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 Oct 2015 Blue Angel
 Oct 2015 Blue Angel
It was written in the sand
But the sea washed it away.
It was written on the cliffs
But they crumbled day by day.
It was written on the sun
But the clouds did claim the sky.
And then we wrote it in our hearts
So that it will never die.
no one will ever know what's at the bottom of the ocean
not you, not me, not scientists, not bob dylan
and frankly, it's no ones business
let her keep a secret or two, okay?
let her mysteries stump generations
let technology fail and lights go off and
powerlines collapse
allow disaster
allow the new, the numinous
break your clock
cook pasta for a nice girl and watch for when birds
are just playing
 Oct 2015 Blue Angel
Bitter Burn
 Oct 2015 Blue Angel
Playing fire with fire
does not have to mean arson
There are other ways to employ heat,
namely by being cold
 Oct 2015 Blue Angel
Melinda Éva
Let's go and make the unconscious known,
shed everlasting light on what's been shown
to our hungry eyes and thirsting limbs
exposed to so much, but getting lost within
What we see is not what we see,
but what is remembered can be perceived
So take the time to actually look
and let go of the advantage that we all took
Experience the wrinkles and cracks in the bark
Crouch to the footprints one left to embark
Describe the budding petal breaking through
the soil in which led it to you
Listen to the rustling of the fox
and feel comfort of this conscious lock
Do the everyday experiences actually happen if they live in unconsciousness?
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