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Here it is and you heard it here first.

Moving forward in my life, no more ******* ego checks

I deserve to and am allowed to truly love who I am,
And that is something I am working *******.

Part of that is actually celebrating my victories, triumphs and my journey so far.
Which I will always do,

The times I sat in the darkness and others walked away,
I was forced to

I never gave up on myself.
I put in the work and overcame the dark.

So here is to celebrating every new victory as they happen.

No longer will I remain quiet, living in the shadows, my story unheard.
I will no longer live quietly.
I will celebrate myself and my victories.
Feb 12 · 27
Letter to my past
Eric Bergeron Feb 12
Hello, little ones,

This is written for all of the past versions of myself who were never allowed to heal.
Who were always just so scared, sometimes simply of life itself.

I know all of the horrors each of you had to fight through and survive,
And I am so sorry you ever had to fight that hard, sometimes to just exist.
I am sorry I was not there to shield and protect you then.

Just know this,

You are safe now.
Slow down, take a deep breath, and open your eyes.

You made it, you survived.
You made it to the good times.

You made it to the point where life is sometimes so overwhelmingly amazing, and all you can do is smile and laugh, no words needed.

You made it to a time where harm may never reach you again.

I am here now, I’ve got this.
Jan 30 · 538
Your story - Unfinished
Eric Bergeron Jan 30
Your story is still being written.

Tales of sadness and sorrow
Softness and love
Strength and growth

It has been an honour so far to read the words in the pages of your story,
And to witness your tale being written.

That said, your tale is far from over.

You still have a lot of life left to live.
Things to experience,
Places to visit.

So please,
Never give up on writing the pages of the story of your life.
Jan 30 · 48
Rest your soul
Eric Bergeron Jan 30
Hello, beautiful, brave one.

I know, your spirit is weak and weary.
Your soul feels shattered and broken.
And your heart feels damaged beyond repair.

You try to hide it, but the cracks in your smile show truly how broken you feel deep inside.
Your once bright eyes are now tired and worn from the harsh battles you have faced.

Just know, you are allowed to rest.
You are allowed to lay down your burdens for a moment and just exist.

Curl up, hide away and rest.

Your soul needs it, I can tell.
Jan 29 · 28
You don't know me.
Eric Bergeron Jan 29
You don't like me?
You have an issue with me?

Well guess what???
**** it up, your opinions don’t matter.

You don’t know me.
Where I’ve been.
What I’ve faced…

You have never read the pages in the chapters of my life…
So until you do,

Don’t you DARE judge me.

You don’t know me, so your opinion ain’t worth ****.
Until you read the pages of my life, you don't get to judge me.
Jan 29 · 78
7 Years
Eric Bergeron Jan 29

Newfound strength

Fighting on and rising above


Living my life, because I can.
Because 7 years ago, I chose life.
7 years ago, I chose life. I chose to keep fighting.

Today, I am alive. I am living, not simply surviving.
Jan 18 · 246
New year, Better me.
Eric Bergeron Jan 18
I don't do new year resolutions

This year.

I want to love myself a little more each day.
I want to learn to be soft and gentle on myself, the way I always tell others to be for themselves.

Sometimes, I want to simply exist.

Other times, I want to make life happen

This new year,
I want to change.
I want to grow.
I want to flourish.

I do not think the world is truly ready for my transformation,
But I am, so here we go.
Oct 2024 · 55
You tried to break me
Eric Bergeron Oct 2024
I know

You TRIED to break me…

You were slick… Using the very vulnerabilities I had shared with you to claw your way in and make me feel safe, and once that happened, you took your ******* mask off and the real you came out, like I knew was there in the past. I should have ran far and fast right when that happened, but you had your claws dug in so deep, I could not flee.

You knew you were never good enough, so to keep me, you had to break me down and reduce me to nothing, stripping me of all my power.
You had full control and called all of the shots.

