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Beab Sep 2018
Seed planted in soil.
When will the rain start shower?
Turn into flower.
  Sep 2018 Beab
Like us, a draft
of what can be called
"the both of us."
A draft created
that's open for change.

A change
to be better
than who we are
or what we are
in the midst of the conflict
that floats around us
for the sake of us
for the both of us
---for each other.

A change
to be smoother
with no mistakes,
with everything
in order;
and coherent
even with the dialogues
we say that matter.

A change
to be clearer
meaning it is
at least what it is
meant to be conveying
with no underlying
vague wordings
when it comes
to our feelings
---for one another.

But that's there all is:
a draft
of what could be called
the both of us;
a product
of what we can become
if we make it become;
a product
of the possibilities
of what can be us,
of what might be us,
of what is it between us
between the fragments
of the words,
the lines,
and the series
of all of them
that constantly paint
faint descriptions of us,
created [fabricated]
in my mind
like a work of fiction,
of pure imagination.

l­ike the poems
I wrote for us;
like the poems
about us;
like us, a draft.

Beab Sep 2018
I wear my glasses
Only when I want to see


I plug my ears
When I don't want to hear

The truth

I bite my tongue
When I tell

Myself I restrain
It is a chain
It's locked me away

My Heart
My Brain
My Home
My Domain

Where are they?

I took off my glasses, so I became blind.
I plugged my ears, so I became death.
I bit my tongue, so I became mute.

Express yourself
It takes away your distress.

Leap before you Look
Don't always go by the book
Beab Sep 2018
Our relationship just words
            I said I love you

You never replied

         Was our relationship a lie?

We always argued
We always fought
                              but I had faith

I would love to see the day
Where our love would not be carried away
By the words, we built it upon

              Was I twisted for lying to myself
I wanted to believe you loved me
I wanted to say we were happy

We would have been proud
Did you know?

                                               because it's true that
Beab Jul 2018
Drip, Drop, Drip

It's already at her hip.
The lies she told to get by
It is from those she can no longer hide.

Is it from Guilt? Sadness? Anger?
                            Or from the escalator of lies?
                                                 She no longer remembers.

                                                     ­                                           Drop, Drip, Drop

                                                           ­                   It has finally reached her top.
                                                            ­           She as missed redemptions mark.
                                                           ­                       The ball is out of the park.

                                         She drowned.
     She couldn't swim back up


                               With a heavy heart, she chose to keep it shut
               all her lies gobbled her up.
Beab Jun 2018
We were in it for the glory
We worked hard to have our page inside the story

Inside of  HIStory, HERstory, and THEIRstory
      SO why do we cheat?
You fought through your sweat, blood, and tears to get here
      SO why do you attack unfairly?
Attack with all your might! Fight the Fight.

But please do what is right!

     Give cards when you should. Bias is what leaves our hearts cold!
Help other be bold confidence is the only things we can hold.

It is one of our only hopes
I was watching the World Cup and some refs were very biased. The evidence was clear, but they would not give cards so I got mad and wrote. What I can not say aloud, I say with words.
Beab Jun 2018
He hears:

You are worth it
Pursue your dreams
I support you

He is everything she longs to be, but he is still not close to being happy

She hears:

What smarts do your need
Go clean the house
What brains… Your looks are all that counts

His society fed these words to her and she was made to believe. Total submission
Do you see the difference? There are more of him and even more of her.

When will she try to fight back?
Females need to fight for what we believe we deserve more than we actually get.
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