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Feb 2021 · 194
Letter to my past.
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
Hey you.
Having a rough day? Feeling down? Life is hitting hard today eh?

That’s okay… Those days happen, and will continue to happen.
Your depression will show it’s ugly face; you might not feel like your normal self and that is totally okay.

Just do what you can today. The littlest things you are able to do are monumental.
Take some time to unwind, reset and breathe. Decompress and get some rest, I know you need it.

And please, don’t be so ******* yourself today. Your brain will lie to you. You are not weak. You are not useless, and most of all, you are allowed to take some time for yourself and shut the world out if you need too. You are allowed to feel sad and get some rest.

Just know, I love you and I am proud of you… You have grown so much over the last few years, and your progress has been incredible. Just keep climbing that mountain! Never give up!
This is a letter to myself to read on my bad days where it all gets to be too much.
Feb 2021 · 194
Silence the voices
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
When the voices in my head arise, they say, "You are weak. You will never amount to anything in life. Give up, You are nothing..."
I reply back, a bright fire in my eyes, "You do not know me. You do not know what I have been through and where I am going in my life. I am shaking the stars and rattling the earth. I am climbing mountains, and I am NOT letting you win. You can not take me out of this life. I will silence you... Now leave me be. I have so much still to do, so much I need to say."
And at that, I silenced those doubtful voices in my head. They know nothing.
Feb 2021 · 115
Welcome to my mind
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
Welcome to my mind
My crazy, scattered, chaotic, wonderful, powerful mind.
Some days in my head, it is a bright blue sky and the sun is shining. All feels warm and happy. Those are my clear headed days.
And other days, My mind is a hurricane of a million different thoughts hitting all at once from different directions. The most intense storm you can think of.
But even in those storms, there is beauty behind the chaos. Power in the destruction. Strength within the cyclone.
My mind is a chaotic yet beautiful place, and one hell of an insane ride!
So, are you willing to go on an adventure with me?
Feb 2021 · 124
A letter to myself
Eric Bergeron Feb 2021
A letter to you
Hey kid…Sit down, shut up and listen up! (Harsh, I know, but you NEED to hear this. These words need to reach you, because I care! And I don’t like seeing you dimming your spark!)
You are here on this earth for a reason. You were born to do incredible things and be extraordinary. The light of your soul smoulders and burns so brightly every day.
Right now, you may feel “ordinary” and like you don’t mean much, or that you are not anything special in this universe. But let me be the first to tell you, you are wrong. You are so important to so many and those people look up to you. Me??? I see you as a hero. Yeah yeah, you are thinking to yourself, “But… I don’t have any superpowers???” Again, you are wrong! You have a beautiful mind, a kind soul and a brave heart. You have a might and a determination that can move mountains, with a resilience and strength that can weather any storm that tries to take you down. THOSE, are your superpowers. So no, you are not just ordinary. You are incredible, you are powerful and you are mighty. So please, never dim your light. Let it shine bright for the world to see and go be that superhero I know that you are! I am so proud of you!
Go move mountains kid! You got this.

— The End —