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 Jan 2015 jesse packard
 Jan 2015 jesse packard
There once was a boy
And along came a girl
They looked into each other's eyes

The girl saw everything
She saw him
She saw beyond him
She saw the vast ocean
That his soul was
But she got lost

The boy looked
He didn't see a spark
He saw her
But without the spark he didn't keep looking

So the boy and the girl parted ways
The boy looking for a spark
The girl looking for someone to finally be able to truly look in her eyes and see her light
I've always been able to see the truth in people's eyes. Only one person was able to see the truth in mine. I let my guard down then but nobody has tried to really look into my eyes ever since.
 Jan 2015 jesse packard
There are so many deadly things in this world
That could hurt me
But really I'm concvinced
You're the most toxic
Of them all
 Jan 2015 jesse packard
 Jan 2015 jesse packard
How can a Facebook rejection
hurt so much?
I wasn't looking for a lover
(maybe you were)
I was looking for a friend
Confusion at your silence
Wanted you to care, and
I came up empty
**** you, Facebook
it is not very
lady like to leap
and yell with
or to run like
or to touch without asking to
kiss with
but do you mind?
 Jan 2015 jesse packard
Pounding drums
With a fast beat
Loud guitar wailing
Half screamed lyrics
Of heartbreak
Of betrayal
But I don't feel it
I'm not feeling hurt

Angry melancholy
Soft voices
Guitar crystal clear
Lyrics so angry
At the world
At people
But I don't feel it
I'm not feeling angry

Fast and upbeat
Synthetic noises
Followed by a beat drop
Singing loudly
Of happiness
Of friendship
But I don't feel happy
I don't feel friendship

Sultry tones
**** voices
Moaning love songs
Groaning at
Passionate lovers
Passionate ideas
But I don't feel that either
I'm not in love

I don't know what to listen to

A glaring crimson moon shines across the desolate ocean.
Upon an iceberg lay painful memories of love and the pain it wrought.
Given a heading the shadow of a man sails dead forgotten seas.
No hope.
No blue skies.
Phantoms of past forever haunt him, only to find their woes and cries falling on deaf ears.
He no longer listens because he no longer feels.
Dead inside his corpse lives on.
In this realm of nothing, he is god.
A name he forgot long ago.
A past experience torments him.
No longer is his life his own, it is merely a trinket of no value.
Bathe in the crimson reflection on the water.
In nothing, a serene end.
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