Your hope was that when you drained me of my use and decided to leave, taking everything with you, the destruction you caused would permanently shatter me…

Well let me tell you, I have done so much work to heal and build myself back up…
To make you just a little blip in the timeline of my life, instead of a massive disaster.

Looking back, I do not remember any of the good times, because they were few and far between, and most of them were followed by a one way fight, you screaming and me just taking it…

So maybe it was just to spite you, or to **** you off, but after you left, I kept living…

I can’t for one second say that I wish you well… Because that would be the ultimate lie.
I wish you the life you have, and all the karma that comes with it.

These next words are like honey and Lavender coming from my mouth,
I survived you.
you tried to break me

but you failed.
Sep 2024 · 63
Letter to 17.
Eric Bergeron Sep 2024
Hey little buddy. Listen here,
I know you still exist…

Somewhere deep within my soul, in the very core of my being, you reside,
I feel you, deep down,
You feel Scared, Broken, so small and in SO much pain.
The scars of the past still burn so deep.

I know, you couldn’t defend/protect yourself back then.
And you bravely stood alone against an army of those who turned their backs on you.
All you could do was survive, using all the energy you possessed to simply make it through each new day that you faced.

Well, just know this.
You survived. You made it out of that time when you didn’t think you could.
You didn’t think you had the strength to make it out.

I wanted to say thank you, for staying so strong and for not giving up.
On yourself or your future.

So here I stand, at your side and at the ready,
To fight for and protect you.
To honour you, to fight for you and to heal you.

And eventually, to lay you to rest.
You have done well, little one. Now, lay down your burdens…
I will take it from here.
A letter to my 17 year old self, who wasn't sure he possessed the strength to survive the horrors that he faced.
Aug 2024 · 63
I am Enough
Eric Bergeron Aug 2024
You know, I have spent way too much time trying to be enough for EVERYONE else around me.
Thinking that my worth was based on their opinions,
how they see me as a person.

But the truth is, that is all *******...

I just need to be good enough for my own self,
and at this point, I am.

I am worthy
I am enough
Aug 2024 · 61
Light your way
Eric Bergeron Aug 2024
There will always be dark times along your journey.
The path you walk may crack and break, and you may stumble and fall.

Sometimes you may not want to get back up, but you always will, because you know that these dark times are not forever, and you will be walking in the light very soon, feeling the sun gracing your skin once more.

But until then, I will always be here to illuminate your journey.
My heart, soul and spirit will always be a beacon of light during your darkest moments.

I will always leave a light on to help you find your way home.
I will always keep a light on, to light your way home to me.
Jul 2024 · 81
Legends never fade
Eric Bergeron Jul 2024
They say legends never die.

I believe,
Legends do die, they just never fade.

The memory of legends lives on forever and never fade away into oblivion.

Tales of their life are written in books, spoken of far and wide and shared at dinner tables all over the world.

One day, after I am long gone, my name will still live on as legend.

My tale, etched into the book of time.
Where they remain for eternity.
Eric Bergeron Jul 2024
You see…
You saw your position in my life as some big thing. Like you were irreplaceable.
You made it seem like I needed you to survive, and that I’d be nothing without you,
When the truth is, you just occupied a few chapters in the book of my life.
A few sad, measly chapters, that you never deserved having your name written into their pages.

Now, there are some chapters of my life I wish to revisit and read again, but the chapters involving you, I wish to never revisit.
I wish to lock those away in the very depths of my being, where they will get lost.

Those dark chapters never should have been written… And I would erase them if I could.

I NEVER needed you.
Your exit from my life was the best possible thing to happen.

Now, I am focusing on the chapter currently being written, and the ones to come.

I do not know what words are to be written in the story of my life, but I am excited to write each new word, for I am in a better place and am finally with the one who treats me right, every single day.

