because we messed it up
A little help, please
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 834
318: No Tomorrow
The tide is coming in,
Just like another passing day.
Sometimes we sink or swim,
Still we just fade away.

Hoping, always for the next day,
Waiting to see what it will bring.
The sky changes from blue to grey,
Rain comes, the clouds are coming.

Tomorrow never arrives if we wait.
Tomorrow does not even exist.
Tomorrow can not plan our fate.
Tomorrow will never be missed.

Because, deep down, we know the truth,
That there is no such thing as tomorrow.
For all the problems under the roof,
You never escape from your sorrow.

We are only drowning in our tears,
Because yesterday was only another today.
The memory is muddled and never clears,
Waiting for a tomorrow that will never stay
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 1.2k
317: He Loves Her
Her midnight star is burning bright

Evening song, such a beautiful sight

Love embraces with gracious heart

Oceans separate these lovers apart

Venus guides them in precious harmony

Ending with their song of sweetest symphony

She knows that time can never separate them

He sends her roses that grow from the hearts stem

Each want to give one delicate and fragile kiss

Risking true happiness from a life time of  bliss
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 2.4k
316: Devil On Your Shoulder
Those times you hear that doubt
That noise at the back of your mind
It's got you, you're ready to shout
You get that feeling you're left behind

People tell you, you don't know what you do
But you don't listen to what they say
You wonder if it's all going to come true
You know you shouldn't, but you do it anyway

Don't you listen to that Devil on your shoulder
He's going to do you wrong, wrong, wrong
Don't you listen to what that Devil told ya
You got to make yourself strong, strong, strong

Don't you listen to that Devil on your shoulder
He's going to do you wrong, wrong, wrong
Don't you listen to what that Devil told ya
You got to make yourself strong, strong, strong

You find yourself getting into a lot of trouble
It is only what you will make of it
What goes around always will come back double
Sometimes you need a break of it

You know you shouldn't have done what you did
It's way too late for you to have regrets
Lost in your box so you better close that lid
Because life has stopped taking anymore bets

Don't you listen to that Devil on your shoulder
He's going to do you wrong, wrong, wrong
Don't you listen to what that Devil told ya
You got to make yourself strong, strong, strong

Don't you listen to that Devil on your shoulder
He's going to do you wrong, wrong, wrong
Don't you listen to what that Devil told ya
You got to make yourself strong, strong, strong
Lyrics by Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 745
314: Finding Spirit
I awaken into a strange dream

Alone in a room, feeling isolated

A dull ache, throbbing in my head

This World seems to be rejecting me

No matter how I try to find my way

Facing up to my imperfection

I open my door and I step out

The World is smirking at me

Pointing fingers, degrading me

I see people, coming out of the dark

Covering their eyes, ears and mouth

Trying to hide away, playing solitaire

I try to reach, to touch one person

But they never respond to me there

In desperation, I shake them this time

One soul comes awake, rescued from torment

So we go to the others, and bring them back

An untold number, daring to fight against it

Alone, we can be dragged down and defeated

But together we can be anything we want to be

I feel it around me, our spirit has returned
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Oct 2010 · 940
312: Lost Forever
Lady in the night

She awaits for him

Watching the candle light

Hours watching it dim

Where can he be?

Is he with another?

Where can he be?

Has he some secret lover?

There comes a knock on the door

She opens it to a policeman there

She hears her man is no more

His car crashed into a lake somewhere

Why can't he be?

In her arms right now

Why can't he be?

Alive with her somehow

So tonight the tears fall down

Her heart feels it is broken

In her sorrow she will drown

Of a love that is now unspoken

How can he be?

Away from her forever

How can he be?

Lost to her forever
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.6k
310: One Last Gothic Dream
A restless dream, that trapped me
Like the icy blackness, enwrapped me
I found myself cold and shaking
With no way for my awaking

Then he came, from out of the dark
Stalked me like some demented shark
Like a messenger of Death, to deliver
I found myself afraid, felt myself shiver

His eyes were red, his skin was snow white
He gave no reflection, no sign of light
When he spoke, his voice was like gravel
I could feel this life of mine, unravel

"I am the darkness within your dreams"
"I am the nightmare of your screams"
"I claim that which is mine, you know"
"I come now, to collect your soul"

I started to run, but then he was there, ahead
This strange traveller, collecting the dead
But why had he come for me if I was alive?
Did he not realise I was left to survive?

