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 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE

Deep within the sunrise pudding
where fingertips conceal the crust,
the sweet harvest of eternity
drips from your smile
as I lick the taste
from your whipped cream lips
*enjoying the flavor of us
Your love is delicious!
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
I am leaf...
fallen to ground.

Both life and death...
at the base,
of winter's barren tree.
prompt : Landalay,
a couplet of 22 syllables.
there were lights blazing to the east
but her eyes were fixed to the west
someplace out in that darkness he rode into the night
with his gun in hand to regulate the doubters
she lay in the aftermath of the gunfight
with her cards and flowers
wondering where she had gone so wrong
wondering if she would ever get that white picket fence
with the two kids and all the fixins of her dreams
dawn begins to do its silent dance
as she worried the edge of her dress
and looked so like a lost angel
fallen from grace but holding her own
she will make breakfast for the townsmen
and serve up the hard liquors
just a matter of time she thinks to herself
before he will come back this way
take her up to the bedroom with promises on his grin
and for a moment she will believe once again
that itll all change
he will take her far away from this place
someday she will have the dreams
but for now she slips the ring into her pocket
and gets back to work
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
hard to love
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
I love the idea of someone will be there for me
Yet in reality, I doubt it to be.
Truth that I knew so well
That I am hard to love seems no one can tell.
...sometimes this is what i know...
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
Poetic T
It was unwinding, like a light on a candle
Fighting to keep the flame burning when
The wick had run out.

Can you outrun life, death, never
Tried till now. But I walked, It was
A flickering existence, we had jumped
The flame once too often and now it
Was our time to be blown out.

"Hold my hand"
"Please hold me tight"

I didn't know these men, woman on
There knees as touching the earth helped,
Tears, screaming at the wind, its ending
They'd scream, but I was in the distance
Leaving those to their maddening self chatter.

It was an amazing sight, the end was bright
Like dominos building fell,
"Paper in the wind was everything else"
Cinders fell as parched winds blew, I had ran,
Then walked. my last view of the world
Was a billboard?
I laughed as my existence turned to **dust.
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