To the chapter currently being written, and the chapters to come, I am ready for you.
I am ready to read your words, and to live your tale.
Jul 2024 · 71
Sands of Time
Eric Bergeron Jul 2024
At the end of it all, all we are is lines drawn into the sands of time…
Lines, to be erased by the crashing waves and torrential winds.

Hear this,
When the last grain of sand falls from the hourglass that is my life,
My name will be permanently etched into the sands of time, never being erased or forgotten.

I will rattle the stars and shake the earth
I will not be forgotten
I will not be silenced.
Mark my words, the sands of time will remember my name.
Jul 2024 · 66
Anger Within the Flames
Eric Bergeron Jul 2024
I am not an angry person…

I do not like living in or ruminating in anger or hatred,
Swimming in that deep sea of vicious fire…
Drowning in those dark waters…

Anger feels like lava, coursing through my body.
Burning me alive, scorching me to my very core…

Though that does not show.

I look and act calm.

But my anger towards you, I can not contain.
My anger for the years you took from me.
Precious time I can never get back…

I can only make up for…
By choosing myself.

Anger will never succeed…
It has not changed me. It only hindered me.

I will live MY life, free of you
Free of your toxic light.
Far from your acidic soul.

I hope you know what you lost, when you walked away,
All those years ago.

For you, my anger within the flames still remains.
Jun 2024 · 71
Living in the Dark
Eric Bergeron Jun 2024
Living in the darkness.

For so long, the darkness was my safe place.
I called it home,
For I was able to simply rest within the darkness, I could just exist there, and didn’t have to worry about being strong or needed by anyone.
I could just… be… It was me and my thoughts, and I was all alone.

Besides the scarred, ugly, disfigured creatures that also dwelled within the darkness and called it home.
I made friends with all the creatures that dwelled within my darkness…

The large, mangled creature that was depression.
The random, scattered figure that was anxiety.
The horrifying entity that is the nightmares and visions that play deep within my mind at times.

Those creatures became my friend, I got to know them on a deeper level.

And for a while, they kept me safe. They kept me still and quiet during times I did not have the energy to move forward in life and with my growth.
They allowed me to rest and kept me secure from the unknown, which at the time was absolutely terrifying.

But now, I am in a different place.
I am mentally stronger than I have EVER been,
And I have been stepping back into the light and leaving my darkness behind.
And now, I am ready to venture into the unknown lands of my future.
I no not where I will go, the adventures I will take and the hardships I will endure,
But I am ready to find out.

So, to those creatures that I leave behind as I walk this new path into the light,
Thank you for keeping me safe, but you are no longer needed…
I have outgrown you, and will continue to grow into my best self, leaving you in the dust.
May 2024 · 112
Farewell, old life
Eric Bergeron May 2024
Remembering my old life, the life I lived before it all came crashing down,
I remember the plans I had and how hard I had worked to make sure the future that I saw before my eyes unfolded the way I wanted it too.

I remember how much it hurt when I saw it all crumbling down before my eyes.
How I had to mourn the loss of my old life.
How I now mourn for my old self...

I had to pick myself back up, gather up the broken pieces of my shattered heart and soul, and one by one, piece them back together with tape and glue and whatever I had nearby.

I have built myself back up and now I am finally looking forward in life.
I am ready to build up my new future.

The past is far behind me.
I won’t let it stop me from my new life and my new future.

As I light these candles to send lay to rest my old life, one by one, I watch the flames go out,
Sending off the old me.
Honouring him, for choosing life and for choosing to fight on.

Listen here, little buddy... You may rest now,
I've got this. I'll take it from here.
May 2024 · 86
Two painful words
Eric Bergeron May 2024
Two simple words plague my life
They cause me so much pain and suffering, thinking of past events that did not come to light.

“What if?”

“What if I was not strong enough to survive, when I was at my lowest?”

“What if in the end, I did give in and allow myself to sink into the nothingness.

“What if I am never enough?”

“What if I am just too much?

“What if?” Is the question that constantly starts up the hurricane that is my mind.

