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  Oct 2019 B D Caissie
John Niederbuhl
In this late season
I  cannot embrace the things
I loved in the spring
old man, dry month (from TSE)
Fried interpretations
lazy goodbyes
Skeletal remains of grief
bearing down upon my
consciousness with remorse
My motions are devoid
The streets of paved
dead ends
navigates my life
to final disaster's grasp
Long gone
the fumbling foolish ways
The sacred divination
of youth wasted on youth
The prime existed
for no one
Just another night
of callous hands of the
indomitable spirit we thought
would be forever
I drink to the brevity
of early destinations
Before the curse of suits and ties
imprisoned the imaginations
running amuck
in the valleys of our
B D Caissie Oct 2019
I don't like to use the word hate, but busybody worker bees who micro-analyze what other people do or don't do, **** me off.

We're all different and have our own quirky personalities. I see those who single people out in so-called social circles. They don't fool me with their classic misdirection. Trying to hide and mask their own insecurities and weirdness. All to ensure that they fit in with the so-called norm.

I'm weird and I wear it like a three-piece suit, and you know what? I'm looking good! Attention all you circles, clicks, and social groups. I'll keep being me. If that puts me on the outside looking in, then so be it for that's where my freedom dwells.

  Oct 2019 B D Caissie
On the edge of sleep you are the moon
suspended in a midnight sky
shining among all the stars in heaven
A ’twinkling in your eyes

You are my Sunday morning
sharing skin between the sheets
And lazy afternoons
That leave me full, complete

You are a life long journey
A path that leads me home
A fire to stir my passion
The only one I’ve known

You’re whispers in my coffee
Sweet echoes are my cream
You‘re the rage of lustful yearnings
In my silent movie screams

Just like a speckled puppy
You bring me youthful joy
Like a candy coated confection
That leaves me wanting more

You burn with fire and flame
That robs me of my sight
You’re everything I long for
An ageless guiding light

You are a timeless vessel, dear
The maker of my sighs
A keeper of my secrets
The flame I can’t deny

You are that haunting melody
Rewinding in my head
A bold and tasty morsel
That keeps my hunger fed

In dreams…you are the moon, love
Sweet whispers in the night
You settle on my pillowslip
To make all my wrongs seem right

  Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Look at this mess
This baggage
Is all I’ve left
My portion
Hard pressed
I have fermented

Aged and seasoned
Blemishes and lesions
Yet my austerity
She finds
Somehow pleasing
I seek no reason
That would surely
Be treason

She gets drunk
And high
On me oh my
I get low
Fast but slow
We are of one soul
And now you know
Fermented wine
From years ago!
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