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Apr 2016 · 2.1k
Bre Woeller Apr 2016
Goku wears orange, Vegeta wears blue.
You're not a Saiyan, but I still choose you.
Your presence is stronger than a kamehameha beam.
Like Gohan and Videl, we make a great team.
Our love is over 9000, it's true.
Even destructo discs couldn't separate us two.
Let Nimbus fly us through our journey of life.
I love you, my warrior. Sincerely, Your Wife.
Apr 2016 · 4.4k
I'm Happy Because of You
Bre Woeller Apr 2016
There’s a smile on my face today
And it’s all because of you
You’ve shown me love these past years
You’ve helped me make it through

I’ve had some rough days here
And been depressed very much
But when I come over and see you
My depression disappears with your touch

You provide me with hugs
And sometimes kisses too
You take my mind away from reality
And all the stressful things I have to do

You always can make me smile
Even in the roughest days
I’ve never been sad around you
You just seem to have your ways

You’re an angle sent from heaven
Up there from far above
Counting me as part of your family
And showing me all your love

I’m thankful for our time together
And our wonderful friendship too
If ever you need anything in life
I hope you know what to do

Just simply pick up your phone
And dial my number fast
When it rings I’ll pick up
And I’ll be there in a blast

I’ll show up for fun
Or support if needed too
Your family has brought the best to my life
Seriously it’s the least I could do.

I love you all so much
With all of my heart
And just wish life
Would not pull us apart
For That Special Someone
Apr 2016 · 8.4k
I am Bisexual
Bre Woeller Apr 2016
I am not confused.
I am not going through "a phase".
I am not experimenting.
I am not half gay and half straight.
I am not greedy.
I am not lying.
I do not need to make my mind up.
I am not just trying to be cool.
I am certain.
I am not saying everyone is, but
I'm Bisexual
Something to get through everyone's ******* mind when they try and talk **** about me
Apr 2016 · 2.7k
Bre Woeller Apr 2016
Society scoffs when a man
holds hands with a man. Shakes
their head at a                  woman kissing
another woman.                        For-fidelity to them
is between the                              opposite. When
it's between                                      love and love
Rainbows are                                        for the outcasts
of society. Yet                                                  for innocent
children Where                                                same genders
holds hands with                                                    out a problem
These colors                                                          represent a place
where a ***                                                                  of gold exists
Mar 2016 · 633
As I Bleed....
Bre Woeller Mar 2016
As I bleed
As I drag the razor across my wrists
Over and over again
Crying and drowning in my tears
I think about what I've done and how I feel now
I feel so good
As I drag it across my wrists more and more
Loving the pain and sudden rush it gives me
As I bleed more and more my mind loses it
I do what I will regret for the rest of my afterlife
As i cut my wrist one more time
I let myself bleed out as I lay in my bed
And then I close my eyes and see darkness
I'm gone
As I still bleed..

— The End —