I despise asking myself that, because I know I am in for one hell of a fight, as soon as I hear the voices of my dark thoughts throw that into the void.

What if, "What if turns" out to be right?

These words, I ask myself way too often.
These words, I never want to be real...
What it, I am simply not enough?
May 2024 · 80
My kaleidoscope
Eric Bergeron May 2024
When I look at you, it’s like I’m looking through the viewpoint of a kaleidoscope…

All those random, scattered and sometimes broken pieces, coming together to form something breathtaking, majestic and beautiful.

That is how I see you. To me, you are the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever seen, shattered fragments and all.

And I love all of those pieces as well, because they come together to make you who you are.

Your heart, soul, essence and light have always remained so soft and elegant, so radiant and delicate.

I will always love every single piece of you, no matter what they look like.

I will always love you, my little kaleidoscope.
To my love, my kaleidoscope, thank you.
Apr 2024 · 73
I Know Why
Eric Bergeron Apr 2024
You know what???

I think you knew… You knew what you had.
You knew how good I was and what I deserved.

I think you felt it. Sensed it.
You knew I could do better…

But once the addiction of a having a loving man hit you,
You knew you couldn't lose me.
You needed me.

I became your safety, serenity and warmth in this cold, darkened world…

So….. you broke me. You broke me down every single day.
Making me think it was my fault.
Like I was not good enough for you…
You broke me down every day I stayed
Bit by painful bit, casting storm clouds above my head that hid my true worth,

And only when you FINALLY walked away, did I begin to see,
How much I truly deserve in this life.
How much damage you truly cast upon me.

But, as time went on, I healed.

As I shed the negative energy of you, I picked up my broken pieces and put myself back together...

And now??? I am getting what I crave...

So, you watch, as I finally get what I deserve,

And you are left in the dust…
You watch, as I live my life
Mar 2024 · 84
Why I live.
Eric Bergeron Mar 2024
Why do I make the choice, every single day, to keep on living???
To keep on fighting, every single storm I ever go through…
Fighting every single day, to make it to the next…


I have a story.
I have a voice.
And I will never be silent…

And my voice, my story,

Can change the lives of others.
I can give them hope, for victories in their battles.
I can be a light on their darkest days.
I can protect them from facing the battles that I have faced…

I lived today, so I could be a protector…
I can help change the script in the story of someone’s life…
I can help brighten the pages, soon to be written.

This, is why I fight…
This is why I live.
Feb 2024 · 92
The Process of Healing
Eric Bergeron Feb 2024
Healing is glorified

They make you think healing is sweet, soft, delicate.
They show the end result, when you finally open your eyes after a long rest, feeling better and ready for life…

But really, healing the hardest process to go through

You feel so much, you relive the past. You wonder about the future and what it holds.

Sometimes, it breaks you down to your knees.

Healing is messy. Healing is painful. Healing is hard

Healing can feel like you are fighting a war, some days losing that war.
And some days winning it.

But in the end, healing is worth it

When you wake up on the other side and the sun is shining on you and you feel more free than you ever have.

When the burdens of the past cease to exist and the weight of the world you once carried on your shoulders fades into oblivion.

Some day, that is what I wish for you, and for myself.
That we are free, unburdened, unchained, by the events of our past.
Jan 2024 · 82
The book of my Life
Eric Bergeron Jan 2024
My life is like a book.

Each day, words - etched into the pages of the book of my life.

Words, moments. In this ever growing tale.

Years = chapters….

Each new year - The next chapter in the book.

The Last chapter, Love, Sadness, Heartbreak, …

… Hope, Strength, Resilience.


As rough as the battle was, victory was still achieved.

Now… Get ready for the next great chapter,

In the book of MY life…
Sep 2023 · 101
3 Years in Hell
Eric Bergeron Sep 2023
This is a letter to you….
You know who you are.

