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Emily Apr 2019
Acquila could float a flotilla
On all the blood she did draw—I’m quite filled with awe!
For she did it first try, though my vein was quite shy.

My thanks for her skill; she has all my goodwill.
May her efforts be lauded and from near and afar be applauded.
  Apr 2019 Emily
professor Burke and professor Lee
two mathematicians who could not agree

loudly voiced their differences at half past noon
having daily lunch at the Greasy Spoon

the subject on the fateful day was Pi
and they could not see eye to eye

a disagreement on the thousandth digit
had Burke turn red and caused Lee to fidget

said Burke “No you are off by one!”
spat Lee “Your math is poorly done!”

Burke shouted, “Lee, you have gone too far!”
reached toward the counter for a candy jar

but his hand instead encountered pie
a hideous gleam sprang to his eye

he flung the pie with all his might
hit Lee full face, eyes wide with fright

but Lee recovered and found more pies
Boston Creme took Burke between the eyes

apple, custard, lemon, berry
pecan, pumpkin, key lime, cherry

pies of every kind were thrown
plates' radius squared remained unknown

the police arrived to break up the fray
took the two meringued men away

many hours later in the quiet cell
with pie for ink and tempers quelled

the two stood looking at the wall
upon which lay their equation scrawled

said Burke, with both their faces long
“Well, what do you know. We both were wrong.”
In honor of Pi Day. With gratitude to Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy.
Emily Apr 2019
To all, whose names I’ve not got, right here by my cot,

I’m quite grateful as well, for how you helped me feel swell,
And sorry I can’t give you a personal chant.

So this will have to make do, for I’d give you your due.
From the start of my arrival, you ensured my survival.

Registered me with care,
Despite the ongoing repair,
Making you do, more than your share.

Asked me the same questions (again and again),
Slowly getting more info, while helping me grin.
Diagnosed me with care, not willing to err.

Wheeled me to room 248, with a gentle, slow gait.
Observed me all night, until all was right.

You all did your part, but I hope to depart.
Never to be seen, again in this scene.
Emily Apr 2019
Aileen was not mean.

She moved with all speed, but always did heed
Her patient’s queries and calmed all her worries

Though quite understaffed, performing her craft,
She left smiles of great cheer, and grins, ear-to-ear.

May her vacation have shouts of elation.
And her energy never seek to evade her.
Emily Apr 2019
Jack had the knack
Of showing quite quick with one single flick.
I called him for aid; he did as I bade.

Cheerfully willing to always be filling
Water and ice for my cup, he heard me speak up.

May he never get bored of pleasing the horde,
And find satisfaction, in his quick action.
Emily Apr 2019
Kind Dr. Lin went out on a limb.
All to be shown, why she did moan.

At great personal cost (for it might have been lost),
He loaned out his charger, and didn’t pre-charge her.

Delighted to find, that, with his great mind,
And the evidence found, he became quite renowned.

May he ever be generous and known for his cleverness.
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