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sharp blades
cut thin ice
I am wrapped in a cocoon
showered in unconditional light

pitch black, led by street lights
I'm interlacing my soul
across the rink of memories
deathly blades below my childish toes

make one false move
and I drown
between the cracking waters
as my mother is pulling me out
blanketing warmth distances me
from the paralysing thought of the world
 Sep 2017 Carson
 Sep 2017 Carson
The tears slowly run down my face
Leaving a wet trail path leading away from my eyes
Dragging away my pain
Pulling the abhorrent images which I have seen
Washing them down my cheeks
Until they drip on the cold ground
Almost in slow motion
As I hear the silent splat of my fears on the pavement.
 Sep 2017 Carson
 Sep 2017 Carson
You're a dream
That crawled into my bed
And never came true

You're a laugh
          About to burst into tears

What you are
          Is vague
                And beautiful

— The End —