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 Sep 2015 Blue Angel
From A Heart
I like rollercoasters.
I like going so fast that I don't have time to worry or think, just trust.
My body aches from the physically abuse I put myself through, The pain is only temporary from that point. I go through more... jumping through hoops, battling through the emotions I know that are real. But I get kicked down and pin to the ground. Then, the memories play before me... I see my friends and I laughing, I see me running and training, I see my fiance hugging me and kissing me...

I fight to keep her safe, she makes everything worth it. She held me when I was down, gave me meaning, she even forgave me when I hurt her...

I can't stop now. All I care about is being able to see her again, hug her close, kiss her, and marry her. She IS my other half. So, don't ever say farewell to her. Don't ever say good-bye, that means you are ready to let go... Instead, say "talk to you later" or "see you soon". That way, you assured yourself that you will be able to see and speak with her...

So, until we meet again

-W. Andrade
 Sep 2015 Blue Angel
Epic Monkey
You are the vase on the edge of the table
Falling down at minimal action at anytime
and there is no enough glue available
to fix the million fragments you'd become

You are the drug overdose
And the only antidote
Swinging to each extreme dose
Intoxicating then catching falls

We are a puzzle of mismatching parts
Failing to show what we must portray
We're on a journey of intertwined paths
With a broken compass to guide the way

Peace endeavors gone with the wind
Never stop the impending storm
Boiling blood under frozen skin
Will never keep our hearts warm

And so we wait
We wait for life
For the new season to overlap
as the old one fades
For the clock to whirl
At a faster pace
For love to show
in a tight embrace
For tragedy to wear off
the angel's face

~Epic Monkey
 Sep 2015 Blue Angel
From A Heart
Do not define my silence
As something of no use.
For a lamp sheds only lights;
The sun gives only life.

Do not mistake my silence
As a lack of things to say
For I'll only utter value,
Only think it over in my brain.

Do not confuse my silence
With something of no worth.
For my silence is golden
Yet capable of hurt.

Do not mistake my silence
For an I do not love you
For it means just quite the opposite
No words could relay this to you.
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