Three years… Three ******* years of my life…. That is what I gave you. That is what you stole from me. I’ll never get those three years back…
And honestly, you didnt deserve five ******* ******* seconds of my time…
I should not have wasted my time on you. You are simply not worth dirt…

When I saw your face at the market that day, I should have walked the other way… Not knowing you would give me three ******* years of abuse, Mental, physical AND emotional… And not to mention countless breakdowns, panic attacks and endless tears that you caused me even after you left

You leaving me ended up being the best thing you could have done… Because then, I allowed myself to heal, I allowed myself the grace of knowing it was not my fault.

You made me think that I was not good enough for you? HA… *****, you were not good enough for ME… At the end of the day, you lost possibly the most amazing man you could have had. So, jokes on you! Someone else will come along and know my worth. They will fight to keep me…
YOU never did.

Whatever it is you are doing with your pitiful life now, I hope karma finds and destroys you…
They say live life with no regrets... Well, I regret YOU....
May 2023 · 638
Deep in my Mind
Eric Bergeron May 2023
While he is running through your mind,
You are constantly on mine.

Travelling through my thoughts, stuck in my head.
And I can’t get you out, but secretly, I don’t want to…

Because that’s the only place I can still belong to you.
I can still be yours. And our future can still exist.

Deep in the chaos of my mind.
I miss the place in time where I belonged to you.
May 2023 · 671
You are allowed to hurt
Eric Bergeron May 2023
Hey, kid…
You are hurting. I can tell…

I can see it in the fact that your eyes do not sparkle as bright.
Your eyes are looking out at the world, but it feels like you are seeing in black and grey.
As if a foggy haze surrounds you.

I can hear it in your voice, that doesn’t sing to your passions to the world.
Your once boisterous, carefree and cheerful voice now sounds small, sorrowful and defeated.

I can tell by the way your head hangs low, the feeling of defeat looms over you.

I can tell, by the way that your heart feels like it has been crushed.
It feels like it is beating at half speed. It feels like it’s beating for nothing.

Well, you are allowed to hurt. You are allowed to feel. You are allowed to fall to your knees and fall apart.’
You are allowed to feel down and out, just allow yourself the grace and love you put out to those around you.
Be gentle on yourself. You are hurting. You are allowed to.
A letter to myself, during a time where I hurt the most.
Apr 2023 · 138
Numb, Lost, Found
Eric Bergeron Apr 2023
I feel numb, hollow, cold… and I hate this feeling.
I don’t know who I am right now, I don’t feel like me.
I feel chills echoing through my core, a thick fog plaguing my mind.

I feel lost. I don’t know where I am, I don’t know what I am doing.
I feel like somewhere along the way, I fell off the map, and ended up in the middle of nowhere.
I am scared.
I am lost

I am holding on to hope.
I will be found.
But not by anyone else.
I will find myself.
A little excerpt from the state of my mind in the last few weeks. I am holding on to hope, and not giving up.
Apr 2022 · 146
I love you, Please stay
Eric Bergeron Apr 2022
I love you, please stay.

I am as broken as they come, my shattered pieces scattered all over.

My mind tells me lies that I sometimes believe. I am not good enough, I am too much.
When my mind screams these lies at me, they are all I hear, and I begin to believe them.

Though I am still trying to piece myself back together, some days I may fail.

I won’t be strong. I will fall apart.

There will be days, I look to you for aid.

I love you, please stay.

On the days my broken parts show,

I need you, please don’t leave.
Apr 2022 · 165
Serenity in Sleep
Eric Bergeron Apr 2022
Hi, lovely.

As you lay your head down tonight and drift off to sleep, I hope for a few things for you.

I hope that your mind is calm, still and that your thoughts are light and fluffy.
I know the days aren't always easy on you, and that you fight your battles every day.
I hope you do not have to fight as you rest.

I hope that you sleep softly, dream sweetly and recharge, ready to face whatever comes your way.
Apr 2022 · 135
My thoughts, on paper
Eric Bergeron Apr 2022
Sometimes, writing is my way out.
It is a way to get the thoughts that are swimming deep within my mind out into the world when I have no voice.

