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Chloe Hunt Dec 2018
I want to lay in that red grass
That you put in my head
That feels like soft feathers
OH the feeling of joy that I bled
I want to see that beautiful red tree
That I see in my visions
Different shades of glowing reds
That for 5 seconds
I could see my place in heaven
where I never felt misled
If only I could show it to you
But god put it in my head
I feel like I’ve been there before
A piece of a story that has been unread
I want to hear those shiny red diamond birds chirping
I wish you could hear it too
If only you could enter my head
You could see the placement of the view
But my heads a dark place
A place you don’t want to stay in
And when I’ve had enough
I go back to that world full of red
I always thought that red meant evil
But these reds made me feel happy
And I believe one day I’ll go back
To a place where my heart and mind will never ever again
Be misled
About a vision of a world full of shades of red that is my happy place. A place where I feel like I’ve been before. A safe place that god put in my head.
Chloe Hunt Dec 2018
People always say that twins have a connection
I’m here to set rumors and say that they are true
When he hurts
I hurt the same
But only double the pain
Sometimes it feels like a bite
Most of the time it hurts like a knife

He wrote a poem about a dark abyss
I have this crazy feeling that the poem wasn’t his feelings
But mine
And that’s why he wrote it

He could feel my pain that hasn’t happened yet
The future is a crazy thing that the devil bets
You see sometimes it’s a pattern
Sometimes the pain occurs at the same time
But when it’s a pattern it hurts the worst
Like the crazy ****** worlds design

I can’t control it and one day I feel like I’ll give up
I hope he doesn’t feel what I’m feeling right now
Because I want to take my life
And tell it enough!

If I had to take our pain all the time so that he could always be happy
I would
But I don’t know how strong I am
I don’t know... I don’t know if my body could
#twins #pain
Chloe Hunt Dec 2018
The thoughts come in like an endless flow of ocean waves creeping into my thoughts
Almost a memory or a vivid dream as I awake from the night
Slowly, I fall further into the deep dark sea
A sea that knows no time or space
Emerging myself into the life of a wave that knows no pain, no sorrow, no heartache
Only a constant flow guided by a higher power
Out of its control
A wave that knows no distractions
It’s soul purpose written in the book of life
Can I, a mere human, with such a complex mind
Submit myself to such powerful forces ?
As the waves surrenders to the wind
Forever led astray
Deeper and deeper into the dark abyss that creeps back into my heart
No matter how hard I try
I can’t escape the death of nothingness
you are
totally right.
I'm as dry as
a desert, I'm a dead
empty land. I used to be
a  jungle  when  the  clouds
where by my side, and now that
they are gone, my trees, my dreams
they dried and died. Because of this,
nothing grows inside of me, there is
only silence and despair. I can't feel
what  I  write,  I  barely  feel alive
I want to feel human again
Oh god, I really miss
the rain
Es frustrante tener  las palabras pero no el tiempo y luego tener el tiempo y no recordar las palabras
  Nov 2018 Chloe Hunt
Ariana Bagley
I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.
  Nov 2018 Chloe Hunt
I can feel
Your heartbeat through
My shirt.
I hate it.
The words you call me,
The sickly sweet affection
Clogs my throat
So i can no longer breath.
When you touch me,
I can feel your
Skin on mine,
And it makes me want to
Scrub and scrub
Until there is nothing left but
You hold me so tightly,
i know i will
In your arms.
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