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Ayman Zain Sep 2014
Our love is a road trip
We take long rides to the unknown
Ayman Zain Aug 2014
They love you more than they love themselves
They only want what's best for you
They treat you with respect
But toughen you when it's required to
They stress you not because they're punishing you
But because they're worried about you
They sometimes spoil you
Because they love to see you smile
They feed you a meal x3 a day
And buy you your favorite chocolate milk
Which makes you happy to hangout with them
Instead of being with your friends playing video games

But now things changed

You're all grown up
Fussing and screaming all day
Because you don't want to do your homework
You want to play outside with your mates
The moment you walkout from the front door of your home
You're invisible and uncontrollable
With no curfew. You're always late

But things have changed

All of a sudden you're an old man
With a wife, 3 kids and a dog
It's all heavy on your shoulders
Lifting all the weight
Struggling with your work
And then coming back home
To your wife and 3 kids
But it isn't all that great
Cause they constantly cause problems
And dont appreciate your sweat
And that's when you remember
All the days you spent
Being arrogant, selfish and stubborn to your parents
How you raised their heart rate
And raised your voice on them to the highest level
As if you were special
And now you ask yourself "how didn't I notice?"
You were too blind to see
Too cold to feel and
Too deaf to hear
All the struggle your parents went through

But things are now stable

*Wasn't it all worth the wait.
I know that I went out of rhythm in this one but it's all to express emotion! There is no greater gift than for a person than to have such loving parents, step parents or even grandparents. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing this. :)
Ayman Zain Aug 2014
I feel lonely
So very lonely
but everyone is lonely
So i know i'm **not alone
Ayman Zain Aug 2014
If you had an hour to live..
Would you spend that hour saying that an hour isn't enough.
Makes you think.. What would you do?
  Aug 2014 Ayman Zain
Hiba Samad
They call it war of peace,
Yet the pebbles on the road shudder with violence,

They call it war of solutions,
Yet people are running out of options,

Less a neighbourhood everyday,
Less a family every hour,

The call it the war for second chances,
Yet the brushes of bruises never dissapear,

They call it a war of retribution,
Yet this is nothing but false accusation,

They call it a war of victory,
Yet time is drowning in misery,

They call it war of overcoming fears,
Yet dread thickens our atmosphere;
nightmare, now inevitable future,

They call it a war for another sunrise,
Yet the blood on lillies  seems to thicken,

They call it a war of success,
Oh please; tell that to the oppressed
Its been around a month. Whats happening in Gaza needs to stop. Innocent kid's throats being ripped out by Israeli soldiers? **** considered as war tactic?
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