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  Jan 2019 Ash
There she is.
My old pal sadness, it's been awhile since her last visit.
She must have gone to see the ocean or the Grand Canyon, but, she always comes back. She never really leaves my side because nothing gold can stay.
  Jan 2019 Ash
As nostalgia takes me
I go back to old memories
Of broken dreams and shattered realities
My future seems incredibly bleak.

It’s been months since we’ve parted
and to your farewell I couldn’t attend
I just couldn’t stomach the thought
of you being erased from existence.

But now i’ve dealt with things,
I want to say thank you..
For everything you’ve done for me but here's
A belated Goodbye, A forgotten I love you
  Jan 2019 Ash
Sonia Ettyang
Each and every new dawn is a chance to weave a web of fresh new thoughts and create a new reality
For today is full of presents, pre-sent to you as a reminder that the future is held in the now moments
©Sonia Ettyang
Be present and enjoy every minute of it:)
  Jan 2019 Ash
Charlotte Kemp
Four blocks down,
A man who never gives the same name
Stands every day selling condoms
With Tiger’s face telling us to “Protect Our Wood”,
And next to him is the vendor where
I just bought my new favorite scarf.
His name is Lorenzo. He’s 6 foot 4,
Old school Italian, and after two months
I’ve yet to see him wear the same shoes twice.

Natalie played softball in high school.
She now owns a hot dog stand just outside
That I’ve seen fifty people wait in line for.
After a heartfelt conversation we had
On a certain rainy Thursday morning,
Natalie now throws me a free Polish sausage with peppers
Once in a while when I open my second story window.
She hasn’t missed once.

My one neighbor is a Latina grandmother named Sofia.
She brought her kids here illegally,
And they’ve since used their success
To cut all ties to dear old Mexico
And to her.
I eat with her once a week,
And we share cooking recipes
And small tales about life BNY
(Before New York).

There’s a homeless man downtown
Whose sign says “A quarter a day
Keeps my teeth off your leg”,
And ever since he’s proven it to me
I’ve dropped fifty cents a day,
Hoping for extra protection.

When my friends from college come to visit,
They were all curious about Lorenzo’s shoes
And Natalie’s pitching arm
And when Sofia’s daughter would show up
(Tyler had a thing for hispanic girls).
I never tried to explain, because
I never felt the need to know the answer myself.
All I cared about were Natalie’s smile,
Sofia’s homemade tortilla chips,
And how a guy like Lorenzo ended up in New York City selling scarves.
Wrote this for a creative writing class last year, and no one's read it since. i'd love some new input
  Jan 2019 Ash
EJ Lee
Imagine your knowledge is an
Infinite jigsaw puzzle
For some its is easy to piece together
As everything falls into place
For others the puzzle is forever fragmented
Unable to be completed fully
You are in constant search for the missing pieces
That is meant to connect
To bridge the information together
To complete the image
Every now and then
A missing piece finds a way to fit
Adding new information to the infant puzzle
And one piece closer
To making knowledge whole
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