These words that I messily scribble down, or carefully  type out, ensuring to check for any errors I make, come from the deepest, and sometimes darkest areas of my mind, heart and soul…

And these are things I do not think I would be able to tell someone out loud, for hearing the words out loud would be too much.

These small marks, on this blank sheet, come from my depths, and I hope they reach your soul.
Mar 2022 · 103
To the one who stood strong
Eric Bergeron Mar 2022
Too the one who stood strong, and walked tall
When everything was against her.
When life was pushing down on her,
Digging her deeper day by day.
Walking tall through the times she thought she would never make it out…

To the one who kept going, even when she could have quit…

Thank you…
Thank you for being so resilient and strong.
So powerful and brave.

And thank you for sticking around long enough for me to meet you.

Thank you for letting me be your strength, your light, your dark, whatever you need.

Thank you for being so brave, so strong, so gentle, so powerful and so wonderful.
This is to you. my love. You are the one who stood strong, when you could have fallen, and no one would have blamed you.
Mar 2022 · 97
The Real Me
Eric Bergeron Mar 2022
This is me

I have been broken, bent and hurt.
I have fallen down more times than I would like to admit.

I have been used and mistreated, unsure of my own worth.
Allowing people into my life that did not deserve me.

Putting my time and energy into the wrong things, leaving myself drained so many times…


I will not give up.
I am fierce. I am strong. I AM a ******* warrior.

For all the times I have fallen down, I have risen back up.

Be warned, world. The real me is coming. Every single day I fight on and build myself back up, the real me is closer to being released.

And the world is not ready….
Jul 2021 · 101
Ready for the future
Eric Bergeron Jul 2021
I won't pretend that my life has been perfect.
I have had my ups and downs and at times, didn't even think I could push forward and make it out.
I have doubted myself more times than I can count, and faltered in my journey

But hear me now, I will never quit.

I will push forward, whatever comes my way and I will rise and overcome.

I will live on!

My future is directly ahead of me and is wide open to the possibilities of life.

I will grab life by the horns and ride out this crazy train!
Jun 2021 · 100
The Silent War
Eric Bergeron Jun 2021
You are fighting a silent war, that no one knows about
You always hold it deep inside, never letting it show
The weight of your battles crushes you
You are not sure how much more you can endure

As the darkness engulfs you, and you finally reach out for help
You let out a noiseless scream
A call for aid, lost deep in the shadow of the void

Take my hand and let me be a soldier in your war
I will march with you through your darkness, until you are back in the light

Your silent screams did not go unheard
I  hear you, you are not alone.
Jun 2021 · 77
Nothing in the darkness
Eric Bergeron Jun 2021
Some days, I wake up, and feel like I am nothing.
The dark hits and I feel worthless
I am small
I am powerless

During those times, my eyes are closed
I don’t want to be engulfed in the darkness

I have lived in the dark for too long

No more living in the dark
I am done, I am through

I will fight the darkness so I can feel the light against my skin

When I am out of the darkness, I feel mighty
I feel powerful
I am not nothing…

I will show the world who I am
Living under the black cloud of depression is one of the hardest things in life. But I will NEVER let it win.
Apr 2021 · 430
Fall and Rise
Eric Bergeron Apr 2021
I may fall
I may get beat up by life and crumble to the ground
Giving up and staying down sometimes feels like the best option
Surrendering to the darkness...

I will not let that happen
I will rise up as many times as I fall
I will not let the darkness win
I can't let it win...

