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I want you to hold me in your arms
And tell me what you're thinking at 3 am
Kiss me just cause you want to
At the most random of times
I want to be with you tomorrow
And the next day after that
Forever and ever
I want to love you and you love me
Like they do in the movies
What I'm saying is that
I don't want to leave you
No matter how bad the argues
Because no matter how bad any of this goes
I will still love you cause I know how you are
And how you can be
So maybe if you see this you could love me
Like how I love you
Bianca Fontejon Mar 2015
Actions & Words.
Two things that should always go together,
But actions always speaks louder than words.

No matter how much one says something,
It is only believed by the actions that follow.
By what we can feel, by what we can see.

You know the truth by the way it feels,
No matter how much times you try to shake it off,
Or throw it off track.

I think this is why,
Why my mind never believed in what you said.
- Though my heart believed otherwise.

My eyes could clearly see,
Something my heart couldn't.
And yet, It still fell. Each and every time.
Bianca Fontejon Mar 2015
If there's one thing life has taught me,
It's that you can't want something too much
and similarly, you can't avoid anything too much.

The more you want it, the harder it is to attain.
The lesser you do, the easier it is.
Oh, the irony of life.

Whenever I ask myself why,
why it's so hard to get you,
I realized how much I wanted you.

More than a blind person wanting to see,
More than Romeo loves Juliet,
More than all the water in the oceans of the earth.

Maybe that's why I tried to avoid it.
Avoiding and blocking out all my feelings towards you.

But it seems like the more I avoid it,
The more it finds me.
It started out with a feeling, which then grew into a hope.

There is nothing more dangerous than hope.
Especially when it's too much,
It could bring you so high up.

High up with hope,
Hope that maybe, just maybe,
You'll see me - like how I see you.
Bianca Fontejon Mar 2015
Getting high is said to be relaxing and fun.
But no one ever said anything about being high on you,
-- being high on love.

Craving you,
Wanting you more and more,
as the day goes by.

Let me just tell you that being high on you is not fun at all.
Nor is it relaxing.
You have left me high and so ******* dry.

Craving for you more than ever,
Only to find out that I am nothing to you.
-- That I'll never be anything to you.
Bianca Fontejon Mar 2015
If my story would be written on a book,
you would be my favorite chapter
- even though I am not yours.

I would read the parts you are in over and over,
highlight every word you said to me,
and remember every single detail about you.

Though I may not be your favorite chapter,
I hope you smile when you read our adventures,
stories, and remember how we felt in that moment.

I hope that you don't have a hard time flipping through the pages,
pages filled with us,
just like how I am.
  Mar 2015 Bianca Fontejon
Sam M Gladen
I'm sorry.
I love you.
I'll never leave.
I'll try harder.
I'm lying to you.
Run far and fast.
Cause I'm falling for you.
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