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408 · Mar 2021
Betty Mar 2021
Nothing's too hard or impossible
Baby steps, no need to stress
When to you the path is visible
You just need to do your best

The fear you harbor in your heart
Is not because of your limit
But it's because of someone else's goals -
You're afraid that you won't reach it.

Your template is your latest high score
No them, just you versus you on the floor
If you fall you'll get up, that's the spirit
All you need now is to just  DO IT!
We sometimes see life as a test but fail to realize that we can't copy anyone else's answers, simply because we have different questions.
299 · Jul 2020
Do It
Betty Jul 2020
A bright idea illuminates your mind
"I'll do it when I get the time"
Is what you say when you defend
Your busy schedule of tasks you resent

Your tasty theoretical lemonade
Made from the lemons that came your way
Would quench your thirst for success
If you would only take a rest

Is it healthy for you to be stuck
In the 9 to 5 generational curse?
Working hard to make a living
When that living can be unforgiving

Nothing's too hard or impossible
Baby steps, no need to stress
When to you the path is visible
You just need to do your best

The fear you harbor in your heart
Is not because of your limit
But it's because of someone else's goals -
You're afraid that you won't reach it.

Your template is your latest high score
No them, just you versus you on the floor
If you fall you'll get up, that's the spirit
All you need now is to just  DO IT!

Refuse to make the same excuses
For not making the relevant changes
Because your kids won't inherit jobs
But they copy your mindset when you beat the odds
Just Do It (Poem inspired by young entrepreneurs)
117 · Aug 2020
Upside Down
Betty Aug 2020
You've planned out your tomorrow
You didn't cater for the mess
Now it's all upside down
But don't stress you'll figure out the rest.
Upside Down 2020
69 · Aug 2020
Try To understand
Betty Aug 2020
That time comes around
when you feel really down.
You're tossing and turning;
You long for solid ground.

Pounding heart, lump in throat
Is this the definition of growth?
You find it hard to experience joy;
maybe you're in the wrong boat.

You wish everyone would notice your pain,
But have you been observing?
You're not the only one
who wants to commit to something.

Every one has their good times
And times when they are sad.
Money, college, bills and kids;
Some are even going mad!

So next time you feel like
Your emotions are out of hand -
Ask yourself to observe other things;
And try to understand
How it feels to be 18-25 years old.
68 · Aug 2020
Betty Aug 2020
A sea covered in fragile glass
With every crack, you heard the splash
That was anticipated when
You'd fall into that depressive den.

When you're under you cannot cry,
Or shout or scream or open your eye.
All to preserve the breath of life,
Or maybe it's just the fear inside.

Then there she came to hold you close.
Giving you another reason to float
She stuck by you through thick and thin
You can't let her go because her love is your boat

You won't find another, whose heart is so kind
Who puts aside her feelings just to help you get by.
She sees your light despite all the darkness
She believes in you and that this light can be harnessed

She deserves your love and to witness your brightness.
Don't forget how she loved you when you were at your lowest.

If you let her go, in vein you'll be searching,
Because the other fish in the sea would've left you drowning.
62 · Jul 2020
Empty Pages
Betty Jul 2020
Your mind was a book,
Made of chances you wish you took.
You were restricted, you were a lost,
The letters you consolidated had a cost.

Pages and pages of words,
The ones that you preferred.
Topped with a pretty, confident cover,
Packaged in an envelope sealed and saved for later.

She came along and peeled it off,
Exposing every one of your thoughts.
You spilled the tea then and there,
For everything you had to say she wanted to hear.

Now your conscience is clean and clear.
You've erased all your fears
No regrets, no defects,
No sad faces, just empty pages.
57 · Aug 2020
Only You
Betty Aug 2020
The rush of the week electrified my heart I felt the blood through my veins right from the start
That undeniable pressure that I couldn't shake with a short shut eye or a good milkshake

To find my calm, I try to refocus my thoughts
On something less stressful,something less fraught
Within a split second, I found the definition
of a relaxing view - My mind's eye saw only you.

Though tranquil you seem without saying a thing
Deep in your thoughts there are problems on which you cling
You're ambitious, outstanding, my drive, my fuel
But there are those days when I don't understand you

Those times you seem distant, Your flame becomes dull
I can't feel relaxed When I can't love my girl
But that's just a phase of the cycle of life
There's many more reasons for you to be my wife.

You know what I'm thinking when you look into my eyes
We're opposite but similar we want the same things from life
Despite the bendy road on our journey   , our pursuit
Beside me I see no other woman, Only You
His perspective

— The End —