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Often the little kid in me asked,
How can people like this exist?
Two faced , hurtful and manipulative!
Grew up developed a hard coat,
To endure this dance with the devil .

The two pronged diabolical ways,
To see through this thick haze ,
Brazen - till the void grew bigger,
My heart once again set ablaze,
Twisted skills need no praise.

Do I play fairly with them ?
Do I twist my own ways ?
Should I really endure this pain ?
Will they not do this again?
Repeating misdeeds is their bane!

Should I even care or distance ?
Let them stay in their own pretense ,
Let their stares pass through,
The ghost of my wrath pass them,
Should I bind my lose ends in a hem?

What a waste of my time and energy,
They are but beasts from down below.
Creatures of these kind do persist,
My boredom is not their grand heist.
This exasperation should not exist !

I bow down to the force within,
Shed this coat of human existence,
Outwitted by reaction to the mundane,
I secure my stance to be sane.
Let not these thoughts bother once again!
Blissful Nobody Apr 2024
Do I need this indulgence,
With people and their minds,
Didnt I give it up a long time ago,
How does one get pulled in again?

Do I have no boundaries,
Was I an easy manipulation ,
Did they think, I wouldn't notice,
Their diabolical nature?

I bring out the worst in people,
Have they sold their conscience?
A question I ponder evermore,
It remains beyond my reason.

Do they walk unaware,
Reacting to everything over and over,
Not breathing and experiencing,
The divine life within.

I let go of this dramatic angst,
Once again I surrender,
Have given up this indulgence,
Misanthrope forever is easy to be.
Blissful Nobody Apr 2024
Misanthropic with an edge,
Edge of a sword for a snarky tongue,
If a stare could intimidate one to death,
Blazing blue sulphurous fires for breath,
Spiteful like a dragons rage,
Razor edged teeth might churn,
Chew you and spit you out,
You little fawn bleating alone in fear!
Blissful Nobody Apr 2024
It's a game of perceptions,
Yours for mine,
Mine for yours,
But put it into perspective,
Observe from a distance,
React less and listen,
Strike One, forgive,
Strike Two, observe,
Is it a pattern with you?
Strike three and I annihilate.
That's how I operate now.
Have no energy for drama.
So keep mulling alone.
I am not listening anymore,
Only observing and perceiving,
To keep you away from my world.
Strike three and you are out!
Done giving those extra chances!
Blissful Nobody Apr 2024
Wish to be an unmoving mountain,
Snow clasped, untouched and cold.
A big lenticular cloud casting its shadow,
Over the peak, that has the view of a world.

I see myself failing to achieve this,
A curious mind is often a curse.
There's a little whisper and chatter,
Like a curious deer, I stick my antlers in

Someone has built a little dwelling,
I hear the stomp and the noise now.
As I watch,  don't wish to be bothered,
But stealthily I observe now.

Curious mind , Oh! it should explode,
If I don't tend to it now, so I must know,
Just a little peek , is all I want ,
Promise to tiptoe back safely.

I speak not, of the many misadventures,
That shaped my past and my being.
Intense reckonings that are a bit distasteful,
Remind me to stay away from the drama.

A peek is all it takes, the stranger knows now,
Let's get acquainted , they say to me.
I shake my head in a 'yes' reluctantly,
Oh curiosity! you have me in your grasp again!

Little by little, it seeps into your mind,
As curiosity and desire go hand in hand,
Just a tiny bit , I should know  their story,
What makes them , the way they are.

I invite them, into my own dwelling now.
Show them this minds artful creation,
Stories for stories in exchange,
From acquaintance to friends now.

Curiosity flows like the river now,
Washing away the sands of time,
Missing those cues to stop now,
Oversharing and sharing secrets.

They Talk, I talk , a little more everytime,
The never ending stories of times past.
Some more of the present now,
It seems, I put my trust in them.

I know their secrets but do I dare?
They know mine, and yes they can tell,
My failures, vulnerabilities and fears,
All's an open book for their eyes.

A book they gladly share and overshare,
Till the rim bursts and the pages swell.
All my bruises known to all,
Who else to blame and names do I call.

Alas, I have been a fool again!
Drowning to the oceans depth,
Wished I be the unmoving mountain,
Even reaching it's base is now uncertain.

You've done the deed and is yours only,
To bear the fruit of your own desire,
Distasteful, bitter and cold,
I sit undone, forlorn burning in a pyre.
Choose them wisely, not all keep your secrets!
Blissful Nobody Mar 2024
Emotions and fears,
Rainbows and shadows,
Facts or just thoughts,
Curious about everything,
It's a state of being,
Not very reactive,
But very observing ,
Can sit and stare,
From the eyes corner,
Or look deep into your soul,
Into your farthest goal.

What you seek here,
Has made your being,
Untethered you came,
Tamed you became,
Boundless inside still,
Your thoughts unhinged,
Are of a curious nature,
To know them all,
Is this souls rapture.
Blissful Nobody Mar 2024
Someone you knew,
For an eternity,
Changed eternally,
For another eternity,
It took another eternity,
To know them entirely,
This went on,
For an eternity,
Till what felt eternal,
Was wiped out eternally.

It wasn't, how I perceived,
An eternity, to unfold.
Right before my eyes,
Yet, it dawned upon me,
For what seemed eternal,
Was an infinitesimal fractal,
Of an eternal fractal,
A loop within a loop,
Within a loop,
It was a lapse,
In my perception.

So, now it was all new,
The old, that was,
Or is it really,
Just a recycle?
A cosmic joke,
Of you and me,
A vicious cycle,
As they say,
A cosmic entanglement,
Of your boredom and mine,
And so, yet again!
We change eternally.
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