As long as I have at least a single ounce of strength within me, I fall, I rise.
That is my promise to the world
I fall, I rise. My promise, unbroken.
Mar 2021 · 98
Memories and a dream
Eric Bergeron Mar 2021
If dreaming is the only place you can see me, I hope you never dream...
Live with the memories of me, but nothing else.
Mar 2021 · 129
We are the broken
Eric Bergeron Mar 2021
WE are the broken. The ones who have been beaten down by the world. By others around us and the storms we face EVERY single day.
We are the ones who have fallen down time after time. Never sure if we will be able to rise back up.
We are the ones that the world looks down on. They doubt us and tell us we are nothing, that we are weak.

But hear this. We will not be silenced. We may fall, but we will always get back up and carry on. We will exit each storm stronger than the last, and ready to face whatever is next.

WE are the broken, and we are here to stay.
Hear this world, we are here to stay....
Feb 2021 · 116
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
2:36am. You lay awake in your bed with your mind racing.
Your darkness is hitting you full till, crushing you and making you feel like nothing.
Your mind tells you that you should give up. No one would miss you.
Give up and you can finally rest.

But let me tell you this. Every time so far that your darkness has showed up and tried to take you down, you didn't let it...
Even when it knocked you over and beat you down, you survived and you rose back up to keep fighting. You have survived every single moment of your life up until now.

You are not just a survivor, you are a warrior, and I am so incredibly proud of you.
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
Remember this.
We are ALL living in the same world, but we are all fighting different demons.
As tough as mine are, someone else might be fighting tougher demons. Those demons might might be breaking them down day by day. Crushing and beating down on them.
You have no idea what they are fighting inside their own mind. They might be sitting dangerously close to the edge, ready to fall and let go. Their light would fade from this world, because no one was there to save them. They do not know how to reach out when the darkness hits.
Always try and remember that when you are around people/.
Live with empathy and love.
Who knows? You may just save a life.
You never know the demons others are fighting. Be kind.
Feb 2021 · 126
The Mask
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
A man rises at dawn, removing the mask that is his past.

He wants to start a new, using scissors to cut the memories of the past.
Visions that haunt him, enduring many sleepless nights reliving the horrors from long ago.

His future awaits, and he will no longer wear the burden that is the mask.

The scars of his past, erased by the dreams of his future.
I shed the mask for a better future.
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
You are a flower, amongst the weeds.
Your beauty is hidden by those that have no shine.
Break free from the weeds and let yourself grow.
Your beauty has shaped you into something quiet and delicate.

You are a diamond, buried in the dirt.
Dig yourself out and expose your true power.
The pressure of life has moulded and shaped you into something strong and powerful.

Quiet and delicate, yet strong and Powerful...
You are a wolf, stalking in the night. A quiet grace about you, yet a mysterious power and strength behind you.

Beautiful yet dangerous, you are fierce.
Feb 2021 · 124
The Queen of Frost
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
After the dawning of the rain and the darkening of the earth, in the time of the great plague of floods.
When Thunder and Lightning ruled the earth,
That was only the beginning…

Another villain came into play… The Queen of Frost.

She marched in, her long sapphire cloak trailing behind her, calling out in a shrill voice and a wicked grin
“You have done well, boys… Now step aside, it is my turn to play!!”
She tossed them aside, a great sense of cold washing through their core...

Thunder and Lightning scowled and glared, but moved along, knowing the power of the Frost Queen is one they just could not match.

Laughing maniacally, she uttered her spells, casting a chill upon the earth
Turning the earth into a frozen wasteland
Staring down evily at her work, as ice consumed the world

Thunder and Lightning stood horrified, knowing that she took over their work. They were just having fun, while she sought ultimate power…

“What have we done…?” They asked together, wanting all of this to be just a horrible dream.
Hoping one day, they get the chance to right their wrongs...
Part 3 of the Cloud Master
Feb 2021 · 143
Thunder and Lightning
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
Thunder and Lightning, the two lords of the sky.

Jealous of the legend, fame, and success of the cloud master.
How they never got any of that fame or glory.
Always on the sidelines in someone else's story.
Fell into a deep state of rage.

The clouds blackened as the earth was plunged into darkness.
Rain fell to the earth, blinding lightning and deafening thunder flashed upon the sky.

