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Many years ago

    another place,
                        another time,

I felt the beating of your heart,
beating together with mine.

The starlight
    on the water,
         the glow
            of the full moon,
               I remember us,
                  the melody
                     of our eternal tune.

Scents of the Magnolias,
the soft feel of our kiss,
the love that was invoked,
   true everlasting bliss.

Whispering breeze melodies,
waking with you each morn,

     ultimate love,
                    strong and true,
           with you reborn.

Forever our love shall linger,
no amount of time can undo,
   even in the vail of death,
I will forever remember you.

Many years ago

another place,
                    another time,
the beating of your heart,
beating together
                     with mine.

Another Place, Another Time......
 Apr 2020 Carmelina
Holden Wolfe
Death came on a card
inside the walls of me and my bedroom
No clear answer, but when I put it down on the dresser
I saw the skeletons of last winter

Every time I look outside
it’s dark again

I never know if it’s the evenings
that erase me, or the tide of the morning
that pulls me under

Whatever it is
it follows me

— The End —