But a cruel irony can be twisted fate
You do not know when it is too late
As he claimed me, I started to weep
I did not know, I died in my sleep

So I walk with him, for eternal torment
Never to awaken from this moment
As into Deaths' dormain I am cast
Knowing now, I have dreamt my last
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.9k
309: Bad Nursery Rhymes 3
Red Riding Hood went into the wood
The Big Bad Wolf was waiting for her
She is never good when she should
Three mice went blind, seeing them together

Snow White never knew when to have enough
She always liked to have a lot of seven up

Georgy Porgy kissed the girls today
He kissed the boys too, he's funny that way
They're baaaaack
Sep 2010 · 2.7k
308: Stronger
I once was weak, dragged to the floor
Left in the dust, couldn't take anymore
I felt useless like a cracked rainbow
Desperation still seemed to grow

Nothing would ever seem to go right
I was in the dark without a light
I still kept taking those punches
One of the people life crunches

Then she came and she picked me up
I was in the shadows no longer
She rescued me when I'd had enough
She helped me to feel a little bit stronger

I was down, lower that I'd ever been
I was invisible, one of the unseen
Felt like I'd been dragged through the hedge
I was so close to being pushed off the edge

I had lost faith, I no longer believed in hope
I became near to the end of my rope
It looked like that nothing ever mattered
My mirror was all broken and shattered

Then she came and she picked me up
I was in the shadows no longer
She rescued me when I'd had enough
She helped me to feel a little bit stronger
copyright Chris Smith 2010
One minute life seems so precious
You hold her close and feel wanted
Feeling her heart beating near yours

Then you say something wrong
Her feelings seem to be torn apart
You taste the lonely call of the heart

Making up, you love the feel of her body
You both put away those pains that hurt
But you play the game of upset again

Do you believe in love?
I do, yes I do
Do you believe in love?
I do, so do you

Let those tears turn to her kisses
Because you want her to feel better
She is your world, she is your universe

You hate spending one day without her
Because the hours seem to be endless
She is always there, haunting your thoughts

Your life needs her to complete it
But you never find the words to tell her
So find the strength now to let her know

Do you believe in love?
I do, yes I do
Do you believe in love?
I do, because it's true
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 4.5k
305: Edgar Allan Poe
Evil comes, reaching and creeping
Darkness leaving you, shivering and weeping
Grey shadows fall, they bring doom
All around, trapping you in the room
Ready to claim you, as you scream

And you realise that this is no dream
Life almost deserts you, you're left alone
Lonely thoughts are chilling you to the bone
Almost as the nightmare starts becoming true
Now you feel the horror striking out at you

Panic begins stabbing inside your head
Out there come those you believed long dead
Endless laughter comes from a solitary raven
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 3.4k
304: Sleepy Head
Come along sleepy head
It's now time for bed

You're yawning still
So up the wooden hill

You stayed up late
So dream land does await

Clean your teeth, comb your hair
Little one, your bed is there

So come along, sleepy head
Just now, in your bed
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Hello my brother
Can you spare a moment?
So glad to see you

I've been down on my luck
Living in this alley these days
Always a meal or two in the trash

So how have you been keeping?
Good to hear about the wife and kids
I understand you don't want me visiting

Oh, you want to know about Mary?
She left me a couple years ago
My own fault, too much work

The job took away all my time
Mary was feeling a little rejected
So she found herself another lover

But the job decided to let me go
I kind of allowed myself to go to Hell
So I found myself without a job or home

Yeah I heard about little brother Billy
He joined the army and went off to fight
I miss him, I wish i went to the funeral

Oh, have you really got to go?
Yeah, I know it's been good to talk
My brother, you are always a busy man

Don't be a stranger now, visit soon
I am always living in ths alley, here
Always here, drinking my bottle of rye
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 919
302: She
She is the brightest Sun.
She is the web the spider spun.

She is the candle light.
She is my second sight.

She is the beauty in my mind.
She is my faith in human kind.

She is the blue of the sky.
She is the voice of a seagulls' cry.

She is the leaves on the tree.
She is the movement of the sea.

She is the clouds high above.
She is the woman that I love.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Sep 2010 · 760
301: Standing On The Corner
Standing on the corner to nowhere
Facing down the street to somewhere
Feeling lost in a world full of ghosts
My head is full where demons are hosts

Wandering alone in a forgotten day
Wondering who is going to take me away
Because solitude seems the only place to go
Because emptiness is the only name I know

So won't you come and rescue me
Take me up and set me free
So won't you come and rescue me
Open up my eyes for me to see

Temptation came up and spat in my face
Salvation came and called me a disgrace
Those demons are coming closer by
My face hurts with the tears I cry

I'm running in circles, back to here
Hiding my face, hoping there's nothing to fear
I stay here wishing for someone to be there
Standing on the corner to nowhere

So won't you come and rescue me
Take me up and set me free
So won't you come and rescue me
Open up my eyes for me to see
copyright Chris Smith 2010
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