The cloud master, watching in complete horror, at the work of the two enraged lords, laughing maniacally at their work

Floods now plunged the earth, countless towns destroyed from the rushing waves.

They went mad with power, blinded by the destruction they were able to unleash upon the earth.

The earthlings, trembling and terrified, as the once docile lords of the sky, wreak havoc upon the earth...
Part 2 of the Cloud Master
Feb 2021 · 127
The Cloud Master
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
The cloud master
Sitting high on his tower in the sky
The cloud master hard at work
He gazes down towards the earth
Thinking about all of the twinkle eyed dreamers, creators and inventors

Smiling hard, a shimmer in his eye, he readies his cloud cannon and fires
Filling the sky with whisps and shapes

One young man, laying in a field and gazing at the sky, sees the shape of a guitar in the sky  
He goes on to make is own guitars and plays concerts for thousands plus, fulfilling his dream of being a musician. As he is on stage playing his heart out, he thinks back to the day he was laying there and his life had no meaning.

Now he has purpose.
All because of the cloud master, shaping the sky for the twinkle eyed dreamers
Feb 2021 · 100
A smile looks good on you
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
Do you know, what your smile is capable of?
How you can change someones entire day with one look??

The power held in that radiant smile, the look of happiness in your sweet eyes
The incredible sparkle that shines as bright as the stars on a clear summer night

Well, I can see it... I know it is there and it is real
I want you to notice it every single day

I wish you could see what I see, a beautiful soul burning behind those eyes
You know not the power behind your smile and that rests in your eyes
Feb 2021 · 333
A Heroes Tale
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
Every hero has a story
A tale of their triumph
Etched in time and written all over the world
Words of their ride to fame and glory, solidified on the great pages.

And then, there is my story
One, not of power, glory or fame
Mine is that of struggle, strength, perseverance and  determination
My tale is still being written, it's pages still being filled every single day I continue on

One day, you will read my tale, and see the rise of a hero
For my victory, I fight on
We talk a lot about heroes In this world. I’ve been called a hero before and to that I say, I am just me!
My story is still being written. So just you wait, for the rise of a hero.
Feb 2021 · 716
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
I wake up, completely exhausted, my mind running a million miles a minute

I am alive...

As my legs swing over the side of the bed and my feet hit the ground, I slowly rise up

I am strong
I am alive

I wipe the sleep from my eyes, preparing myself to face the day ahead
Give it your best shot world. Whatever you throw at me, I will overcome.
For I am alive, I am strong, and I am a warrior.
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
For years, you pulled my strings.
You had a grip on me, and it felt so cold.
Felt like ice surrounding my life and crushing me bit by bit.
You held me prisoner...

Your years of abuse and torture, bent and warped my mind.
At times making me feel like I was nothing.

But guess what??? I cut my strings.
I am falling, but I am free. Free from you. From your harsh words. Free from the madness that was your pitiful soul.

You no longer have a hold on me.
So this is goodbye. I do not wish you well. I wish you the life that you have. Whatever karma falls back upon you, is what you deserve.

Watch me live my life, shaking the earth and rattling the stars.
For I am free, and you can no longer pull my strings.
I am free from your abuse. Free from your madness.
Feb 2021 · 151
I am a Grenade
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
I am a grenade... A ticking time bomb.
No one knows when I will go off, or how much destruction I will cause. I don’t even know that myself.
I have seen in my dreams the end result of the explosion. How it will shatter and crush the lives of those that cherish me.
When my mind deteriorates and my mental state collapses in on me, my dark thoughts tell me to let go. To pull the pin. But I know I can not give in to those voices.
That’s why no matter what happens, no matter how bad my mind gets, I MUST FIGHT. I am not allowed to leave this world yet. Too many lives rely on me. My light, soul and essence are still needed in this world.
I am a grenade, but I will not pull the pin.
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