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Sampreeta Subhakanshi
16/F/Odisha, India    Poetic // Insane // And a bit of urbane
F    A fluttering soul in disguise immersed into this virtually-simulated playground. I wear many faces and all of them are REAL. Always dwelling between the dark …
20/F/Wonderland!    To be half asleep with love
19/F    a passive reader but an actively obsessed writer
M/Nashville    Read Feel Write Fill Pour -Esprit De Corps
31/Trans/Hull, UK   
Buried Words
18/F/Ireland    My poems aren't the best, but I write them when I'm suffocated by my deepest emotions. Whatever is written is truly felt in the moment …
Jessica B
34/F    And the soul I keep speaks to those who wander free ❤️
Marietta Ginete
PH    It felt like it could've been forever.
İlayda Korkmaz
19/F/Ankara/Turkey    In one word, I would describe myself as an enthusiast. An enthusiast of everything, of arts, music, science, justice, words, and especially literature. I love …
23/F/Indonesia    be yourself, everyone else is taken
25/F/Korea    it’s not about you.
A poet in Paradise
The amateur poet
Wantage, NJ    Poetry is my way of venting. While finding my way through these odd high-school years, I write when I don't have anyone to talk to. …
17/Genderqueer/Your local grocery store    he/him
Ophelia Ray
27/Moon, amongst the stars    "Writing is the painting of the voice" -unknown. ...I start by writing anything, and turn it into everything.
15/F/Trapped in my thoughts    Just learning to live in this world with nothing but false hopes and dreams
21/Genderqueer/|*    ☆
49/M    I feel I am not even a speck of dust in this vast universe. Love to travel to the remotest of places. My debut book …
26/F/93427    Poetry is my life. I strive to write better every day, and hope that sharing my poetry will encourage me to write more.
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