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Banele Msimango Nov 2018
Its been a year since I saw her face. I thought we would never meet again. We were never at war, only the general conflict of love. I loved how everything was, I loved the smile, the dance, the ambiance she brought into the room. A mist of love, the fragrance of happiness that I thought I would never expiriance ever again. That's until our song came softly into my eardrums, calmly I could feel her presence and touch the clouds of beauty that only I can see. If only time could spin back and forth again, maybe we would be together still.
Show me love : Robin Schulz
Banele Msimango Oct 2018
I kept bashing my head against the walls, as I waited for your to get back to me. I was hoping that maybe I'd break through the walls and become one with. It feels no pain, it's dust; a version of me I wish to become again, just to escape it all and pain be gone.
Banele Msimango Oct 2018
I electrocuted my body repeatedly,yet there's no feeling at all. I can see the pain, I see the skin changes its form and pigment but no feels. I remember when I told someone close I was diagnosed with depression, i could hear the laughs in his voice.

A few days later I was next in line, awaiting my dose. And now it has happened, it just took one more dilemma and my wheels finally have came off, I am crumbling from the heat of it all but still manage to hide it so well. I just hope that when I finally fall asleep, you will miss my frail existence.
Banele Msimango Oct 2018
Love fails to mend my broken heart
The loneliness offers more than what love can give
I have no choice but to give in to my lonely soul
Though my heart is full of love, just not enough.
It used to grow and filled me with joy
Untill you decided to pull the plug
And die on my arms.
I try to reach in and give you my all that's left
But your walls are now fortified with the love I gave you.
How can I fight my own, I can't break in.
I am frightened to breath
I cry at the move of my blood as my veins fails to refill my emptied heart.
Banele Msimango Oct 2018
I am no feather to the harsh wind
I am an instrument for you heart
I am the strings, only you can pull
My melodies are mellow
With smooth streams of tears
And soulful echos of pain
Banele Msimango Sep 2018
At times, not always
I wish to have been a shoemaker, my design would be a size fits all. I know my style may not suit you but at least you would know how it feels to love and love then lost
Banele Msimango Sep 2018
The date is unknown
The day these seeds were planted.
Rooted in pain no one else could bare.
Never ending huggs from gravity
My heart is heavy
The air I breath makes me feel hollow
Maybe if I could stop breathing
Maybe then I'd feel better
But I know that would place you out of sight
I guess this is to say, "you are my reason"
You, the reason I breath
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