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Banele Msimango Sep 2018
The date is unknown
The day these seeds were planted.
Rooted in pain no one else could bare.
Never ending huggs from gravity
My heart is heavy
The air I breath makes me feel hollow
Maybe if I could stop breathing
Maybe then I'd feel better
But I know that would place you out of sight
I guess this is to say, "you are my reason"
You, the reason I breath
Banele Msimango Sep 2018
I thought of writing you a letter but after all was done I figured you wouldn't understand the background of every word I have placed in emotional order for you. I tossed it all up, along with the furniture around me. You could swear it a war zone in here, with only nature's weapons, the AKs in my arms, the grenades in my skull, ****** mirrors lay in shards. From a peaceful glance in the mirror, it started. I staring at the image with no known origins because you left and never creeped back. I fell upside down the day you decided not to look back, how can I do right when the only right I know is wrong.
Banele Msimango Sep 2018
It's breaks one's heart, she's so beautiful. Flawlessly mended together. But now it has happened, the media brought the voices in her head. She felt the need to shape her self to world's standards, and so it faded away. Her beauty is no more as she struggles to keep up with the ever changing world. If only she understood how beautiful she is, just the curvy way she is.
Banele Msimango Aug 2018
This is perfect, forget the imperfections. A picture with no single word, every time I take a deep breath I can smell the fragrance of your laughs, smiles and kisses. I am forever enticed by the curves of your beauty and the way you swing to the beat slowly towards me, Gosh! I don't think you know what you do to me. Your very being contradicts my spirituality, have I just tasted heaven?
Banele Msimango Aug 2018
Death is tragedy, just like most things that happens in the course of one's life, for a moment it may seem that the world is at end, the next minute something pops and your joy is restored, but that's not all tomorrow is unknown still. Death might seem so much of devastation but the uncertainty of tomorrow is the greatest tragedy of all. So I've learnt to appreciate today even if it makes me cry, it's only today, tomorrow i might cry again but it's okay it never last, death is so much beautiful so much so that it may end it all and a new light revealed
It's how it finds you that defines how you accept it, my grandma passed away a few months ago many cried and weeped yet my mother was calm and happy she didn't she death as an enemy. She trusts and believes it's only a transportation to the greater life we all ought to prepare for, a life beyond our hearts beating. Am ready for my ride anytime I hope when it comes I will greet with a smile.
Banele Msimango Aug 2018
In the back of my head
I know every conor I've
   Memorized each and
      Every curve I've  
        In the midst
     Of all the chaos
   I am only tuned to
  To the sound of her
  Feet lightly pressing
  Against the ground
   Each m o r n i ng i
    Count every ste p
     If I ever get to 10
     Maybe thn I will
     Open my mouth
      And empty the
        Way I feel of
          her beauty
Banele Msimango Jul 2018
She smiles in the dark
Am mesmerized in the sight of her being
Effortlessly getting the best of me
With no exchange of words
Hypnotized by the way she walks
The posture of a madam
The way she swings her hands
The rhythm
The curves
I barely say hi
Each morning I loose my self
Am a stranger to her
To me we have lived and loved
The masterpiece that gets my day going
If only I could see her under the shining sun
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